Roxanne POV

Those words left my mouth unexpectedly and were really contradicting my feelings. I was damn scared but I won't show him. I pouted my lips so I won't start begging before he releases me. I am even tired of this world. I want to go and meet my mum in the afterworld. I thought to myself.

Then a glimpse of tears started tickling my eye about to fall and I felt something cold on my lips. Jeez his lips were on mine OMG.. I wanted to push him but that was at my own risk. I was going to fall if I did that but I still pushed him

Chris POV

I don't know why I was scared when I saw her reaction. Though I always take what I want forcefully if you play hard but unlike this girl, I don't even know her name, I wanted to take permission. I suddenly felt someone pushed me. Does this girl know exactly what will happen if I let go of her. So stubborn. I pushed her forward so she won't fall off the building and she fell on me instead.

"Ooh you weigh more than a bag of cement. Get off me now." I said trying to push her away And I successfully did. " I didn't know you were this heavy" I remarked as I stood up dusting dirt away from my uniform and she said "I'm not" she grumbled like a kid and stood up.

Roxanne POV

He started walking away and I blurted out angrily remembering what happened earlier " where do you think you are going to leaving me here?"

"So you are finally afraid" he replied

"How on earth will I be scared? I'm not scared I just don't know my way around here yet" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh I almost forgot" he replied as he mustered a pitiful look and ran downstairs and I followed but I couldn't meet up.

"God why do I have to lost in this big school on my first day because of one bastard after stealing my first kiss. He'll pay for this" I said angrily.

Chris POV

I was eavesdropping and I heard her say something. "Really that was her first kiss no wonder it felt marvelous but this is not my first time kissing". Tho I haven't kissed Nana for a long time. Her dad punished her for disclosing our relationship in school. I need to see her I hope she's back to school. My mom called as soon as she saw the news about Nana disclosing the so called relationship and got angry at me. I'm already tired of the fake relationship and all so I'm planning on calling it off. I brought out my phone and dialed her number. She picked almost immediately

"Hi babe" she said answering the call

"Are you in school?"

"Yes I just came and why are you in school early. I went to your house so we could come together but your maid said you left" she said

" She's not my maid she's my nanny and you talk alot. I need to see you. At the cafeteria center table by break" I said hanging up

Nana is my girlfriend because of some sort of 'Truth and Dare' game

Nana POV

Class went on slowly as I was thinking about what exactly could be the reason why Chris said he wanted to see me. I'm Nana, Chris' girlfriend and I'm proud about that because I'm his first girlfriend tho he doesn't see me as his girlfriend but I don't care as far as the school sees us as one. I'm in science class so I can't see Chris right now and I'm anxious.

Finally, the bell went. I walked to the cafeteria and went to the center table. On getting there, I saw Chris and a new girl talking

Few minutes ago >>> Present

Roxanne POV

I finally found my way and I walked to the cafeteria before break would be over. I took my lunch to the center table which was empty and I saw that same guy

"Hey miss, you are in my space" he said while sitting on the opposite one.

"I did not meet anyone here" I said facing my lunch.

"Hey miss, I'm talking to you"

"So ..." I said not minding him

"Who the hell are you" I heard someone say from my back. I think I'm the one been referred to right now and I turned back. I felt something on my head and I realized she poured her lunch on me. "What did I do to you" I said to her amidst tears. She laughed and said "I guess you are new here don't you know you are sitting on my seat and with my man. This is just a lesson for you to stay away from my man, ugly bitch" she said pushing me away. I ran to the toilet immediately cos she caused many attention on me and everyone was laughing, videoing and taking pictures.

Chris POV

I felt the urge to slap Nana for hurting her I mean the Newbie but why.

"Babe what were you doing with that stinking girl" I heard Nana say.

"Shut up. She has a name and moreso why are you so rude" I said angrily and I began to feel hatred towards her.

"Why do you care?" She asked surprised

"I don't care and I called you to say we are done" I said to her

"What? Why would you do that to me? Is it because of that bitch?" She said crying

"Leave the new girl out of this and don't forget media is active" I said walking out. I got to the door and said "Delete the videos and pictures. Any information about this, you will all pay" I walked out. I know Nana would travel again😁

Nana POV

Jeez Chris really embarrassed me.

"He broke up with her publicly"

"He embarrassed her"

"I thought he loves her"

"I think he likes the new girl" Different statement and reaction were given by students in the cafeteria.

"Shut up" I shouted and ran outside. I'm heading home and I'll travel back to New York City until Chris apologize

James POV

I saw all what happened to Roxanne so I followed her and she was heading to the toilet.

"Bae sorry about what happened let me help you wash your hair and you can manage my blazer so you won't feel cold" I said to her

She looked up and said "Aren't you that guy's friend?"

"Yes I am. I'm James"

"I'm ..."I interrupted her

"Roxanne. I know your name. Aren't you Aunt Bethany's niece?"

"Oh you know my aunt" she said while washing her hair

"Yes Take the blazer and wear" I said and she smiled wearing it. She looks cute in it and we both walked into the classroom for the next class. When classes were over I dodged my friends and followed Roxanne home since we were neighbors

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