Demon in the Shadows 4

It had already been several days since Fortune decided to use the Valerien family for his Queen's task. He was determined to fulfill it without any flaws. No he was not allowed to have any flaws at all.

"Fortune-sama" Servius said, knocking on the door of one of the top tier rooms in the whole Residence of his Family.

"Come in" Fortune said and so Servius opened the door entering the room that was filled with a lot of furniture that radiates a strong flow of magicules.

"Fortune-sama, the opportunity that you waited for has arrived. We've been invited to the next banquet of the Queen" Servius said

"Hoo is that so ? Then send a reply that you'll take part in it" Fortune said without really giving Servius any attention. The Book that he hold was way more important than a human's boring voice.

Book "Fortunes Diary"

Year 10245:

Today is the day I have to return to the underworld. This is going to be boring, but Noir-sama asked me to come back personally. Apparently someone piqued his interest and asked me to keep an eye on them.

After a month I finally met this demon that piqued Noir sama's interest. She seems strong. My subordinates don't like her since she attacked my territory while I was away. To be honest I don't really care about that piece of land. I'd rather be in the material world.

Noir sama put me under her and to be trusted I have to be put in her [Charmed World] . I don't mind so I let her do what she wants to do. Yes I'm aware of the existence of the [Charm World] but under the demons of my Queen I was only one of three to know of it.

What am I saying? Knowing? As if an insignificant being like me could ever understand my Queen's skills fully. Haaa what a pleasure to serve someone like her... clearly she'll be the strongest of those Primordial Demons.

Year 10246:

After a year I was appointed to be the one that goes to the material world in order to gain information. I learned a lot about my queen. Apparently her skill made me stronger.

Somehow I don't understand how this skill works other the fact that it's making me love her to the point of obsession and it allows to seal skills of a charmed person I learned it the hard way from our last spar and she overpowered me I was glad that she asked me to train her but to think she would learn this fast my queen is truly the best!!

Year 10456:

My queen received the title of the lust primordial she also met the white primordial apparently she gave my queen the nickname of little white how preposterous if it hadn't been for moss who calmed me down i would have killed that red eyed freak anyways thanks to my work I made sure humans know of her by leaving some records throughout the years i've been in the material world.

Year 10460:

I'm happy to say that her magnificent castle is decorated by me and she keeps complimenting me, this is truly a bliss.

Year 10498:

I made a list of the relation some primordial have with my queen.

White: Lover/Best friend it's hard to say between the two altho i know they had sex multiple times.

Red: Hates him.... and i'm glad my queen made the perfect choice for this scumbag

Noir: The relationship is weird. My queen knows I was his right hand for a long time but never really asked about it so I guess she trusts him at least.

Yellow: apparently my queen doesn't like her since she destroyed a part of the castle once

Purple: My queen said that if i wasn't there she wouldn't like her at all but she said i brought her cute side and my queen keeps teasing me about my relationship with moss and purple i don't really know why

Blue: Like White i would say she a friend not the same extent of White but a friend she comes often theses days with Green I don't really know why

Green: Exactly like Blue but something is weird between these two. I think one of them isn't what she seems.

Book closed

"May I ask Fortune-sama what are you reading?" Servius was interested, after all he was a bookworm himself not only that but he wasn't able to even see the book's name. It was under protection of a very strong Magic Seal that even he wouldn't try to mess with.

"Hmm?" Fortune closed the book and let it disappear as he summoned it back into his personal treasury.

"Hoo a book that has very precious information in it not only about us demons but even about my Queen... anyways that's not something you should know yet" Fortune said

Servius looked at the Demon in front of him. First he was skeptical towards him. Even after they played the game chess which he utterly lost and felt a strange and dangerous flow of Magicules around him.

But after those days he was certain. That Demon was not a threat to humanity.. well at least in the first line. He is obsessed with the so-called Queen.

'I hope she is a reasonable person.. Wait, now that I think of it, who could be a Queen for such a strong demon... don't tell me' Servius thought until Fortune called him out


"Ah yes, pardon me I shall reply to the invitation" Servius said a little puzzled and left the room.


After our journey Hinata left me as soon as we reached Ruberius for the holy knights training and housing grounds. What a pity now I have no one to tease and I am back here again.

I walked casually through the mainstreet smiling at those who knew my identity as the messenger of Luminism. I could hear many comments about my beauty, high standing, untouchable attitude and strength but ignored all of them.

Though I was having a slight smug smile on my face 'Truly wonderful all this silly humans are captivated by my appearance fufufu~ Anyways I should meet up with Luminous first'

I decided to take the shortest way... I enjoyed their dazed, amazed and lewd stares long enough. As soon as I opened the door to the inner floors of the Church a hungry Vampire was jumping at me.

Without saying anything she rammed her fangs into my beautiful skin.

"Ara Ara~ I do not mind you drinking my magicules but make sure to not get addicted too much my dear~" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Hmpf!~ ash if I would be- addicted to tisch-" Luminous said, feeling her warm breath on my skin. It was hard to understand it after all she wasn't paying attention to it.

I could understand what she was saying but the hearts in her eyes was speaking another language I can bet my life on it- she is horny right now~


I stopped Luminous from sucking my Magicules while pushing her away from me "Oi Oi Oi Author-san! You are writing way too many lemons for those out there without even thinking. Stop it"

"Eh-" Me

"What you talkin 'bout Sophie" Luminous asked pouting like a little girl

"We are not going to have adult time while they are reading this!" I said while giving Author-san a sharp gaze

"Author-san you are so cruel! Not even letting me have fun! What do you think the Lust-series skills are made for?!" Luminous shouted

"Oi why am I the one at fault now?" Me

"No Lemon's! People won't take your work seriously!" Sophie shouted

"Author-san! Give me my lemon time! You can even get me to like that Story of yours, " Luminous Valentine!" Luminous said looking at me with wide eyes

"Haaa- Why am I even doing all of this- people might be bored of this story already haaa-" Me

"You are a hopeless nerd Author-san. Anyways because I know you are doing all of this not only for the views and likes but more for the comments of people and inspire others I'll let it happen. But just this once!" Sophie said

"Haa you got it Sophie- Upright and helpful as well as thankful and cute Comments are way more valuable as views and Comments. I might take this Chance to thank all of the people out there helping to get my motivation on hard days and-"

"Baakaaaa you're getting way too personal and clingy right there! Start now!" Luminous demanded


(As always dodge this part until the next part of the chapter if you are under 18 or just don't want to read something including perverted scenes)

I looked at Luminous smiling as the next words left my mouth naturally "You missed me didn't you?" There was no playful sound to my voice this time maybe because I missed her too? I don't know.

Luminous departed her mouth from my neck saying "Idiot leaving me so long alone and taking Hinata with you!" Luminous said and I could feel her hands clenching on my clothes

"Ara~ What happened to the dominating Luminous?" I asked this time with a playful ring to my voice which made her flinch a little.

"What should have happened with her huh? She was here all the time after all... anyways- getting dominated by someone lick (like) you doesn't seem that bad..."

"Ara~" I said, hearing her slip of the tongue right now. Luminous hid her face in my clothes as soon as she realized what she just said. I could feel her warmth through the thin clothes I was wearing

"Like?! I said , "I didn't say that you were misunderstanding- HMPF?!!?!" I kissed her, stopping the shit she was talking about. It felt nice as our lips met my tongue slowly invading her mouth.

At that moment I felt her tongue.. it was as if she was attacking me with that reckless behavior of her tongue while she slung her arms around my neck. I could see and hear how her breath began to get rougher.

The kiss, even being everything else then a normal one, felt really good. I knew it, kissing a woman just hits different... of course kissing a man is good too.

I don't know how much time went by as we were kissing like this. I was actually surprised that I lost my focus right here. Only Blanc was able to get me at that point, what a surprise.. seems like the lovely luminous, although normally not something I would think of a person like her seems to be quite captivating.

A thiccc string of saliva was created between our lips as we were starring in each other's shining

"Fufu~ your face is turning me on right now" Luminous said, breaking the string of saliva and the silence between us. I smiled "Daring again are we? You should look at your sweaty face first dear~"

As I said that I teleported us into my bedroom, straight on the bed not wasting any time and taking off my clothes. Luminous suddenly pouted "I wanted to take off your clothes" she mumbled more to herself then me but it was quite cute.

I looked at her for a second and then decided to slowly strip off her clothes. Giving her body while doing so many kisses while doing so I decided that today... I shouldn't act on my own dominating nature and destroy this mood between us.

"It's getting hard ahnn~ it feels so good... why are you so good at this?!" Luminous exclaimed holding my head with one of her hands as to say to not stop to caress and kiss her body and breasts.

"You like it that much?" I asked and smiled while sighing in my thoughts "Well then today I shall do what you want cutie~" I said and took off her last parts of the clothes. The pantsu and her stocks.

I'm normally not into that specially known kink called feets but as I was slowly dragging down her warm stocking revealing first her shining legs and then her small feet I couldn't help than being forced to even caress her there.

I kissed her feet ignoring.. no not being turned off from the smell coming from her feet "You sure you want to do this?" Luminous asked blushing "They might be dirty"

"It was you begging me a second ago to not stop right?" I said smiling as I felt how I slowly got turned on feeling slight flinches at my lower body. I licked her feet caressing every single toe with my tongue

"Ahnnn~ It tickles but... it's nice" Luminous moaned. I couldn't believe that I would someday get this low as to lick someone else's feet? It's not like I developed a kink for it but it isn't that bad.. right?

"It's so sticky~" Luminous commented as I stopped and slowly got up to her vagina. I was quite angry at that comment.. is it her making me lick her feet and now complaining? I'll show you how good I can be!

In that moment I began to lick her pussy "AHHHNN~ Yes right there Sophie!!!!" Luminous moaned while pressing my head stronger against her wet pussy forcing me to drink some of mine saliva and her juice

It didn't take long for me to completely overwhelm her with my tongue as she was fidgeting around in the bed moaning like a complete mess. Her tongue stuck out of her mouth. She even dropped her own salvia on her body. Not a single world could leave her mouth anymore besides moaning and short pieces like I love you.

Her whole body was hot as it was massaged and carressed all over not leaving a single place of her skin alone. I did everything in my power to let her feel my love. As no one was dominating the other or insulting.

There were times when she even decided to mess with my body. At least good enough to make me come and wet the bed like an animal. I am sure the maids will have quite the job tomorrow heh.

After hours of sex we laid down hugging each other. Laying in a completely wet bed with fliching bodies the consequences of coming and squirting a lot of time. Both of us were a mess not able to move or speak. We were falling asleep.


The next morning I woke up next to Luminous even though I didn't need to sleep. Did I do it on my own because I was really tired? Normally I would force myself to sleep a little just to get my mental level down.

I felt a slightly cold but not uncomfortable chill on my body... no wonder the window is open but still hugging her like this it's just like a blanket.

I smiled on seeing her and my naked body close like this and decided to not wake her up now. Just at that time I got a [Thought Communication] from Fortune

'My Queen i would like to present you the progress of my task' Fortune said

'Go ahead' I said or more thought heh

'I began to make connections with an interesting Otherworldly Family. It is seen as a Noble family in the Country and has some interesting fellows in it as well as Magical books. I will soon meet the Queen of this kingdom and then began to slowly undermine the whole Countries intelligence network' Fortune reported

'Good work Fortune, I may give you something valuable if you continue to be such an important demon under my wings' I said smiling a bit and then cut off the [Thought Communication]

"Seems like you're having a nice morning" Luminous said with a sleepy voice

"Indeed good morning honey~" I answered smiling

Luminous turned around blushing "Only call me like that if we are alone! I need to get my act up in front of those useless Vampire's and humans"

"Of course Of course whatever the Vampire Queen wishes for" I said

Luminous was turning around with a shocking serious face "I told you to call me like that if we are alone! We are alone so don't call me everything else then th-"

"Alright alright Honey~ Anyways I need to tell you something important later but now let's laze around a bit more" I said smiling at the naked Vampire.