Roxanne POV

I woke up early and dressed for school. I walked to the kitchen and greeted my aunt then ate my breakfast. "I'm off to school aunt" I said and pecked her. I walked to school since the school bus don't come early as at that time and I met James also going to school. "Hi James" I said smiling

He walked towards me and said "Hi Roxie"

"Why are you going to school this early" I asked

"I noticed since you became the class rep assistant you started going to school this early"

"Yh I usually help Miss Virtue sort some stuffs out"

"Nice. Mmm...about Bella"

"How about her?"

"I think I like her. Since I hugged her yesterday I have been thinking about her."

"Cool you want her number" i gave him her number and we walked to school talking about lot of stuffs.

Bella POV

I wanted to walk with Roxie to school since I noticed she goes to school early these days. And I saw her with James so I walked angrily and I decided to stay away from her. I walked to the class and met her and James sharing flyers I guess that's the flyer she talked about yesterday. She walked to me and said "Hi...Have the flyer I told you about yesterday. You should sign up for something" she smiled and walked away not noticing how angry I was at her. I hissed and walked to my locker

Roxanne POV

"Guys you should sign up for these." I said to them as I distributed the flyers "it's about talent. Show them what you have got" when I was done I walked to my seat tired and saw Chris with his headset on his head. I hissed and sat

"Are you tired" he asked looking at me

"That was suppose to be your job"

"I don't do stressful work"

"Stressful really?... So you can't and you worked your way around being the class rep...hun you just like following me since I came to this school. Just make sure you don't piss me cos leave this seat" I said angrily

"You talk too much" he said and rested his head back on the chair. He's just so annoying mtcheeeew. What is wrong with Bella she wasn't her self this morning.

After class I walked up to Bella "Hi Bella" but she snubbed me and walked away. I was shocked "what really happened" I went home alone

Next day

Chris POV

Lot of people turned in for the talent show but I don't have interest in such stuffs. I was in my room looking at the flyer, the 'twos' in each group will stay in the same practice together and spend 17 hours together at the hotel. Nice. My phone started ringing

"Hi Nana" I said surprised

"Chris you forgot me" she said with her broken voice

"You've been crying"

"Chris I'm not feeling good. I miss you"

"Why did you leave?"

"You embarrassed me and my dad said I shouldn't come back again"

"I'm sorry about your withdrawal"

"Chris, rumors has it that you are with that Roxanne girl"

"Leave her out of this" I said knowing how Nana could be dangerous

"I'll get back to you" she said and hang up

OMG Nana surely has a bad plan for Roxanne I have to protect her....shit

I got ready for school and left.

Chris POV

I got to school and couldn't find Roxanne on our seat. I sat down quietly and started listening to music. The bell went for first class and she wasn't in class. I saw her friend sitting alone and I walked up to her.

"Hi" I said to her and she looked up smiling dumbly at me though her smile is amazing.

"Hey Chris"

"Mmm.. I was thinking if you know the whereabout of rox....my assistant" oh my God it took all my strength to ask about her.

"She's with Miss Virtue"

"Oh..mmm thanks" I said and walked away.

Roxanne POV

Miss Virtue pleaded that I should wait and assist her with the contest sign up. Though it was against the school rule to allow the student to stay away from class during lectures but I still helped her. I left her office during break it was such an hectic work. I bought my food and walked up to an empty seat to eat.

"Where have you been?" I heard without thinking I recognized his voice and I replied without looking away from my food "I've been doing your work for you"

"Really you call it my work" he said laughing. I didn't reply nor look at him

"Won't you ask me to sit"

"You are already sitted"

"Really you are so rude"

"Not after stealing my first kiss"

"I'm sorry about that but how could that be your first kiss"

"I'm not a flirt like you" I looked up to see his reaction. He wasn't shocked.

"Yh... You can call me that but I can change if you want" I laughed and said "You have many sweet words in your little dumb brain" I hissed and walked away leaving my food.

Few minutes ago >>> Present

Chris POV

I walked to Miss Virtue's office and confronted her for making Roxanne stay to help with heritage while class was going on. She apologized and promised not to give Roxanne lot of work and not to delay her. Then I walked to the cafeteria and saw Roxanne. I was happy and walked up to her but the conversation didn't end well. She walked out on me but I'm starting to feel a different feeling towards her. I'm going to get her I think I like her. Let me talk to James he seems closer look

to her. I walked out of the cafeteria and met James at our usual spot.

Bella POV

I was angry at Roxanne but I answered Chris' question about her because it's occasional to talk with him talkless of him coming to talk. After he left, I also left the class heading to the cafeteria. I saw Roxanne walking out of cafeteria looking sad. I wanted to ask her then I remembered I was angry at her. "Bella I'm sorry"

"What did you do?" I asked her

"I don't know what I did but you have been avoiding me all day" she said feeling sorry

"You didn't do anything, sweetheart. I was only jealous" "jealous???" "Yes I saw you with James this morning" "stop being jealous. He asked for your number and I gave him" "really but he hasn't called me" "I don't know about that" we laughed and then walked to the class for the remaining class.

James POV

"I've been thinking about how to talk to Bella" I said to Tyler. "Bella is not going to turn you down. Just go to her and ask her out." He said facing his phone. "I hope so"

"Hi James " I heard Roxie's voice

"Hi Roxie Hi Bella" I said and Bella blushed

"Hi James" she said

"Can I see you please?" I asked her

"No problem" she replied

"Take your time" Roxanne said smiling happily and I walked away with Bella

Chris POV

On my way to see James, I saw Roxie with him. I was angry but I saw him walk away with her friend. I walked to her and dragged her away.