After finishing the filming, Ai went to the dressing room and changed, as she left, she said goodbye to everyone thanking them for the opportunity, and left with Jack. Arriving at the car Ai and Jack get into the car and he speaks.

"Say Ai, do you want to go to dinner?" asks Jack starting the car to leave the set.

"Hey, yeah I'm starving," said Ai who had a smile on her face, she looked very happy.

"hehe, I see you are very happy, did you like the surprise," said Jack with a small smile.

"Yes, it was spectacular I liked it very much, besides my dreams came true, so thank you very much, Jack," said Ai who looked at Jack tenderly.

"I'm glad you like it," said Jack with a dazzling smile.

"mm~, thank you so much, Jack," said Ai with a blush and her heart started to pound seeing Jack's smile.

They passed the time chatting until they arrived at the restaurant, when they entered, Ai was surprised because there was no one there and the view was spectacular.

"Jack, why is there no one here," said Ai looking around in surprise.

"Ah, that's because the restaurant is mine and I asked him to have no one here today to be quieter, otherwise people watch my every move," said Jack as he walked to the table next to the window.

"Wow, but I understand, it sure is overwhelming when a lot of people pay attention to you," said Ai nodding at what Jack said.

"Well, you get used to it," Jack said with a smile.

They sat down and Ai was amazed by the view, it was the first time she was in a fancy restaurant, then she looked at Jack and spoke.

"This is beautiful Jack, thank you so much for everything today," said Ai with a smile, but inside she was thinking, 'what a great birthday I'm having.

"That's okay Ai, I'm glad you like it," said Jack who was looking out the window.

Ai listening to Jack was very happy, then a waiter came over and gave them the menu, Ai ordered Italian food, Chicken Ravioli with white sauce and grated cheese on top, Jack also ordered Italian food only he ordered Spaghetti a la Carbonara and drink Jack ordered the best wine in the restaurant.

After they finished eating, they were chatting until the lights dimmed, and through the door where the restaurant's kitchen, a cart with a cake came in.

Ai was surprised to see the cake because she had never told Jack that it was his birthday and then she thought about everything that happened today and could not contain herself and began to cry.

"How?" asked Ai as she tried to wipe away her tears.

"I saw it at your house, on the calendar on the fridge," Jack said with a smile.

Ai hearing that stood up, went to Jack, hugged him, and murmured, thank you. Jack smiled and stroked her head. They stayed there for a while until Ai returned to her seat and Jack signaled the waiters, they put the cake in front of Ai and started singing.

"Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Dear (name)

Happy Birthday to You."

"From good friends and true,

From old friends and new,

May good luck go with you,

And happiness too."

Ai when she listened smiled while tearing up and while looking at Jack she realized that she had feelings for Jack, she realized that her heart was beating just seeing him, then she thought that she was married to Akio and realized that her love was already lost when she married Akio she knew that he was not in love with her, but she thought that, by getting married, he might start to feel something for her, but it was for worse he started to work more and she didn't see him much. Then one day Jack arrived and began to treat her so well that in 1 week she was able to do what Akio could not do in 1 year of marriage, then like a woman who saw black, a light appeared and she clung to that light and came to want the light to stay with her at all times.

Ai, realizing her feelings, sighed, looked at the candle, blew, and wished that the light (Jack) would stay with her, but she knew it was difficult since she was married and so was he, but as Jack said, hope must never be lost.

When Ai finished making the wish and blew out the candle everyone applauded, then Jack spoke.

"Tell me Ai how did you like your day," Jack said with a smile.

"It was one of the best days I ever had, my childhood dream came true and you brought me to this wonderful restaurant and celebrated my birthday that I thought wasn't going to be and I was going to stay home alone, thank you so much for all of this Jack" Ai said as she wiped her tears and smiled."

"I'm glad Ai, you know the day I saw your birthday on the calendar I had assumed that you were going to spend it alone, that Akio wouldn't be able to because of his work, so I planned this," (Jack).

"I see, tell me, Jack, why are you so nice to me if we have known each other for 1 week," asked Ai whose heart started pounding for asking such a question.

"Well, it's because I like you and you're a very good friend, even though we've known each other recently it seems like we've known each other longer," said Jack with a smile.

Ai when she heard that Jack liked her heart started to beat, but when she heard that she was a good friend it hurt her and she couldn't hide her sadness, but she pulled herself together quickly and spoke.

"Well, it indeed seems like we go way back, I'm glad to have met you Jack" Ai said with a smile, but inside she was sad.

Jack noticed Ai's sadness, he smiled and thought about the few days he had known Ai, he came to have feelings for this good woman and wondered how Akio left Ai abandoned, but then he thought about Mai who was the woman Akio liked since he was a kid and wondered how someone can love someone so much, so many years and that person does not give mere importance to that love and then he thought that Akio was like a protagonist that his love was only for one woman in this life, then Jack wondered if he was the antagonist of this story or he was another protagonist who got into the story of the 1st protagonist.

Jack heard himself, and laugh at what he was thinking, cleared all his doubts, and concentrated on Ai.

[Here is the 13th chapter I hope you like it]

[13 days to go until the World Cup, every day that approaches I am more and more anxious, and also every day I watch and pray (I don't believe in God) that one of my country's players doesn't get injured, it's frustrating xD].

[Thank you very much for reading]