Next day

Chris POV

I grunted hearing my alarm ring and turned to stop it. I stood up to have my bath as it was already 8am. I took my phone to call James as I was wearing my uniform since he left us behind after school.

"You left with her?" I said more like a statement

"Yh you embarrassed her so I had to" he replied

"You had to..huh"

"Yh we'll meet at school. You are late already" he said as I heard the bell go for first lesson from the other line. I hissed and rushed out.

"This should be the last time you should leave for school by this time." I heard my mom say from the kitchen.

"Mom, you haven't gone to work?" I asked rubbing my neck feeling wrong.

"I'm on my off day" she said removing her hand gloves as she was done with kitchen chores since my nanny isn't around. Her mother died so she went to bury her.

My mom is a doctor. I forgot today used to be her off day. Lemme run cos if she comes nearer. My ear will be her target so I ran out and she chuckled.

"Take good care of yourself, son and I hope Nana has been cleared now" she said

"Yeah mom. Goodbye Mom Love you." I said entering my car.

Roxanne POV

I walked to school with James. He's sweet and nice. I think I like him. He said he wanted to meet his friends in the garden as we entered the school gate so he left. I was walking through the hallway, leading to my classroom, admiring the school structure. Then I bumped into someone carrying a guitar "Oh I'm so sorry" I said apologizing and trying to pick her guitar before she stopped me saying "You don't have to. I was also at fault" she said smiling at me. " My name is Bella" she introduced herself

"I'm Roxanne" I said shyly

" The new beaute in Final year art class. I wasn't in school yesterday so I didn't know you are the newbie. I'm also a final year art student" she said smiling

I love your smile I said in my mind and I heard her say thank you. "Did I say that out loud?"she laughed and we both walked to class since we were going to the same class.

"The teacher will be coming soon everyone should be in order. Introduction of ourselves and arrangement of seat would be done. Thanks" I heard Bella said as we entered the class. I whispered to her " are you the class rep.?" " No I was sent. The teacher will pick the class rep and assistant after today's test" "Test?!!" I asked "Yh we do have test on the first day of resumption but the teacher wasn't around yesterday" " oh my goodness I'm not ready for the test" I said worriedly "You should not worry. It's just maths, English and Literature" " Ohkay" I said sitting on my seat while Bella also sat by my side. I saw Chris walking to his seat faraway from me. I sighed relieved and saw the teacher coming wow she is damn cute and curvy. Nice I love hyping people. She's not that curvy.

Teacher POV

I walked to the class and the students were already seated except the proprietor's son, Chris who was just sitting down. Who will dare confront him.

"Good morning class. I'm Miss Virtue, your new class teacher"

"Good morning Miss Virtue"

"I'm sorry I'm late. So let's get today's work started just like I told Bella to tell you all. Introduction of ourselves first. Let's start from you" I pointed to the girl on the first row and so on

"Next is arrangement of seats" I said and asked everyone to move out of the class as arrangement of seat eas next.

" A boy and a girl is the logic." And they went in obediently. Now it's the great Chris' turn so I asked him " how do you want it?" "Same logic" he replied and he went in. " The next girl. In" I said and I saw the new girl " oh Roxanne you will sit with Chris" she smiled and walked in.

Chris POV

I was planning to seat alone buh I saw the next girl is Roxanne so I wanted to sit with her. I walked in and sat down. Not long after I sat down, I saw her coming in also frowning. She sat and I said "What is wrong"

"You" I was shocked as she shouted 'You'

"How?" I asked

"I hate you. You embarrassed me yesterday" she said pointimg out a finger as if counting" not enough you still want to cause me troubles here. That is definitely your plans." She hissed and looked through the window.

I felt anger and I said "Out" She walked away to the back like she expected it.

Roxanne POV

I was happy when the girls told me that Chris sits alone since I realized I was gonna be his partner until I heard "The next girl. In" I walked up to the teacher smiling "Oh Roxanne you will sit with Chris" I wasn't happy but I couldn't argue. I walked in frowning. He tried talking to me buh he ended up sending me out. I was so happy and I walked up to James since he doesn't have a seatmate.

"Hi" I said to him smiling

"Hey Roxie. Are you not with Chris?" He asked

"I'm not" I said rolling my eyes

"You look cute while doing that" he said showing his white set of teeth. I was blushing hard after he said that.

"Ms Miller, why did you leave your seat?" I suddenly heard Miss Virtue say to me

"He asked me out of his seat, ma" I said looking at Chriswith a 'what are you up to' look

She looked at Chris surprised and said "but you asked me to.." she was interrupted by Chris "she was supposed to follow the teacher's instructions". "I can't sit with you" I said

"We'll see to that" he said and he walked out of the class.

Miss Virtue POV

"Very rude. Let's have our test for class rep and assistant nominations" I walked back to the podium to pick the question paper, shared it and invigilated them throughout the test when they were done they submitted and I left the class for their remaining class to hold.

Chris POV

I don't even know what is wrong with me. I don't want that Roxanne girl around James but why. Am I jealous...never. oh my God, I have to make her sit with me else James will let her sit with him. I ran off to the teacher's office.

"Miss Virtue, Roxanne has to sit with me" I said breathing heavily because I literally ran halfway to Miss Virtue's office

"You didn't have to barge in that way. About that Roxanne doesn't want to share a sit with you" she replied

"I said she has to" I banged the table angrily

"She has the same right as you have in this school"

"Really we'll see to that and your job also" I said leaving her office. I walked to my private library in school where I usually stay when I needed privacy from my besties especially.

James POV

I wanted to really know why Chris hates this girl. She's cute, friendly and amazing. I guess maybe he likes her....maybe. I thought

"Roxie don't you think you should go and sit with Chris."

"Hell no. If you can't accommodate me then I'll find another sit"she said looking hurt and started packing her bag

"No that is not what I meant" I said stopping her from going

"Thanks" she sighed relieved and sat down.

This girl is really beautiful.

Bella POV

"Why will you go and sit with James" I asked Roxanne while we were out for lunch

"I don't get. Will you advice me to sit with the guy that embarrassed..huh" she said and stopped eating

" I'm sorry but James had been my crush ever since I saw him in my first year at high school. I can't seem to get over the feelings" I said and begin to feel shy. Roxanne smiled and said "You don't have to be shy. I understand how you feel"

I smiled and we ate our food quietly. Classes went on well and the bell went. I ran to Roxanne seat hoping to meet James but he left already.

"Don't feel sad" she said and patted my shoulder. Then we walked out heading home.

" I'm very anxious to see my results" I said

"You want to be the class rep" she replied

"Ofcourse isn't it obvious"

"Have you talked about it to James" she asked me

"Hmmmm no I can't"

"Okay how about I help you"

"No thanks. I don't want anything special from him. I can continue admiring from far" I said smiling

"Okay I'm home bye" she said waving

"Your house is cool bye" we departed