Tyler POV

I'm really down these past few days. Thank God school is on break I would have definitely skipped school again. About skipping school, I'm the best at that like I don't even like going to school but no one cares about my opinion. I don't like my life because I leave it for my father. He wants me to take over the company as soon as I finish college just like James father also want. I'm still following their order because of my sister, Kathy. She's the one I've got and I can't leave her with my dad's wife. Never

Right now, she's sick and lying in the hospital bed helpless. I can't help her. I feel more helpless right now. She has kidney problem and she's on dialysis

I called my dad this morning to inform him about her but his wife answered the call saying they were busy. I lost my mother few years back and my father got married few months later. The shock of my mother's accident had my sister visiting the hospital where we got to know she had kidney problems and it has gotten worse.

I need my dad to come to the hospital and sign the operation process so that I can give Kathy my kidney. The hospital don't have a matching kidney and before the could get a matching one it might be late. I can't afford to loose my dear sister.

Life of struggles, life of stress

Life of worries, life is not that amazing

Why do I have to be here?

I heard my ringing tone and the caller is Chris.

"Finally someone remembers I'm alive" I said as I hit the green button

"Hey dude James said Kathy is in the hospital how's she doing?"

"She's stable now she's on dialysis"

"Is the doctor still advising kidney transplant"

"Yes that's the last option we have right now and if I don't have my father sign the operation process. We can not do the transplant even when money is not the issue. We need an adult approval" I said almost in tears

"Have you informed him?"

"I tried but his wife answered instead. I could not reach him since then"

"Wow that's a big problem. Can any other person sign the papers?"

"Yes but 30 years or older"

"We'll find someone. Just stay with your sister I'll be with you soon"

"Okay thanks"

Chris POV

I was waiting at the hotel car park for James' car since he said he was bringing the girls back. I saw him ride into the park. Roxanne brought out two bags and I ran towards her to help but she did not allow me. I left her and walked to James then I discovered he was going to take over his dad's compaq. I called Tyler and I'm about too leave the hotel. I saw Nana walking into the hotel angrily

Really that girl is a thing. Where is she even coming from? Not my business.

She didnot notice me so I drove out the hotel car park to the hospital.

"Which ward is Wiliams Catherine?"

"Ward 154" they replied after checking the register

I was walking to the ward when I accidentally walked into a nurse. She had a familiar face on. I'm very sure I haven't met her before but she sure looked like someone I knew.

"I'm sorry I ran into you" I said as she bent to pick her bag that fell as a result of the collision

"No problem you look worried what's the problem "

"It's nothing"

"Are you sure"she asked and I thought she could be of help to sign the papers at least so that if we get a donor she can sign the operation.

"Let's talk"

"Okay boy wait for me at the hospital canteen" she walked to the nurse station and I walked to the cafeteria. I made sure I sat where she could spot me easily.

"Hi" she said as she sat on the opposite chair

"Hey" I replied

"Yeah so what the issue?"

"My friend's sister is in need of a kidney donor and also we need someone that will sign the operation process after getting a donor"

"What about their parents?"

"They don't have" I lied so she could help

"Oh so sorry what about your parent?"

"They are out of town and the transplant will be due before they return" I lied again

"Okay do you have a donor?"

"Not yet"

"So how can I help?"

"Can you sign the operation process?"

"Yes I can at least to help the girl "

"Thank you if you can recommend a donor also let me know this is my contact " I said giving her my card

"Can I take a look at the girl?"

"Sure I'm heading to the ward"

She followed me.

Bella POV

Roxanne has been acting so weird since we got to the hotel. She doesn't want to go out to eat outside, she doesn't want to go outside.

"Roxie what is all these attitude about?"


"Who did you meet outside the house earlier,?"

"No one "

"What does she want?"


"Nana I saw her"

"She said I should stay away from what belongs to her" she said and hissed

"So? Do you have what belongs to her?"

"I don't "

"So why are you worried?"

"She said she'll kill aunt Bethany"

"Oh my good lord I'm sure this threat about Chris right"

"That's my point"

"Wow we need to leave this damn contest right away"

"We can't leave just like that The security won't let us go out"

"We need a plan to get out of here"

Bethany POV

I walked to the ward. "My friend is not in the ward right now. This is his sister Kathy" the boy said

"Hi Kathy I'm Bethany" I said to the little girl

"Hi Bethany " she said looking at me

Oh my God this is my boss daughter

"How are you feeling now?"

"Better thanks"

"Okay I'll take my leave now and check up on you some other times bye"

I bade them goodbye before James will see me

If he does I'll be in more danger. I thought I have run away from my boss husband lover enough. That lady is so wicked that she planned to kill my boss and marry my boss husband. She ordered me to run away far from her and my boss husband. That's why I'm here now why is James in this town.