Episode 8

Roxanne POV

Thank God aunt wasn't home unless I would have been questioned and scolded for leaving school before classes. I entered my room after locking the door. I was crying all the way home. Now I understand what I feel towards Chris. I have feelings for him. My goodness, why?? Why do I have to fall in love with an heartbreaker? I sobbed more remembering how I thought he felt the same way I felt for him. After so much crying, I had no more energy left I was too tired that I could not even remove my uniform and I slept off in my uniform.


I heard a loud thud coming from the front door "who the fuck is there?" I said in between my sleep "it could be aunt" and I ran to open the door hastily forgetting how I looked like after so much cry.

"Holy shit!! Who did this to you?" Bella asked concerned. Then I remembered how I must have looked like and ran up stairs to change before aunt came back.

"If you weren't my best friend I would have mistaken you as a ghost in greenwood high school's uniform" she laughed and snapped me with her phone before I ran upstairs.

I came back in shorts and a comfy big white shirt. I smiled at Bella and she said "don't try to fake a smile here. What happened that you weren't in school today?"

"Who cares?"

"I do. James and Chris does. The whole class does. Why did you have to skip school? Is it cramps or sickness? Tell me" she said worriedly touching my body

"I'm totally fine. I need rest" I said removing her hand from my left chest and she said "I can feel this side of your body is broken"

"Where?" I asked worried

"Here" she said touching my left chest "your heart...here.. your left" she said

"I knew you were teasing me. So you know that Chris signed up for the contest with some sort of girl before I accepted being his partner seems he played me again. Luckily I fell again and he broke my heart"

"Babe don't worry much about the girl he signed up with and stay far away from her. Though I'll be with you in the hotel. Don't overthink."

"Why do I feel betrayed by my best friend? Thought you would be by my side" I hissed and we talked more about what happened in school. We called Miss Virtue to sign us up for the contest also. Luckily a space was still left.

Bethany POV

I got home and found Bella and Roxanne in Roxanne's room. I knew they were talking about something that they don't want me to know. There was silence as I entered the room. To change the tensed up room, I greeted them and they greeted me back.

"Who is in for tonight's dinner?" I asked them but Bella said she has to inform her mom about the contest and prepare for it. I forced her to have dinner with us before she left.

"So do you want to share with me what's wrong with you?" I asked her as we cleared the dishes.

"Nothing is wrong with me aunt" she answered fast and hurriedly walked to the kitchen. I sighed and followed her to the kitchen.

Roxanne POV

After washing the dishes, I went to my room to avoid more questions from my aunt. I got into my room and started preparing for the contest. I touched my phone to check the time and I remembered I switched it off since last night. I turned it on and saw numerous missed calls and messages from my classmate, Miss Virtue, Bella, James and what... Chris!! Why is he calling me after signing up for the contest with someone else? I hissed and sent hi to the class group. They were really worried about me. I told them I was fine. Then i saw Chris call coming in. I decided not to pick his call. After his 10th call, he sent message but I deleted them immediately without reading them. I switched my phone off and slept.

Next day

"Boys and girls, are you ready for the trip?" Mr lodge, the principal asked the students as they were all gathered at the parking lot ready to go inside the bus.

They all chorused "Yes"

"Now you can go inside and sit with your partner. All seats are doubled seat so no arguments on who you will share seat with. Miss Virtue, Mr Steven and Mrs Smith will be your trip guardian. Make sure you obey their instructions. Have a nice trip and make sure to put efforts in " Mr Lodge said as the bus driver pressed a button to open the door. The students entered the bus in twos.

After some minutes, Chris entered the bus and sat alone. All the students were surprised and they knew a lot was going to happen at the contest as the great Chris of greenwood and 4eva Bryan of Beverly High college (as they were being referred to) would be present in the contest.

Roxanne POV

I woke up late and rushed down to school. The last two students were just entering the bus when I came. I rushed between them and scanned the bus for Bella. I saw her sitting on a double seat alone.

"I guess this is my seat" I smiled sitting down next to her.

"Roxanne why did you switch your phone off? I feel like punching your head" Bella said angrily.

"I'm sorry Bella. I switched it off because of someone at least you can see I'm fine" I said smiling.

"I see. Even your dark circles says a lot"She hissed looking through the window that was at her side. "Whatever…How is your relationship with James going?" I asked and she looked at me smiling.

"Did I tell you I said yes already"

"You wouldn't dare wait for this long"

"Yh you caught me. It's going fine"

"Is he not going for the contest?" I said scanning the bus for him and saw Chris sitting alone in the seat that is at my back. "Chris" I whispered and he faced up looking worried "Roxanne" he said smiling. I faced my front immediately and was breathing heavily.

"What is wrong?" Bella asked

"Chris" was all I could say.

"It's fine Roxanne. Take a deep breathe and stop thinking." Bella said and I did as she said. I slept off after few minutes.

Bella POV

I saw that Roxanne was sleeping peacefully so I sneaked to Chris' seat and said "C'mon you startled her"

"She called my name" he said looking sad and his eyes were so red

"You cried" I said taking my hand to his eye. He removed my hand slowly and said "I'm in love with her and it's killing me I can't fight to be with her" he said and I saw a drop of tears rolling down his eye.

"Dont cry. Try not to make her jealous and show her what you feel for her. Maybe she feels the same as you"

"Really? Does she like me too?" He said cleaning his face.

"I don't know" I said and he looked down sadly again "who is your partner?"

"My ex"

"Wow!! This is hell for Roxie. How will she cope seeing you with the girl that embarrassed her?" I asked

"My main point. I don't want to loose Roxie. Please help me" he said holding my hands together.

"I will but ur ex has to stay away from my friend."

"Definitely. Thank you so much." He said and I stood up "Don't date someone like that again"

"Yes ma'am" I smiled as I sat on my seat.