Demon in the shadows 5

I needed to dress accordingly for the banquet this evening. Servius told me that it is normally a kind of Suit. So I took one of the female maids and made her choose.

"Mr. Fortune I've finished picking the clothes I am sure it'll fit you just perfectly" The maid said and bowed slightly her head as she gave me the clothes

"Hee? Indeed those are high quality clothes. You did your job quite good, to the point where I am surprised" I said smiling

"Oh my Mr. Fortune I did just my job. There is no need to praise this humble maid" she answered

'She knows how to survive as a Maid, has quick thinking and is quite the beauty. I guess my queen would take a liking to such a maid' I thought

"What is your name dear? You know there'll be a time where my Queen will be in search for maids" I asked

"Oh my, did my skill stand out this much? I do think I'm just a normal maid though... my name is Melina'' Melina said bowing

"Good Melina I'll remember your name, you can leave now" I said

Afterwards I went and looked at my magical item that let me see my Queen with her unreachable beauty. Then after hours of looking at her and what she's doing it finally knocked on the door

"Fortune-sama we need to leave now if we want to be on time" Servius said through the door

So I stood up and walked to the door "Well then let's go, finally I can take a look at what exactly is the reason that I can feel traces of my Queens aura here kufufu" I said interested

Servius seemed to be quite surprised "Your Queen's aura is in the Palace? Then that means she was here already?"

"No I don't think so, why should my Queen be interested in this lousy Human Nation? She has better things to do as traveling around" I said with a sharp tone

"Forgive me Fortune-sama I've spoken without hesitation and thoughts" Servius apologized

"Yeah yeah just keep walking" I said a bit annoyed with his character but I should just ignore it. Though he had luck, he apologized.

Afterwards I entered a carriage together with Servius and one of his maids. I could see that the maid was looking at me suspiciously.

"It seems like you haven't told all of your subordinates who I am" I said looking at Servius

"I apologize, it seems like the Head Maid hasn't told everyone yet. Maid the person in front of you has a high standing among our Family he is from the demon race so be respectful" Servius said

The Maid's face instantly paled and she looked more terrified than a rabbit in front of a tiger. 'Kufufu what a cute reaction' I thought as my smile grew even wider

"Seems like she doesn't like me" I said, teasing her. The maid pressed herself into the seat as if she would try to gain more space between us and run away. She began to tremble.

"I- I-"

"Fortune-sama, please stop teasing her this much. She'll think that she dies today" Servius said

"Kufufu sorry it's my bad habit I guess? Anyways little maid no need to fear me because I need the Salverian Family for my Queen, so there is no way I would harm or kill someone even if it's the maids" I said simple

"I-I am sorry sir Fortune it's just I... only heard about demons in stories were it gives no survivors" the maid answered

"Well if there is no survivor who tells the story?" I answered smiling


"Queen Towato, are you going to attend the banquet with this tiara?" My closest subordinate and the minister for internal affairs asked me

I looked at the Tiara, it is true that our Ancestors never could figure out where this came from and made it a National Treasure. The fact that it is still emitting an Aura after all these years is the proof that it is not a normal tiara.

"Of course I'm gonna wear it, not only think the nobles that this Aura is the symbol of our Raja's royalty but it's unknown power helps us with keeping the poison in check that appeared a few days ago" I said looking at it

"I need to apologize my Queen" he said and bowed "We still don't know where it's coming from"

'Haa seriously... if it keeps to be at such low level I can manage it with the help of the tirara' I thought looking out of the window down on my Kingdome

"It's okay, still try your best. It may be from nature but there could be something else to it" I said

"Yes my Queen, I'm gonna send the maids now they will prepare you for the Banquet" He said and left immediately

After an hour of them taking care of me they stood behind me with sparkling eyes like little children.

"My Queen you look so beautiful"

"The Dress really fits you well"

"Oh my.. my Queen surely will be the most outstanding person on the banquet"

"Hai Hai Girls, that is enough. You did a great job so go and rest for today" I said and looked at the door. I wonder why I feel like many things will change anyways, I should do just fine. After all I am the one who rules this Kingdom

I took the crystal red tiara out of its golden box and put it on my head. As always the aura instantly surrounded my body trying to daze me. I need to be cautious with this, one thing I know about it is it's making others more interested in me but at the same time it helps me to control the poison.

I walked through the hallway in my red dress with golden ornaments on it and then entered the balcony which is positioned above the dance floor.

"Announcing her Majesty the Queen Towato of Raja" A knight yelled and everyone stopped talking looking up to me until they began to bow "All hail to the Sun of the Raja Kingdom!" is what they said and I made them silent with a simple gesture

"Welcome to the yearly Sun Banquet that is hosted by the Kingdom as always. I wish you to enjoy a wonderful night and create new connections with each other as well as speak about politics, now that I mentioned politics... We have found several signs of poison in the water around our beautiful Kingdom. I declare that this problem will be handled by me personally if it is not a natural event but triggered by someone. I'll judge him by the highest possible judgment: death by the Sword. Anyways, let's enjoy this wonderful summer night now!" And with that I finished my speech and sat down on my throne

They cheered for it and I inspected every single person and their reaction. Besides 2 people everyone cheered, of course it could be because of the Tiara's power or they are just acting good. I still hope it is triggered by nature.

To be honest I felt chills all over my body, of course I ignored it but now that I can see the gaze of those orange like eyes besides the current head of the Valerian Family looking at me it sure is a frightening look.

Is that murderous inten? Or am I imagining things... it's not like Servius would bring someone here that would kill me. I closed my eyes and tried to remember if I had seen him once or if I said something bad but I couldn't figure it out.

'We should take some time after the Banquet to talk personally. You would do good accepting my friendly invitation' I heard a voice in my head and my eyes were shut open. I was certain it was the blacked haired being I saw for the first time today.

'Was that [Thought Communication?] It's not a skill just anyone possesses even when it is nothing that special. I can feel the dangerous aura that was directed towards me' I thought and decided to ignore it for now and talk to him later.

I enjoyed the Banquet, the music and seeing the young ones dancing to their hearts' consent. The older ones were more talking than doing something else, guess the poison crisis does make them insecure.

"Knight" I said and the knight behind me walked up to the throne bowing respectfully "Yes my Queen, how can I be of your help?"

"Bring me back to the conference room" I said standing up

"Of course your Highness just follow me" the knight said, opening the door for me. I knew that person would know what exactly I am doing so there is no need to personally invite him here. It would only cause a scene at the banquet.

"Ah, let the Head of the Valerian Family and his guest through if they ask to enter the room" I said simply as we were walking through the hallway "Yes my Queen, I'll stay guard at the door"

"Ah and send someone to bring Hiiro to me" I added "You do it" The knight commander said instantly to one of the following knights

And so I waited for a few minutes sitting on a comfy couch and sighed 'I need to do my best for the Kingdom so that such simple things as this comfy feelings can be achieved here not only by me but my people' I thought

It knocked on the door and Hiiro came inside "You still are clothed like this hm?" I asked smiling seeing him like he always was

"It is classic clothing for us at the Ogre Village, there is no way I would stop wearing according to my tribe's rule only because it was destroyed, anyways that's not what you called me here for right?" Hiiro asked

"I want you to stay at my side. I have a rather unordinary guest" I said

"I see" Hiiro said and stood behind me

Another few minutes later it knocked again and Hiiro opened the door looking at the Guests. He then let them in without saying a single word.

"Thanks for having us Towato, my friend here wants to talk to you" Sevious said and I smiled "Good to see you again Servius, still looking really tired huh? Maybe that would change if you stop to read all those books"

"Haha..." he seemed to be uncomfortable with my words, what an interesting friend he is. Most of the people treat me different because I am the Queen but with him I don't need to care about one thing and just can be myself

In that second the room got a bit darker and a barrier was created "How dare you to-" Hiiro shouted and his hand was already on his weapon.

"Stop Hiiro, it's just a soundproof barrier" I said and he apologized

I could feel the person's aura slowly rising. He had a calm expression but it seems like he was quite angry and to create a soundproof barrier..

"How dare a Human wear this Tiara you should have never let it touch your filthy head. You are lucky that you are the Queen of this Kingdom that I've had in my eyes for a few days now. Oh my... but where are my manners my name is Fortune" Fortune said

'Human? So he is not a human... well it's obvious looking at this Aura. I hate to admit it but my feelings that many things will change were right. Just what will happen in this conversation..' I thought with a headache.