Chris point_of_view

It happened so quickly that I could not stop the host from calling Roxanne but I thought it was only going to be suspension or lighter punishment until I heard some students talking about only Roxanne's disqualification. What the fuck?? What about Nana??

I ran to Roxanne's room and found the room empty. I headed to the host's office on getting there I saw Nana coming out smiling.

"Chris what are you doing here?" She asked smiling

"I should be asking you instead?" I replied staring at her ruined lipstick

"Oh this it's nothing" she said touching her lips "it got ruined while that bitch was fighting me"

"Nana let this get in your skull right now I'm with Roxanne so stay away from her and don't call her names" i said and walked away leaving her dumbfounded

I heard her shout suddenly "I know that's a lie. You're only trying to protect her from me and I don't care okay… if I can't have you then no one else can"

'Wow' I said to myself and walked into the host's office

"Good afternoon Mr Lane"

"How are you doing Chris? What brings you to my office?"

"Nothing really important…I hear to enquire about the two students that got into a fight and were summoned here"

"Oh ok the bad one has been disqualified"

"What do you mean as the bad one Mr Lane?"

"I mean the one from greenhood….. oops I guess she's from your school then"

"If I may ask, why was she disqualified and the other was set free?"

"I make my rule and you obey here because it's my territory so don't question my actions or you'll get disqualified as well"

"Guess what??….. I'm not afraid "

"I know you won't get scared, little champ. But guess what I have Nana on my side if you try to play hard I'll have to withdraw your father's share in my hotel" he said

"Oh my….. go ahead and you'll be questioned for taking that step which can ruin your business. My dad has 45% shares in your hotel and you'll run bankrupt because he'll demand for compensation and you can definitely not afford it" I said and his face expression changed "I guess you forgot you signed the compensation part of the deal so Mr host

Why did you disqualify Roxanne without Nana?"

There was silence as he did not say anything. I felt pain in my mouth oh I talked too much just now

I hope Roxanne forgives if she finds out I helped her to get back into the contest

"I'll cancel her disqualification and have her and her partner back into the contest right away. Don't tell your dad about this "

"Good" I smiled and walked out of his office

Bella POV

I walked downstairs after James slept and I saw aunt Bethany looking puzzled. "Aunt Bethany what's the problem?"

"Sweetheart I don't understand Roxie anymore"

"Wow pls don't take whatever she said to heart she's probably under pressure because of the disqualification" I said to aunt Bethany and I heard Roxie's phone notification beep. "That's Roxie's phone I'll give it to her " I said and ran to Roxie's room with her phone.

"Roxie why did you act towards your aunt like that. She cares about you that's all don't be hard on her"

I said to her and gave her her phone.

She looked at her phone and saw something that made her open her mouth in disbelief "what's that" I asked curious

"We are no longer disqualified"

" wow I'm so happy let's ask James to take us back before he travels"

"You guys reconciled already right. Good luck on your relationship "

"Do you think someone is behind us coming back into the contest" I said to Roxanne and a notification made my phone beep in my pocket

I read and I was so shock "guess what???"

"What? Bella what?"

"Chris is the one behind us going back into the contest"

"Really" she replied and her mood drained "I'm not interested in the contest anymore"

"Really do you want the contest or aunt's punishment?"

"Oh my good God, I almost forgot about that"

" so you'll go to the contest right"

"I have no choice" she said looking down "but why did he get us into the contest? Is it to come back and see him get along with his so called heiress?" She said crying

"Oh my God Roxanne don't cry… that bitch doesn't deserve your tears. Let's go to the contest and show her that you are way better than her"

"Easier said than done" she said

"Babe do you want to accept defeat?" I asked her and she stood suddenly and said "no of course let's go and show that I'm Roxie The great"

"Yes my bestie"

We went to the guest room and told James about it. He accepted to take us to the hotel back before heading to the airport. So he went home to prepare for his trip and we went down to tell aunt Bethany.