Aunty Bethany POV

"What do you mean by you are going back to the contest?" I was surprised at the rate at which things were happening with speed "how am I suppose to believe that you are not trying to escape my punishment by lying?"

" oh no aunt Bethany this isn't the first time I'm receiving such punishment I'm not scared of getting grounded " Roxanne said and I felt guilt for giving her the punishment " I did not mean to get you grounded but you seem out of my control these days and getting you to stay at home might have made you say what was bothering you to me" I signed "that was what I thought could solve the problem "

" aunt Bethany you don't have to feel guilt Roxie has a lot on her mind and might have vented the anger on you but she did not mean it " Bella said

" I hope you open up to me when you come back from the contest sweetheart " I said to Roxanne

"Yes I will" she replied and I hugged her

Roxanne POV

Aunt Bethany was hugging me so tight that I couldn't breathe well. Some minutes later, we heard someone a knock on the door. That's probably James but he came back so fast. I used the opportunity to pull myself away from the hug and went to check the person. It turned out to be the last person I wanted to see. NANA!!!

"What the fuck do you want in my house? And how did you know my house?" I asked her after making sure I closed the door so my aunt won't know what was happening at the door. She smiled and said "I'm her to warn you to stay away from what belongs to me. As for your second question, you don't have to know how I got to know your house" and she turned to leave. I watched her leave but she turned to me again and said "if I can't have him then you can't have him. Try me and wish to kiss your aunt dead body goodbye. My regards to her" she smiled wickedly and turned to enter her car

I got scared "what on earth is this little witch up to? Did I offend her in my former life?"

"Roxie who was that?" Bella asked as I sat down in the sitting room

"It's no one" I said immediately. "And it took you so long" After a while, I faced Bella and said "I don't think I can go for the contest anymore I feel feverish "

"Oh sorry I'll take you to the hotel clinic as soon as we get to the hotel " she replied

Why are you so adamant these days Bella I thought to myself and sat down very well angrily

"James is here" Bella announced after few minutes

'Why do I have to go to this damn contest with that bitch ?' I sighed and Bella asked "is it about the 'no one' who was at the door?" I laughed and we took our bags. Off we went to our hotel room.

Bella POV

"James when are you coming back?" I asked as we got to the hotel

"Baby I thought we talked about this" he replied

"So you are not coming to see me" I said holding his waist. "I will… as soon as I settle down" and we kissed for some minutes

"What do you want?" I heard someone scream

I interrupted the kiss and turned back "Roxie what is the problem?"

"Tell him to leave me alone" she replied while struggling to carry the bag

"He just want to help you with bags, bestie"

"He should not " she replied and continued struggling with the bags as she headed into the hotel

"Chris it's fine she's just too vexed today" I said to Chris

"Yeah I know I mean obviously " he said walking towards us

"Man I'm off to airport" James said to Chris

"Waoh so your man is finally sending you to the company " Chris said

"Yeah I have no choice he's sick"

"Okay then have you told Tyler?" Chris asked

"About Tyler he has been avoiding us since?" James said

"His sister is in the hospital " Chris said

"Really I've been so busy lately that I couldn't check up on him I'll call him as soon as I land " James said

"Okay then bye " we both bade him goodbye