After a while, Ai came out of the dressing room she was dressed in a noble's clothes of that time and her hair was down, she looked very beautiful, to which Jack was quick to tell her.

"Ai, you look very beautiful," Jack said as he walked towards her and smiled at her.

"Hehe, these clothes are very tight, but they fit me well," said Ai a little blushing, but she looked very happy.

"Yeah, yeah it looks great," said Jack nodding.

The two were talking and suddenly the director approached with a woman who was one of the most sought-after actresses today, she was Nino Yagami.

"Mr. Hayes, Miss Fujiwara, this is Nino Yagami our Lead Actress," said the director introducing Nino.

"Hi, nice to meet you, Hayes-san and Fujiwara-san," said Nino with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Yagami-san, my wives are big fans, can I ask for some autographs after shooting," said Jack with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Yagami-san, I am also a big fan," said Ai a little nervous in front of one of the actresses that she admires the most.

"Yeah, if it's okay, later I'll give you some autographs, and you can call me Nino and I'll call you Jack and Ai if you don't mind," said Nino showing his charisma when dealing with people.

"Eh very well I have no problem, then a pleasure Nino-san" (Jack).

"I don't have any problems either Nino-san and please take care of me when we are in the shooting," said Ai nervously remembering that she was going to be acting with such an actress.

Nino listening to Ai laughed and patted Ai's shoulder and spoke.

"Don't worry Ai-san, I will guide you, come with me and I will give you some tips?" Nino said hooking his arm with Ai's arm and dragging her along.

Jack seeing Ai being dragged turned to look at the principal and spoke.

"Director, I hope you take it easy and do all the shots you need to do without complaining," said Jack looking seriously at the director.

The director upon hearing Jack stiffened and broke out in a cold sweat and spoke.

"D-don't worry Mr. Hayes, I will make Ai feel comfortable," said the director a little nervous, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Good, now go and get everything ready," said Jack waving his hand for the director to leave.

"Then if you'll excuse me, I'll leave," said the director and left as quickly as possible.

The first scene was that Ai was sitting in a chair isolated from all the other nobles because when she was rescued, she was brought to the emperor's kingdom and she didn't know anyone. So, she was sitting and listening to how the nobles were talking, until she heard how they spoke ill of Princess Sophia, then she couldn't stand them saying such things about the person she admired most in this life.

"How dare they talk like that about the princess, she did a lot for this kingdom, and saved many people, ¡¡¡¡They should be ashamed!!!!" said Ai who after what she said realized that she was in front of many nobles and quickly covered her mouth.

The scene was about to continue, but the director spoke.

"Cut, cut, Miss Fujiwara, it's okay how you did it, but it has to be with more anger, think that they insult one of the people you admire the most and you have to defend him".

"I see, excuse me, I will do my best now," said Ai who was sitting back down to do the scene again.

Ai meanwhile thought the person I admire the most, the person I admire the most.

The director who saw that everything was in place said.

"1,2,3, Action!"

The scene proceeded and Ai had to act when she was going to speak, she imagined Akio, but at the last moment Akio was erased from her mind and Jack appeared and there she spoke.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT THE PRINCESS LIKE THAT, SHE DID SO MUCH FOR THIS KINGDOM, SHE SAVED SO MANY LIVES, SHE SAVED ME AND GAVE ME HOPE, SHOULD YOU BE ASHAMED TO TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT SUCH A PERSON!!!!" said Ai who leaned on the table with both hands looking for air and looked fiercely at the people until she realized where she was and followed the script and covered her hand with her mouth with fear in her eyes.

[A/N: In this scene, she imagined Jack, but more or less followed the script].

The place was silent until the director reacted and spoke.

"Cut, cut, you were excellent, now we will go with the next scene," said the director not caring that Ai did not stick to the script, as he thought it looked better the way she had acted.

Ai who was sitting and thinking why she thought of Jack when she did the scene, could not think much as a glass of water was brought to her and she was about to start the next scene.

The next scene was easy, as Ai had to keep her head down while listening to people yelling at her, so that scene passed quickly.

Then came the scene where Nino enters and reprimanded all the nobles and grabs Ai's hand and took her to another place.

They were both ready when the director spoke.

"Ai, you have to act a little shy and a little scared," said the director to which Ai nodded.

"Then Action!"

Ai had her face down in front of Nino and this one had a smile on her face, she touched her shoulder and spoke.

"Excuse me miss can you tell me your name" (Nino).

"I-I am Nancy from Nord house, I apologize for all the fuss I have caused your highness" Ai said with her head down and tears in her eyes.

"mm~ then Nancy why did you defend me back there, most of the nobles don't look favorably on me, why do you do," said Nino who lifted Ai's chin and saw that her eyes were watery, then her smile softened.

Ai without making eye contact spoke.

"I-I, you may not remember, but a year ago, you saved me in Adle kingdom, and since that day I admire you with all my soul" (Ai).

"I see, it was that day, now I remember, very well Nancy, thank you very much for defending me and from now on I declare you and your family as followers of Princess Sophie, anyone who is your enemy will be my enemy and vice versa, tell me Nancy de la Nord do you accept?"

Nancy listening to Princess Sophie started to cry because she did not believe what she heard and this time she knelt without caring about staining her dress and spoke with resolution.

"I, Nancy of the Nord house, accept to serve your highness at any time of my life" (Ai).

And then the scene continued with the princess helping to lift Nancy and telling her that she was going to take her home and so ended Ai's performance, where the director congratulated her for her performance. Jack who was next to her looked at the shy Ai who was blushing when she was being praised.

[If you are wondering where Ai got the script from when she went to the dressing room, she was given the script and since she didn't have many sentences, it didn't take her long to learn them].

[Here is the 12th chapter I hope you like it]

[Thank you very much for reading]