Breaking a Dawn

I walked up to Meridia's Alter. No voice really spoke to me like the normal quest. I waited a second and just took out the Beacon. Placing it onto the alter it glowed slightly and nothing changed. I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes.

"Oh Meridia hear my call. Let me into your temple so I may slay and imprison the necromancer that resides within." I stepped back as the Beacon boomed with light.

"You wish to slay Malkoran for me and yet you serve other Daedric Princes. Some of which directly oppose me."

I laughed, "Serve is a strong word. The artifacts I have on me I either stole, looted, or weaseled into my hands."

Meridia scoffed, "Oh, perhaps this is true. Did you not just speak to a monstrosity." It made sense Meridia would see that. However that was a minor issue. "Intellect without wisdom, knowledge without purpose. Aren't you the Daedric prince of Light? You don't seem very illuminated. Heh."

The last part was mostly a joke, however I got the point across. I was the only one that was currently able and available to purify her shrine. Meridia stayed silent. Just because they were a daedric prince didn't mean facts and logic didn't work on them. The worst thing that happens if they send some other person after me. 

Suddenly I was jerked into the sky. I held my breath as I was launched up just like in the game. The height however made my stomach leap into my throat as I choked. When I stopped Meridia laughed at my fear. "Scared of heights? As expected from a mortal. Even if you can provide a coherent argument you are only mortal."

I took a deep breath and did my best to relax my body. "If you could speak to me down below, why bring me up here."

She laughed, "I wish to judge you for myself mortal. You are a suitable fighter, I'll admit you may be able to help me. You are also right that currently I cannot be picky. Even if you don't become my champion, I do not want my sacred shrine defiled anymore."

She made an obvious noise of contemplation. "I will watch you closely, and I will give you 5 hours to clean my temple of the undead filth. You will guide my light through the shrine. With each beacon lit the greater my radiance within the shrine. Once all the beacons are filled I will be able to restore my shrine to its glory. Malkoran the necromancer defiling my temple will likely be protecting the final beacon. Coincidentally it is the same beacon that holds Dawnbreaker. You may take it as a prize of helping me. However that is only if you complete this mission within the time frame I have given you."

She went silent and I dropped to the ground once more. The feeling made me sick again, but as I landed I received a new effect.

So she really was watching me, I opened my effects and looked at it the description. Sure enough it was more or less what I expected. It did give me a 1% boost to all damage to undead creatures though. So it wasn't useless. 

Other than Lich's bane and Flaming Familiar I didn't have many direct methods of killing the undead. So I had nothing to prepare. Meridia's voice rang in my ears. "Hurry! Stop lollygagging."

How was a daedric prince so free to harass me like this? I made my way to the front door and when I pushed it open I choked on the smell. I had never smelled something so bad, this was worse than the normal smell of crypts. I held my breath as I got used to the stench.

I picked up the Unique Imperial Helm at the front door. Truthfully it was likely no longer a unique item. However I knew it was still likely an artifact of a slightly older era. Meridia spoke, "Ah, I remember this one. He was a champion of mine a hundred years ago or something. He was never as good as Umaril. However I needed to make a few extra champions after what you called the Oblivion crisis."

That was a rather weak version of events. I did wonder about something though, "Meridia? Why do Necromancers target you and your believers?"

The Daedric Prince said nothing. Even as I came to the first pedestal that would guide the light through her shine. The beam refracted through the beacon and it became brighter. Meridia scared me as she spoke again making me jump. "The undead created from corrupting my light are stronger than others. Those like Malkoran become cursed from doing this however. They are banished into my realm when killed. This is where I can place my own judgement upon them. So do not dare to imprison Malkoran for yourself."

Her next words made my bones shake as it vibrated through my body, "HE IS MY PRISONER. REMEMBER THAT MORTAL."

I nodded, "Sure, I just wanted to know."

It seems she could sense my thoughts going in that direction. I also pulled the stray thoughts about an extra powerful vampire created from Meridia's light. Soon a came to the first corrupted shade. Those stray thoughts were pulled further went I felt pure disgust at the creature. I sliced through its neck killing it instantly. The next shade I did the same, but it didn't die. It seems the first strike was a critical hit. 

Meridia spoke as I killed the shades, "You have a strong hatred for the undead. Stronger than some of my other champions. If it wasn't for your mind set you would make for a good champion."

To say I had strong hatred for the undead was ridiculous. I hated those that turn themselves or use the undead more. I made no comments to the daedric prince. Personally having a godly being hover over my shoulder was more annoying. 

I activated the pedestal with the beacon and continued on. Due to an old cave-in I had to take the detour. A corrupted shade was hidden along the path and nearly stabbed me. I dodged though and cut straight through it. 

I got to the thick iron doors that led deeper into the shrine. Well, technically they led outside first. Moving along the outside of the shrine I found a large locked chest. I inspected it a little bit and kicked the lock on the chest. The mechanism broke and the latch fell off. Sadly it only contained a pocket of gold, an amethyst and a enchanted mace. I would sell the mace later.

For now I moved towards the door that led back into the shrine. At this point I pulled out some oil and poured it over the pale blade. With it now coated in oil I set it on fire. The sounds of squeals and cracks came from the sword. I swung it a few times anyway it swung fine and I moved forward.

Most of the dungeon was repetitive killing of Corrupted Shades. The room up head was literally filled with them. I melted through them though cutting through each of them with a single slash. It seemed corrupted shades had a greater weakness to fire than normal undead. I suppose that made sense telling they were ghosts that had physical bodies. It made sense they had a greater weakness to something like fire.

When the corrupted shades were killed Meridia spoke. "Now activate my beacons and guide my light further into the temple."

In the old games Malkoran would remain unaware of your presence. However I had a feeling he would know. I activated the next pedestal and I felt the room grow warmer. The stench of the dead also seem to be replaced by something I didn't recognize. 

The light that was redirected toward the next pedestal was even brighter. I sighed however it was the one that required parkour. Thankfully it wasn't hard. I got to the pedestal and I covered my eyes when I activate it since the light grew even brighter.

Meridia's voice boomed, "Yes! Feel my presence! March on my little knight. Hahaha!"

I couldn't help frowning, and just accepted this was how Daedra were. I had one more pedestal in this room to activate. I ran into more corrupted shades the flames of my sword were dying out though and by the time I slashed through the last shade the pale blade was no longer burning. 

I looked at the pale blade and it was covered in cracks. Sure enough a frost enchanted sword being covered in burning oil damaged the blade. I put the sword away, I wouldn't need it anymore anyway.

Marching on through a different set of iron doors. I arrived at the second to last pedestal. After activating it the light was piercing through the temple. I heard Malkoran and his shades stir in the room up ahead. I got on one knee to lower myself out of sight and began spell casting. I started with Detect undead actually. I counted 5 corrupted shades, and to my surprise I could see Malkoran. It seems he was in the process of turning into a lich.

The next step I casted the alteration spell texture. I turned the stair case into a slick surface. Soon I heard a pair of doors open below me. Malkoran or perhaps one of his shades was coming over. I began spilling oil down the changed staircase.

A quickly summoned a familiar and began pouring oil across the ghostly wolf. I sent it forward and it followed my command running past the corrupted shades that arrived at the stair case. The familiar made a further trail of oil. It's ultimate goal was to tackle Malkoran and cover him in oil as well.

I smirked as I felt the familiar die after a struggle for its life. With a smirk I stepped back as the corrupted shades tried to stumble up the changed stair case. Keeping with my plan I summoned a flaming familiar.

With a single whisper. "Go my child." The wolf jumped forward and crashed into the corrupted shades. The explosion released a wave of heat as it caught the oil on fire as well. The trail of oil created by the first familiar was also set a blaze the fire as a whole wasn't as big as the one at the stairs. However shortly after it began burning I heard Malkoran scream out.

The corrupted shades soon melted into puddles of ghostly goo. I jumped over the burning oil as it began dying out as well. The trail of oil had completely stopped burning except for some cinders. Malkoran was limp over on the ground. I could see him breathing though.

Meridia spoke once more, "Yes, now draw my blade, Dawnbreaker! Drive it through his wretched heart!"

Malkoran coughed, "How dare you interrupt my plans!"

I stepped on his back shoving him to the ground. He wheezed and winced from his fresh burns. I activated the last pedestal. The light pierced through the room and I almost felt empowered by its arrival. While Malkoran seemed to get even weaker beneath me. The pedestal shifted and Dawnbreaker rose from it. 

I pulled it from the pedestal and Malkoran scoffed, "If I had a little more time it would've been mine! I would've been a Lich with the most powerful undead artifact by my side."

I laughed, "Sorry to say buddy, but even if you corrupted it. It wouldn't be the most powerful." I drove the sword threw his chest and he never had the chance to become a corrupted shade as Dawnbreaker exploded with holy fire. His body became more burned and he slowly became ash. 

I laughed at the possibility of a Duskbreaker. Depending on what it did it could've been interesting. However, comparing Malkoran to the undead beings I knew? Dawnbreaker would've become severely weakened and become closer to a simple cursed sword. Malkoran was a minor necromancer who was relying on the effects Meridia had mentioned. 

Meridia laughed echoed throughout the shrine. "Your soul is mine for punishment Malkoran! I will use it as fuel for the fire of my sauna. Hahahaha!"

Vivid images of the daedric prince in a hot tub flicked through my mind. I swiftly kicked them from my headspace. Meridia may look like a woman, but they were called princes. The other forms of daedric princes also made me move away from any related thoughts.

For now I inspected Dawnbreaker, my new sword. It was the strongest sword I could acquire right now without having to make one myself. Not to mention I could upgrade it with ebony and the arcane smithing perk. Which I acquired with my Atmora Inheritance.

Second Dawnbreaker's enchantment was the best for dealing with well everything. Most living things burn naturally after all. The enchantment will also never weaken since it was a daedric artifact. The oathblade's enchantment ran out and the pale blade was only slightly stronger. So Dawnbreaker was the best weapon I could acquire.

With Meridia done mocking Malkoran she turned her attention to me. I felt my body jerk and my body pass through the walls of the shrine and I rose into the sky. This time I was a little more prepared. So I didn't feel like throwing up immediately.

Meridia laughed as she spoke to me. "Well, are you satisfied with my blade? Are you willing to become my champion now mortal?"

Catching my stomach, my mouth grew into a smirk once more. From here on I would be negotiating some future prospects. "It's not bad, except from what I can see... It is a fraction of the powerful artifact it was described to be in the legends. In fact after inspecting it..."

I heard Meridia grumble, "Mortal you are getting on my nerves."

I backed up with my words, "My lady Meridia I am only saying, shouldn't you guide me on the path to restore it's power?"

The Daedric Prince laughed, "The more you speak the more I think i am warming up to you... All the while reminding me of my mortal nemesis and her followers."

I clicked my tongue, I decided to be honest. "Like I would serve Mephala. If I am not willing to serve one of the more righteous daedric princes why would I serve one of the heathenistic princes." I paused for a second and Meridia made voiced nothing so far. So I continued, "Everything dies, when I die, I prefer not to be aware of that fact. Being in service of a daedric prince tends to mess with that fact."

I paused, when Meridia stayed silent I continued. This time however I spoke about the creeping ambitions that I was forming. "Dozens if not hundreds of mortals which to be gods or the like. I am no different. However I don't wish to be one in the sense that the Daedric princes are. Nor do I want to be a being like Talos who ascended to the seat of Aedra. I want to be a human god, a truly human divine being. One that remains on Nirn to guide others."

Meridia remained silent for a log time and I debated about speaking once more. However the Daedric Prince soon burst into laughter once more. "I like your ambitions! The Aedra were fools and Talos... Tiber Septim. I do not like him either, a fool he was. Mortals had other human gods, though few stand the test of time. The Daedric Princes however, we conflict constantly to the point it is tiring. I understand you Vek Frostwane."

The sky seemed to glow more intensely before and Meridia's gaze on me seemed stronger. "I will not ask you to serve me in death. However as you mentioned earlier. My blade, my artifact, is weaker than it should be. Restore it to its glory and slay undead with it and I will be satisfied and will not crush your dreams."

Her voice still trailed with hints of giggles. "Become your human god. A god of human innovation perhaps. I will strike you a deal, one I normally would never make. Restore my blade beyond its former glory and I will tell you how to permanently alter Daedric Artifacts. Weaving their fates into your own..."

The Sky seemed to swell and I gulped. I felt her gaze clearly, my whole body actually trembled under the fraction of might she was showing me. "Turning them into your own power. That is if you manage to restore my blade beyond its history. If you fail this deal, you will become my champion even in death. I do not wish to lose such a interesting soul to the likes of Sheogorath or some other Daedric Prince."

I was sweating as the quest journal updated. Even without my consent the deal was made. I could feel it, I held onto my pride however. "Deal! I only request a hint!"

Meridia laughed once more, "You alter the course of one Daedric artifact already didn't you?"

The sky blinded me and I jerked forward. i was on the ground once more and my armor was soaked in sweat. I would need to wash it. I got up from the shrine and begun marching toward Solitude. I needed to become a little more serious. I couldn't just say stuff like I did in the past. 

-----I suggest reading the author's thought if you have a question about our MC's ambitions.----