Jack left the apartment and as he gets to his car, he thought that in 1 week could steal her, the woman showed signs of frustration and sadness, he grabbed his phone and searched his contacts, and pressed to call.

"You remember I told you to look up where Akio Natsuki lived, well now I want all the information on where he works and what he does in his free time," Jack said with a serious tone.

"Ok boss, I'll have the information by tomorrow morning" ???

"I hope so," said Jack and cut the call.

Jack drove, around while he thought about what to do with the next few days. When he arrived at his house, he parked in the garage where he could see different types of cars in it, then he went up the elevator and arrived in front of a door that he opened. As he entered the house Jack walked until he heard his wives laughing and for some reason, his heart started to ache until he arrived and saw his wives who were watching what looked like a comedy movie, and at that moment Jack realized.

"I'm absolute garbage," said Jack with reddish eyes about to cry.

Jack so as not to alarm his wife's simple salute.

"Good evening my lovelies," said Jack, but he didn't even see them he passed them by.

"""" Good night honey"""" said the four of them in unison.

Jack just nodded, but Miyuki noticed something strange so she called out to him.

"Honey is everything okay?" said Miyuki with a trace of concern.

"Uh, yeah why," said Jack who separated and towards looking at a painting that was hanging on the wall.

Miyuki stood up and walked towards Jack, while the others looked at this.

"Love, look at me," said Miyuki urgently.

"What about this painting when we bought it it's really good," said Jack while not daring to look at Miyuki.

Mai seeing this got angry and yelled at Jack.

"Jack look at her right now," said Mai angrily.

Jack listening to Mai clenched his fists and tears were leaking from his eyes.

'I'm a fucking coward' thought Jack who didn't dare to turn around.

Until Miyuki came and grabbed his arm and pulled him to turn around and there, she saw the sad and tearful face of her husband, seeing him like that, Miyuki, Mai, Mio, and Nao's hearts broke, the first ones to hug him was Miyuki, then Mai ran out of the sofa and came to the side and hugged him while asking why he was like that, Mio also came, but she started to cry like Jack and Nao hugged his back while her eyes were red.

Jack, while he was in the arms of his wives, whispered things like "I'm trash I don't deserve them", they stayed a long time, until Miyuki as the most mature person in the family hugged Jack and took him out of the arms of the other women who accepted without opposition. She grabbed his cheeks and made Jack look into her eyes, seeing her husband as if Miyuki felt like crying, but she held herself and smiled at Jack.

"Don't cry any more honey we are here, so tell me why are you like this please" Miyuki said with a sad face and with a pleading tone.

Hearing his wife, Jack simply lowered his head and did not dare to look at her and his other wives also asked him to tell them what was going on, until Jack in some part of his being got up the courage and decided to tell them.

He took them to the couch and began to tell the whole story, from the moment he started watching anime, then manga, until he got to the manwhas and got to the NTR and became obsessed with it and that obsession turned into fear that they were cheating on him and sent to follow them to see if they were cheating on him, When the women next to him heard this, they clenched their fists and opened their eyes wide, the most affected was Mai, who was clenching her fists with her eyes watering, until she could not take it anymore and slapped Jack.


Jack let his wife hit him, but the others stopped Mai.

"Mai stop, I understand how you feel, but let him finish," Nao said as she let go of Mai.

Jack looked at Mai and spoke.

"Forgive me love, but I was scared and didn't know what to do," Jack said with resentment and pain.

"HMPH" was heard from Mai.

Jack seeing this sighed and kept talking he said he became so obsessed that he couldn't stop reading these stories, to the point of depression, his wives now understood why Jack was always like this these last few months, they wondered how they didn't notice and that depressed them even more.

Jack kept telling them until he looked at Mai again and spoke to her.

"You remember your friend from high school the one you were always together with before I came along" (Jack).

"Hey what happened with Akio-Kun," said Mai puzzled, but inside she guessed what her husband wanted to get to.

"I stole you from him, he loved you and when I came along, I stole you, just like the rest of you all had someone, Mai had Akio, Mio had the guy who was in the same music club, Miyuki you had that teacher who started working the same day as you and you got along relatively well and Nao had her childhood friend who joined the student council when I was president, of all of them I stole you" (Jack).

The room was silent for a while until Jack went on to tell that he thought he was just like the guys in that manwhas, then he thought about apologizing to everyone.

"Then I thought of going to Akio's house to apologize to see if this guilt/fear would go away from me, oh but not, it was the opposite when I arrived, I was greeted by his wife and the first thing I thought was that I needed to make her mine," Jack said angrily at the end.

The room was silent until Mai stood up and jumped into Jack's arms and began to cry and with that, it was the outcome that the rest of the women did the same.

"Y-You didn't steal me I never loved him, from the first time I saw you I thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world and it hurts me that you thought I could cheat on you," said Mai crying in her chest.

The rest also said something similar, until it was a long time that the room was silent, until Mio who was the shyest, started to take off Jack's shirt this surprised the women since it was very improbable that Mio would do something like that. Mio looked at Jack and spoke.

"I want you inside me, I want you to spread all your love so that you will never think that I will cheat on you, I want a son," Mio said as she began to kiss Jack fiercely.

With this began the denouement of a foursome that lasted until 5 in the morning.

Jack was lying on his bed, in the air of the room you could smell a spicy aroma, next to him were four women who had happy faces and in their intimate areas you could see a thick white fluid and so they slept until 2 p.m.

Jack opened his eyes and moved trying not to wake up to look for his cell phone and check the time, but this made Mai wake up, she hugged him and didn't let him move.

"Jack please don't ever think I can fool you again," Mai said whispering as she buried her head in Jack's stomach.

"Never again love," Jack said as he pulled Mai in to look into her face and kiss her softly.

"mm~" (Mai)

They stayed in each other's embrace until Mai spoke again.

"Do you still want to steal that woman?" asked Mai.

Jack hearing her tried to say no but he couldn't deep inside he knew he wanted her for himself.

"I, I do want to steal her," said Jack with a bit of sadness expecting his wife to get mad.

"Then steal her," Mai said as she looked into Jack's eyes.

"Ehhhh" uttered Jack a little disconcerted by what he had heard.

And out of nowhere the voice of the rest of his wives was heard.

"Steal her and make her our sister" (Miyuki).

"Yes, steal her" (Mio).

"Steal her and bring her to see which woman caught your attention" (Nao).

"Ehhhhhhhhhh, what's going on" (Jack)

[Please before criticizing, do not get carried away by reality, this is fiction and as you can see these things do not happen in real life, so do not compare].

[Thank you very much for reading]