What better place?

I had gotten everything ready. Though I didn't need much since the shrine was a short hike away from Solitude. Viree waved to me, "Where are we going?"

I laughed, "Not this time, just me. I am going to an old daedric shrine. Better it is only me." I excluded that I wanted a solo adventure for a little while.

Viree looked a little down. However she shrugged, "Fine I will practice my reading."

I nodded, now that I taught her the basics she was wanting to learn it more. That was the for the best too. With no other words I left the city. I walked past a guard patrol, they waved to me. "Hey, Vek where you going?"

I pointed up the mountain. "An old shrine. Gonna clear it out, see if I can salvage any artifacts."

They laughed and waved me on. I opened my journal and check the statics. Sure enough I was building up a reputation in Solitude. If this continues I'll eventually max it out. I rubbed my chin, I had reputation with the Imperial legion too.

Overall everywhere near or related to Solitude was increasing as well. I wonder what the reputation system would do besides just making me well known. Being well known wasn't always for the best after all.

For now though I just hiked up the mountain. I saw the large statue marking the location. I laughed, as I didn't actually go straight to the shrine. Instead I made my way past it. Stepping around the shrine I found the Word Wall. I was pretty sure this one was elemental fury. An truly amazing shout I wish I could use.

Sadly I couldn't, however I didn't find the word wall to use it or anything. I took out Azura's Star, or at least what was Azura's Star. The Star Prison, I looked it over and was just left confused. I had turned Azura's Star into the Black Star with Sybille's help. However the Star went through a second change.

The center was a black soul gem while the edges were pure just like the original Azure's Star looked. I opened up the inventories description and I had to rub my eyes. "Once Azura's Star a Soul Gem of immense power now converted into a prison to contain wayward souls. These souls cannot be used in enchanting."

I reread the description silently this time. What would I even use this for? I mean, clearly it contained Potema's Soul. So I guess it is obvious who I use it on, except at the same time it wasn't. I sighed and slipped the Star back into my inventory and prepared myself.

A purple glow filled my hands. "Summon Potema."

To my surprise instead of the normal purple conjuration summon orb thing. It was light blue... A pale woman stood in its place a second later. Her eyes went wide as she looked around. "What? What is this?" Her eyes met mine and she shouted, "YOU!"

A Spike of Frost formed in her hands and shot towards me. However it missed entirely. She looked more shock than I did. She fired another spike and another and another. Each one of them flew past me not even coming close to hitting me.

Potema shouted, "What sorcery is this? How have you bound my soul!"

She was rather demanding for a dead woman. I ignored her and reached my hand out to touch her. From her words it was obvious she couldn't hurt me. Besides if she was using frost spells they wouldn't hurt me anyway. Touching her was weird, she was clearly a ghost. Yet when my hand passed through her it felt like syrup.

She moved away from me and her face was distorted in extreme anger. "What have you done to me? What was that prison you put me in? Answer me Mortal!"

I sighed, "The Azura's Star, a standard Daedric artifact. Somehow I managed to turn it into a prison. A rather interesting situation this is though."

Potema roared at me, "Free me this instance! I am no servant! I am a Quee-"

I interrupted her, "Of what?"

Her face froze and I could see a little realization shine through her ghostly face. "You mortal, what is your name?"

I shrugged, "Vek, I have a last name, but I rather not tell you just in case." Names did have power after all. Knowing a name of a dragon is how you summon them and a name of a daedra is how you banish them.

She stared at me, processing the situation. Potema was once a strategist and all that. She also just has many more years on me. Her knowledge is really all I want from her. Using her in combat is dangerous and any extended interaction with her required doubt even towards myself.

She stared at me with contemplation until her face settled on a ghastly smile. "Well, I will take a daedric prison than the Soul cairn any day. Why have you summoned me out of the prison then?"

So this was her angle? I gave a relaxed shrug, "Curiosity mostly. Honestly this is likely the only time I summon you. After all I don't really have a need for ghost witches. Can't trust them, can't really use them..." I paused and probed her reaction a little. "Can't even fuck them."

Her expression almost remained unchanged. However a small flicker in her eyebrow showed her disgust. Potema laughed, "Oh, but I can offer so much. I have centuries of knowledge and magics. Many would die for me just to obtain a fraction of that knowledge. I can offer you the world!"

It was cute how she was trying to convince me. However she really didn't have much I wanted. I picked at my ear making it seem like I was completely uncaring. "You know anything about Tonal Magic?"

She paused and looked at me with a more serious expression. For a ghost queen she was rather expressive. She likely trained herself to have hyper exaggerated expressions to hide her true intentions. When she didn't respond I smirked, "What, you can't offer up any knowledge about Tonal magics."

She scoffed, "I know about the Tonal magics. However no one can teach that. Not even the dwemer could put words to those arts." She frowned, "Do you really have nothing you wish to learn from me?"

I shrugged, "Maps, Treasure, physical objects. I don't trust any magic you have and the magic I want to know you are saying can't be taught."

This was as truthful as I was willing to be. She did have some things I wanted to know more of. However those spells weren't worth the risks. With physical things they may be cursed, but I could always find a way to fix them.

Potema scoffed, "I can see you have no willingness to make a deal with me and the magic that keeps me here is running out. I hope you rot next to the treasures you seek."

Her form crumbled into ethereal dust. With that I could relax, I wouldn't be summoning Potema again. However if I got other summon spells from those I imprison. It might not be to terrible. With a great sigh I moved back towards the temple.