Next day

Roxanne, Bella and her aunt went to church. Later in the evening, Bella went home.

Bella POV

I miss James. Why is he not calling?

I picked my phone and called him.

"Hi baby" I heard him say with a dull voice.

"Hi James what's up" I said burying my head inside my pillow.

"I'm fine baby" he said yawning

"Are you just waking up?"

"Yes I slept at Tyler's house with Chris. You can hear their noise right. I'm fine" he said coughing

"James you don't sound fine" I said worriedly

"I'm fine baby. Don't worry about it" he said

"So about yesterday..." I said pausing

"What about yesterday? Are you saying yes?" He sounds anxious

"mmmm" I said smiling

"Is that a yes?"


"Oh my goodness. I love you baby" he said and I heard noise from his side and he said "I'm sorry baby I have to go I love you" "ok bye" I said and he hung up.

I love you too. I smiled inwardly and slept off.

James POV

While talking to Bella on phone, I heard Chris and Tyler saying something and they looked disturbed. I told Bella I had to hang up.

"What is happening guys" I asked them

"James you need to see what Nana is planning to do" Tyler said

"I knew she was not gonna let Roxie be" I said as I looked at Chris sleeping on the bed looking worried.

"She joined the contest and picked Chris as her partner" Tyler said

"Without his consent? How did they accept his name without informing him" I said surprised

"She would have bribed her way in there" Tyler said

"She's a bitch. Then don't go to the contest" I said looking at Chris and he gave me his phone

The message showing on his phone screen reads:

I signed you in for the contest before you can with that flirt, Roxanne. If you get to read this, make sure you are available for the contest. It's not compulsory, sweatheart. Just consider your new found love dead. I mean it.

Your girlfriend,


She threatened him. " You should explain this to Roxanne tomorrow" I said returning his phone to him

"Yes that's the best idea" Tyler said

"Have you guys forgotten I am going to my mom's promotion party tomorrow" Chris said "And the contest is starting on Tuesday"

"Call her up" James said

Chris dialed Roxanne number but it wasn't going through.

" I have to go home now I'll call her at home" Chris said worriedly and left.

Roxanne POV

I switched my phone off so I could sleep without disturbance. I woke up to realize I slept for almost 12hrs. I dressed for school and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

" Morning sweetie" aunt said smiling

"Morning wow the table looks nice" I said smiling at my breakfast. I sat down and ate it happily. I'm going to school to sign up for Chris and I. I got to school and headed to miss Virtue's office.

"Morning Miss Virtue"

"Morning Roxanne"

"There is no work for you today"

"I came to sign up for Chris and I for the contest"

"Really he agreed to. Anyways let's get it done"

After few minutes, Miss Virtue's face was looking shocked and I asked "what's the problem ma'am"

"Seems Chris already signed up because it's showing the 'signed in' notification. But I did not sign up for him how is it possible?" she said

" Exactly he personally asked me to be his partner " I said feeling shocked.

"I'm sorry I can't help you" she said

I ran out of her office and went home crying

Chris POV

I was restless throughout the night and I couldn't sleep. I picked up my phone and called Nana "how did you get into the contest?" I asked her as she picked the call

"Is that how to greet your partner?" She said trying to tease me

"Don't play dirty games with me. How did you get me to be your partner?" I said furiously over the phone

"You don't have to know. Just focus on the sweet time we'll have together"

"If I don't come for the contest?"

"I told ya what would be happening afterwards. Don't joke with my threat. I meant everything I said in that message" she said and hang up

I hit my hand on the bedside lamp and it broke. I didn't want to make Roxanne feel she was played on and I didn't want to underrate Nana's threat. I was so confused and I felt a pain in my hand then I saw the broken lamp. 'Oh I forgot I broke the lamp' I walked up to first aid kit in one side of my bed and I applied it on my bleeding hand. I have to see Roxie and explain to her what is happening. I snicked out of the house since mom won't let me go without a strong reason.

I got to school and found James with Bella acting lovey-dovey. I suddenly felt like I wanted to be free like that with Roxanne. I walked up to them and asked of Roxie.

Bella POV

I woke up very late and my mom told me James was waiting for me in the parlor. I got ready for school in few minutes and ran downstairs. I took my lunch pack with me. I went to school in my James' car. I am so happy. We greeted casually and smiled at each other. I walked to the garden bench since we went to school early. He was asking about my family when we spotted Chris.

"What is he doing in school?" James asked

"What do you mean?" I asked surprised by his question

"His mom promotion party is today"

"Oh Roxie told me that Chris asked her to be...." I was interrupted

"Hi guys have you seen Roxie today" Chris asked

I totally forgot about her since I was with James. She must be definitely angry at me now. "She should be in the class" We all headed to the class.

After 15 minutes of checking, we couldn't find Roxie. We were all worried and we decided to inform Miss Virtue, our class teacher. She told us about how Roxie came to her this morning to sign up for the duo contest and how she left disappointedly.

"My goodness you told her I signed up. I didn't sign up for the damn contest." Chris said almost crying and left her office. James and I also followed him. We went to his private library.

"Chris you have to calm down. I'm sure Roxie would understand if she gets to know about it earlier" I said to him feeling worried "Have you tried calling her?" James said

"Yes it is switched off since last night" Chris said

"Since last night....then it wasn't intentional" Bella said

"Bella how about you explain to her?" James said and Chris looked at me like his life depended on my answer. I gulped down nothing and said "you know.. Roxie gets difficult when she feels angry....hmmmm...you see I can help you but..."

"But what baby? You know how this guy has fallen so much in love with your friend. Is it not obvious? You should know he can't have such an intention to break Roxie's heart. Baby please you are our last hope" James said begging Bella

"Okay fine I'll help you guys...I'll try"

Then we left to our class and Chris went to his house.