Episode 6

Roxanne POV

"Where are you taking me to this time around?" I asked while he was dragging me somewhere. I got no response so I kept quiet and let him take me to God knows where. After a while I saw lot of cars. I think we are in a car park wow the school car park. It's nice tho.

"Stop admiring the park and get into my car" he said and dragged me inside a white telsa car. "OMG" I said admiring and touching the smooth door "how can you own this car"

"Guess you haven't entered one before":he said laughing

"Fuck your useless car"

He drove off to God knows where and he stopped in front of a beautiful view. We're going to the top of a mountain.

"What are we here for? Take me back to school. Classes are not over" I protested.

He dragged me out of the car and took me.

Chris POV

I took her there because I wanted her to know my best place. I don't know the reason tho.

"You like the view" I said when I noticed how she smiled and let the breeze blow her long hair and her flared skirt. She smiled and said "why did you bring me here"

"I wanted to ask you to be my dance partner"

She looks at me surprised "How did you know I signed up for dancing"

"I asked Miss Virtue"

"Oh you blackmailed her again" she said turning to me.

"I didn't actually..I only said she'll loose her job" I said trying not to offend her

"Still blackmail"

"Forget about that. Will you be my dance partner?" I said that with my eyes closed and my heart was beating faster than normal. I think this girl finally made me fall in love with her but how. After few minutes, I got no response and I said "I don't expect you to answer me right now. Take your time to think about it. I just can't have you stay with someone else during the practice alone. Let me take you home classes will soon be over" I drove her to her house quietly.

Roxanne POV

"OH MY GOD I can't believe Chris just asked me to be his dance partner. I was totally out of words when he said it. I thought I was dreaming. He even said he can't let me stay with someone else during the practice..." I said to Bella whom I met in my room after Chris dropped it.

"Are we not talking about the guy who stole my seat friend's first kiss?" She asked teasing me "yeah c'mon stop it nah"

"Okay Really Chris said all that. I think he likes you."

"Oh stop it. Don't put my hopes all high" she blushed

"Spill it Bella how did it go with James"

"Thought you wouldn't ask"

"I'm sorry"

"He asked me out on a date this Saturday"

"Awwwn so what will you wear to your first date with the love of your life"

She laughed and said that is why I came.

"Come on. Let's go shopping. Your date is tomorrow" I changed into a white T-shirt and short link skirt with a Pam. We told aunt about her date and she told us the kind of cloth to buy.

"Bye Bella"

"Bye Roxanne see you tomorrow" we walked home tiredly after the shopping.

Next day

Bella POV

'Thank God today is Saturday so I can sleep' I thought as I rolled on my bed. 'BOOM BOOM BOOM' I heard my phone ring such a weird ringing tone. I picked and the voice came in immediately " Bella your date is in one hour time and you are sleeping"

My goodness I slept till evening. No one woke me up. I guess they thought it was Saturday. I ran out of my room on my pyjamas with the shopping bag and went straight to Roxie's house. Thank goodness no one was home.

I got to her house in no time and went straight to her room. She was already preparing the makeup tools. I walked to the bathroom to bathe. Within 45 mins we were done and I was looking good.

"My beautiful friend, let's go and wait for your James in the parlor" Roxie said after clearing the makeup kit.

"That was fast. I thought I was going to be late"

"Sleepover tonight so you can update me please"

"Okay sweetie"

We both walked out. Not long after we heard James' car honk and I left after James greeted Roxie and her aunt.

Chris POV

I got home very late last night. I felt very down and rejected. I woke up this morning and felt weak so I slept back.

It's 5pm already I stood up and walked to the bathroom to clean up. I told the maid to bring in my food since she was back. I ate slowly while deliberating if I should call Roxie. After eating and clearing my plates, I decided to call her.

It rang for some minutes and I wanted to hang up then her sweet voice came in.

"Hi Chris"

"Hi Roxie how are you"

"I'm fine and you"

"I'm not fine"

"What's is wrong"

"About yesterday?"

"Chris I still can't believe you asked me to be your partner. Miss Virtue said you don't sign up for such contest"

"Yh but I want us to dance"

"It's fine for us to dance..." There was silence on both line. I was surprised she agreed.

"Thank you so much Roxie" I said grinning ear to ear

"On condition"

"I'll gladly obliged"

"I'll tell you in school. Bye for now" she said and hung up. I got dressed and went to James' house. I got there and realized he went on a date. "With who? Surely not with my cupcake" I smiled and went to Tyler's house.

Tyler POV

I was really angry at my two best friends who left me alone in school because of girls. I was in the bar drinking when katty, my younger sister told me that Chris was around.

"Let him in my room" she ran to the door and I walked to my room.

"Hey man" Chris said as he entered into my room. "You guys left all alone yesterday and you are here now. For what?"

"Common dude. I just went to sort some stuffs"

"Sort some stuffs my foot. Just make sure that girl is far from Nana"

"You got me bro. I was with her" we shaked and the maid brought drink. She poured it in two glasses and gave Tyler one then me.

We talked about alot until night.

"Is James not back from the date. He isn't picking his calls" I said

"Guess they are still enjoying"

Then a knock on the door, James was back.

"Hi guys" we exchanged greetings and he gisted us how he asked Bella to be his girlfriend and she said she has to think about it. We drank throughout the night and slept together in my house (Though this is my villa. My dad is a fucking rich business tycoon)

Bella POV

James took me to my house so I could inform my mom that I'm going to sleep over at Roxie's place and he took me to her place after greeting my mom. I hugged him goodbye and turned to see Roxie standing angrily at the door

"Why did you not pick your calls? I was damn worried about you whereas you were enjoying with your new found l.."

"Roxie I'm sorry" I said

"Roxie you can spill your anger on me. It was my fault she didn't pick your calls. I'm sorry Lady Roxanne" James lied

"It's fine come in and gist me. No dinner tonight as punishment" Roxie said in my ear as she dragged me inside

"My sweet James bought dinner for me already" she scoffed and said "fuck you" I laughed and we entered

We got ready to sleep so I started gisting her how it went.

"So you said you'll think about being his girlfriend even when you liked him for so many years. You are a weird specie" Roxie replied me after I told her I told James I'll think about being his girlfriend. I laughed and said "I don't want to jump into a relationship" we laughed