After his wives gave him the green light they went back to sleep, Jack got up as I saw his cell phone and noticed he had 2 messages and a missed call. Both the messages and the call were from his informant, to which he got up and checked the messages one said he had the information, and the call was sure it was because he didn't answer the messages. Then Jack told him to send him the information.

He checked the information and realized that Akio worked in one of his companies, well it was not so difficult because in Tokyo 60% of the companies belonged to his family.

[A/N: Yes, the MC is filthy rich]

After seeing that Jack laughed and thought this Akio was a bit miserable first it was Mai now Ai.

'Wait Mai, Ai, like that sounds very similar, don't tell me the guy didn't forget about Mai yet and looked for a replacement with Ai, mm now it makes sense why he treats her so indifferently' Jack thought as he headed to take a bath.

After bathing, he asked his second secretary because the first one was out of action, to give him the number of the director of the company where Akio worked. When he received the number, he didn't wait long and called.

Tum tum tum tum.

"Hello, who is this?" a man's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, my name is Jack Hayes, president of Hashi company."

[A/N: Hashi is the combination of the father's last name Hayes and the mother's last name Kobayashi].

On the other end of the cell phone, the director was stunned and did not know why such a person would call him, as he is the owner of the company where he works. He recovered from his bewilderment and answered quickly.

"President Hayes, my name is Tetsu Sato, it is an honor to receive the call that is offered to you by calling this humble worker", said Tetsu with all the respect in the world, and why he easily believed Jack, well that because his number did not know many people and no one would dare to impersonate a Hayes who has almost all the control of Tokyo.

On Jack's side, Jack laughed as the director treated him after he revealed his name.

"Director Sato, I'm calling because we have a new product and we want your company to handle sorting and distribution," said Jack seriously.

"Of course, we can take care of that Mr. President," said Director Sato enthusiastically, very rarely did an opportunity like this come his way, he always took care of smaller things, and now he could move up, and on top of that President Hayes called him personally.

"Listen, the new product is very important and we gave him this opportunity because he has been working for us for a long time and he has done well in the last few years" (Jack).

"I understand, I understand" Director Sato parroted.

"I want from today the company to focus only on that, at the end of the call everything related to the product will be sent to you and they will start sorting and the cargo will arrive tomorrow, in a week I want you to have everything done to start distributing the product," Jack said with authority to which president Sato started sweating because if he did something wrong, he would surely end up working in a store.

"Sir don't worry, I will, no we will do our best to meet your expectations," said Director Sato with a bit of fear in his voice.

"I hope so, and one last thing the employee Akio Natsuki, he has a good record I want him to be your right hand on this," said Jack, while laughing inside.

"Ah don't worry sir I will call manager Akio and we will work like never before," said Sato wondering who Akio was for the president to speak for him.

"And to close I hope you won't tell anyone that I called you, I was clear," said Akio seriously.

"Yes, sir I understand, I won't tell anyone" (Sato).

"I hope so, well I hope you won't let me down," said Jack and cut the call.

From the director's side, Sato called his secretary and told her to call Manager Akio quickly.

At the end of the call Jack relaxed and this time he was going to send a message to Ai.

[Good morning, Ai, how are you?]

A minute passed and Ai answered.

[Good morning, Jack, I'm fine, and you?]

Jack saw the message and chuckled.

[All right Ai thanks for asking, by the way, Ai today your husband is home]

[Yes yes, he told me that this time he will come early, he doesn't have so much work]

[Well, do you think I'll come to your place in 1hs]

[mm~, okay in one hour is fine]

[Well, I'll see you in 1hs]

[Okey Jack]

That was easy now wait an hour, I'll change, say hi to the girls, and go.

1hs and 30min later Jack stood in front of Ai's apartment door and pressed the doorbell.

"I'M COMING!" Ai's voice was heard inside the apartment.

Footsteps were heard and the door opened.

"Good morning, Ai, you look very beautiful today," said Jack as he chuckled.

Ai blushed at Jack's sudden statement and spoke.

"Moo~ Jack you just came and you're already teasing me," said Ai puffing her cheeks.

"Hahaha I just like your reactions, it's so funny" (Jack).

"Mooooo~ Jack doesn't bother me," said Ai with not-so-serious anger.

"All right, all right I won't bother you anymore, but can I come in, or let's talk here," said Jack with a doubtful face.

"Oh, come in come in, let's talk inside," Ai said quickly as she stepped aside for Jack to enter.

After coming in, Ai took Jack to the living room and made him sit down after a while he came in with two cups of coffee and they started talking about this and that. Until Ai received a call that Jack was expecting, it was from Akio who told him that he couldn't come home and might have to sleep over at the company because he had too much work to do. Hearing this Ai was saddened, but as the strong woman that she is, she did not make her husband worry and accepted without opposition. The call ended and Ai looked at Jack with an apologetic face and spoke.

"I'm sorry Jack, Akio won't be able to come today he has a lot of work again," Ai said sadly.

"Don',t worry Ai it's not your fault that I have a lot of work, these companies nowadays make their employees work a lot?" said Jack with a sad face but inside he was laughing as he was shameless.

"Yeah," said Ai simply.

"Ah Ai, from your expression I see you didn't talk to your husband about what we talked about yesterday," asked Jack a little curious.

"No, I couldn't he came home late and when I tried to talk to him, he said he was too tired and went to sleep and when I got up and made him breakfast, I tried to talk to him, but he's watching TV and didn't pay attention to me and then he left for work" Ai said in a hoarse voice looking like she was about to cry.

"Uff Ai, you need to be more aggressive about those things," said Jack as he looked straight at Ai.

"I know, but when I'm about to tell him I'm afraid he'll get mad," Ai said with a pitiful face.

"Ai you have to tell him or else the gap is going to get wider and wider." (Jack)

"I know, I know," said Ai as she lowered her head.

They stood in silence for a while until Jack stood up and spoke.

"Ai, today I'll stay for dinner again we'll order pizza and watch a comedy movie so you won't be so sad," Jack said as he sat next to Ai and tapped her shoulder.

"Ehh, seriously Jack you don't need to do that for me" Ai said quickly waving her hands.

"What do you mean no need Ai, we are friends and I see you are sad so I will stay and keep you company," said Jack.

"I see Thank you very much, Jack," said Ai smiling.

So, time went by, the pizza arrived and they ate while watching a comedy movie that made Ai very happy and from time to time, she would unconsciously look at Jack out of the corner of her eye. Until it was 10 p.m. and Jack looked at Ai and she was asleep, he noticed that she surely had not slept much yesterday, so she fell asleep very early, Jack carried her without waking her and she clung like a kitten, this made him laugh, he knew it was not time to take advantage so he took her to the room and covered her up, before leaving he turned off the lights and said good night and went out.

Before leaving, he picked up the mess and washed the dishes, in case Akio came back and didn't suspect. Then she finished tidying up and left. Thus ended his second meeting with Ai.

[As you may have noticed the MC is shameless hahaha]

[Thanks for reading]