CHAPTER 2 - The Encounter II

It's been hours but dad hasn't called or texted me to come back home, well that's strange cause I kinda miss it and I don't feel secure anymore.

I have gotten few beautiful clothes, gone to the games and right now am at the movies eating my popcorn and watching one of my favorite romantic movie called AFTER WE COLLIDED, which had been trending for a long and I couldn't get tried of it, hearing from some of my classmates that it was a novel written by ANNA TODD before it was screen played, it was wonderful and by the way this was the second part cause the first one was called just AFTER,which came out in 2019, it was amazing, life was just unpredictable and I started imagining myself as Tessa.

I was still daydreaming when my phone beeped, I brought it out to see a message, feeling happy finally, but I was expecting to see a 'come back home now, it's getting late', but what I saw was so out of him and I felt scared that I placed my left hand on my mouth to prevent me from making a noise and disturbing it peaceful environment in the cinema while my right hand holds my phone tightly to prevent it from falling to the tied floor and started reading the message again it says "kosarin sweetheart please don't come back home until I tell you to do, cupcake it won't be long okay",

I was still trying to digest what he just said, after some second, another text came in from my dad this time this scared the hell out of me,

"don't ever come back"

"Run for your life"

"run okay... I love you cupcake"

It was like he was in a hurry to type or presumably scared which got me confused and I was like is he joking right now to tease but Dad did never joke like this is scary.

After getting such scary messages from my dad,

I couldn't take it anymore so I took my bags and ran out of the cinema, I took a cab and head back home when I got back I just saw that our front door was slightly open, with panic and fear creeping over me, I peeped through it and saw that everywhere was scattered, I ran inside not minding if I was in danger and also left my shopping bags at the doorstep,

All that matters to me right now, was if my dad was at home and alright.

"Dad!" I half yelled, my voice trembling

"Dad, are you home!" I yelled out this time and then I heard a noise, it was as if someone was try to breath.... hard, "Dad!" I said moving closer to the direction of the noise.

"Dad is that....oh my God , Daddy what Happened?", I screamed, almost falling down because of shock when I found my dad lying in a pool of blood because he was shot three times in his chest guessing through the three holes I can see piercing his shirt and blood gushing out of his mouth.

" sorry, I.. I tried my, go ..go behind our portrait hanging in my room read the letter and the video in the USB, I.... I love you and....go..go find y..ou.r mother, she will take care of you when am gone and..."

"Nothing like that is ever gonna happen you're going to take care of me, remember you promised"I interrupted him as tears streamed down my cheeks he raised his hand and crazed my cheeks.

"I know but life can be unpredictable" he said smiling.

"Just hang in there dad let me call the Emergency unit" I brought out my phone dialling 911

"It's already too late cupcake, I stayed this long to say goodbye"  his hands on my cheeks that I held started to loosen,and I started to panic more, "hang in there Dad, I already called 911, they already on their way", but I got no respond, I turned to see his eyes still open but I placed my hand on his wrist and then his neck to check his pulse to find out that he wasn't breathing anymore.

I screamed out I was crying, screaming, cursing and trying to wake him up but to no avail,

The Emergency unit came running into our house to carry the lifeless body of my dad , I just stared at them , I couldn't cry anymore, I couldn't even answer the question the the police ware asking me because I was too shocked, I feel like half of my soul has been taken away from me, my hearing was unstable as if a high noise was released in my environment and the frequency was reflecting,

Everything was okay this morning, today was my birthday but why, why was I so unfortunate.

It was then that I started to get everything right, so that's why his character today was weird and off, he probably knew that someone was coming for him but then I froze, or me??, Yes, me!, that's right me but why??!, Why would anyone target us, target me when I did nothing but study my ass off at school and coming straight home, to cut it short, my life to me was being lived low-key, I achieve nothing big to envy but was that it, I couldn't figure it all out than to vow to find who did this and make them pay !!!.

But my dad's words kept echoing in my head "go find your mother, she will take care of you when am gone", it was like a plan deal, but hey who cares. Finding my mother was first but avenging my father was my priority and no damn asshole guilty of this will escape it, without even noticing my blue eyes was faintly glowing.

From today onwards I never knew my life was starting to reform from the low-key to a very high-keyed one but I wasn't doomed, I was growing, growing into a very powerful me.

This was just the beginning, more are to come.