After breakfast everyone went to do their own thing, Mai and Nao went to the GYM, Miyuki went to the library, and Mio and Jack went to watch TV. In the living room, Mio was lying down and her head on Jack's thighs while he was caressing her. Jack who was concentrating on the TV heard his cell phone vibrate, he looked at it and saw that it was Ai who answered the message.

[Good morning, Jack, sorry I'm late, I just woke up hehe, and if I'm free for that time].

Jack looked at the message and smiled since that idiot Akio was not going to be there for his wife's birthday.

[It's okay Ai it's Saturday it's understandable that you sleep so much, I'm the weird one to get up early, and we'll see you at the agreed time]

[Okey Jack sees you later]

[See you Ai]

Mio looked at Jack as he stopped petting her and saw that he had a smile on his lips, then asked him.

"What's wrong Jack you have the smile that something went well" (Mio).

Jack looked at his wife and stroked her hair again and spoke.

"It's just that Ai agreed to go out with me today and I'm going to give her a surprise since it's her birthday" (Jack).

Mio purred when Jack stroked her again, but she still heard him then put on a smile and spoke.

"She's a good girl Jack, I'm sure she'll like what you're going to give her" (Mio).

"I hope so Jack said" as he smiled at Mio and stroked her.

They were silent for a while watching TV until Mio spoke.

"Love," said Mio who lay on her back looking at Jack.

"mm" exclaimed Jack who looked at Mio.

"Next Sunday we are having a concert and I was wondering if you wanted to come," said Mio a little shy.

"hahaha why so shy, if I'm going, how can I not want to see my beautiful Mio on stage," said Jack as he laughed and pressed Mio's nose.

"Really, well, well I'll tell them to give you a good spot for that day," said Mio excitedly.

"Okay and one last thing" (Jack).

"mm~, what's up," asked Mio.

Jack hearing her, bent down and talked in Mio's ear.

"The suit you wear you're going to wear that same day, but at night when we're in bed," said Jack who saw Mio getting redder with each passing second until a murmur could be heard.

"B-but it's going to be all sweaty clothes," said Mio with a mumble that could still be heard.

"For more pleasure," Jack said with a smirk.

Mio hearing her husband saying such embarrassing things covered her face with her hands and spoke.

"Okey I'll try to bring him," said Mio who buried her face in Jack's stomach.

Jack seeing that laughed and nodded in satisfaction.

Time passed and Jack saw the time and it was 11:30 a.m. then decided to cook, he told Mio that he was going to cook and she was excited as he cooked very well. Jack went to the kitchen and decided to make Ramen since everyone liked it.

After 1 hour he had everything done and called everyone to eat, they were all in the living room. They all arrived and sat down to eat lunch.

"mm~ how yummy" (Mio).

"Yeah, yeah Jack always makes fabulous ramen" (Mai).

"Very tasty" (Miyuki)

"Very tasty as always" (Nao).

Jack listening to his wives smiled and spoke.

"I'm glad you like it" (Jack).

The time passed and it was already 2 o'clock, Jack said goodbye to his wives, got into his car, and went to look for Ai.

When he arrived, he got out of the car and went to Ai's apartment, he rang the doorbell and from inside he heard footsteps the door opened and it was Ai.

"Hi Jack," said Ai who had a smile on her face.

"Hi Ai, are you ready to go," said Jack who smiled back at Ai.

"Yeah, yeah wait I'll get my cell phone and we can go," said Ai who went back inside the house.

"Okey here I wait" (Jack).

When Ai came back, they went to Jack's car, got in, and left. On the way, Ai looked at Jack and asked him.

"Jack where are we going," said Ai as he had no idea where they could go.

"It's a secret, you'll see when we get there," said Jack with a mysterious smile.

Seeing that Jack wasn't going to answer Ai didn't ask any more questions, but Jack looked at her and spoke.

"Tell me Ai how was your morning, what did you do, and did you have lunch," said Jack to get some conversation going.

And so, they stayed talking about many things until they arrived at the place. Jack entered the place and gave a card to the guard when he saw the card he was surprised and made him pass as quickly as possible.

Upon entering Ai was surprised because there were many buildings and then looked at Jack thinking why he would bring him here. Jack parked and the two got out of the car, and as soon as they got out there was already a woman waiting for them.

"Good afternoon Mr. Hayes, I'm Chihiro Akiko and I was told to escort you to the set."

Jack seeing the woman nodded and said lead the way they followed. After about 5 min of walking, they entered a building and continued walking until a lot of people were seen.

The principal who was waiting for Jack saw him coming and went to greet him quickly.

"Good morning Mr. Hayes we were waiting for you and this must be the star of today," said the principal with a smile as he greeted Jack and also Ai.

"Good morning principal, yes, yes this is today's star Ai Fujiwara," said Jack as he introduced Ai.

Ai upon hearing that she was a star was dumbfounded and pulled Jack's shirt and asked him in a low voice.

"Jack, what's going on about me being a star," said Ai a little nervously.

"Hehe, is that you remember when you told me you wanted to be an actress when you were little" (Jack).

Ai listening to Jack nodded to which Jack continued talking.

"Well, I asked the director that he recorded a scene with you in it," said Jack with a smile.

"Ehhh, but Jack it was a silly dream of a little girl," said Ai surprised and nervous about what Jack told her.

"Relax, what did I tell you that dreams are not silly, and now you can fulfill them, think about that little girl who wanted to be an actress who was going to tell you in this situation," said Jack seriously looking towards Ai.

Ai listening to Jack kept thinking until she decided to accept since these things don't happen every day, and remembering the past when she played that she was an actress in her room, then she got a resolution and looked at Jack.

"All right I will do it, Jack, I will try, and please take care of me director," she said looking seriously at Jack and bowing to the director.

Jack nodded seeing Ai's resolution and the director spoke.

"Good, good that's a good attitude, and take Miss Fujiwara to the dressing room," said the director nodding his head and talking to the woman who had brought them here.

Ai followed the woman and turned to look at Jack, when he saw her, he smiled and raised his hand with a clenched fist to give her confidence, she saw Jack's gesture and smiled and nodded.

The movie was about the age of knights and emperors, the main heroine was a princess, whom the emperor had with a concubine and as time went by she became a knight of the kingdom who fought many wars and the movie was about how she became the Empress, and Ai's scene was about a low-level noblewoman who was saved by the heroine in a battle in a kingdom that the emperor had subjugated years ago and the enemy had taken the power of it and had sent the heroine to reconquer those lands. In the scene of Ai was that they were in a tea party with several nobles and some nobles who did not like the rise of the heroine began to speak ill of her, then Ai jumped to defend the heroine from them, after shouting at the nobles they began to insult Ai until the heroine takes action and stands in front of Ai and defends her when everything is over and the nobles don't know where to put their faces, the heroine tells Ai to follow her, then when they were alone, she thanks her for her support and names her one of the nobles under her custody and the scene ends.

[Here is the 11th chapter I hope you like it]

[I think it's already 15000 words, let's go!]

[Thank you very much for reading]