First Love

Cassian's POV

Cassian returned during the late hours of the night.

"Your highness." Matilda curtsied in front of him.

"How is she?" He asked immediately.

"She's in the drawing room," Matilda said.

"Did she eat?"

"Barely, your highness."

"Anything else?"

"She seems rather nervous but I guess that's expected."

"Uh-hum," Cassian mumbled.

He spent the entire day and most of the night going to Galbore castle and back again. There was a reason for that, of course.

His wedding was a bit of wreckage. The king was clearly displeased and refused to follow any of his suggestions or traditions. And then, just before the ceremony, Cassian found out that there was an issue in his kingdom which might've been a sign of a bigger problem. Since the war was barely over, he was particularly alert.

And the bride? He didn't really want to marry a pompous princess but he knew that wasn't going to be the case. Many spoke of princess Adeline, but he knew the king wouldn't let him marry his gem and favourite daughter. Cassian knew of the schema that lay behind the wedding so he wasn't surprised when a girl in a plain dress appeared before him. He was nervous to meet her, to meet Isabelle. He suspected it was her and he was sure once he held her small hand to put a ring on it. He wanted to hold her hand to stop its tremble. He wanted to tell her that he didn't intend her any harm, that she was safe with him. But before he could speak to her after the ceremony, she was ushered out and guests were told to move along to the ballroom. His men, a total of three of them, came to speak to him to decide what to be done about the new issues in Ariadna. He decided that they will go ahead and he will leave before dawn to help them deal with the nuisances. He wanted to make sure that the kingdom of Ariadna was ready for Isabelle without any dangers lurking around the corner.

At last, he entered a chamber, exhausted from the long day and dealing with politics.

It was a large dark room with heavy decor. At first he couldn't see Isabelle, but soon he realised that his new wife lay on the bed, covered up to her ears with a duvet. He pitied her. She probably didn't get a say in this arrangement. But part of him hoped that she wanted it as much as he did. And if she didn't, he promised himself that he will treat her right. He will respect her and give her anything she'll ever want.

Cassian sat down on the edge of the bed and as he did Isabelle flinched. He sat motionless for a while, unsure how to proceed. He laid down carefully, giving her as much space as he could. He could hear her unsteady breathing as she lay with her back to him.

Cassian wondered what to say, but he couldn't quite work it out. Most of what he ever imagined sounded like banalities now. He couldn't just say 'hey, good to see you again, I've always loved you, I'm glad we're married'. Frankly, he struggled to say anything at all. It felt as if his lips were made out of iron and couldn't open. So, he stayed still until her breathing settled and became rhythmical.

He hasn't slept at all that night, stuck in his mind, worried that he did the wrong thing. He got up a few hours later. He stopped before leaving and turned around. He was yet to see her for the first time in years.

Cassian walked around the bed and squatted by the edge of it, gently pulling the duvet off Isabelle's face. He was paralysed momentarily as a delicate face was unveiled in front of him. It was her. After years of searching and thinking about her, wondering if his mind tricked him - it was her. It was Isabelle.

Many years ago their grandfathers were dear friends, and so one time his grandfather brought him to Galbore. He spend weeks with Isabelle, sneaking around, playing, and causing mischief.

She was his first love. She was his only love. As he grew older, he couldn't replace that feeling and longing for her.

He wondered why she seemed so anxious around him. Perhaps she was nervous to meet him after all those years, not to mention on their wedding day.

After years of war and battles, he was able to find her, and now she was his wife. He went to the war to protect her, as stupid as it sounds. He didn't have to fight on Galbore's behalf, but he did for her.

He smiled at her, watching her peacefully sleeping.

King promised to send her in a carriage as the morning came . That was their new agreement. Initially, Cassian was to travel with her. He wanted to hear of her adventures, of all the stories she had to tell. Now, he had to wait for the stories to be told when she was in Ariadna as he needed to go.

He managed to arrive at the castle merely minutes before the carriage after resolving the issues. He opened the door excitedly, but it weaned off immediately as he realised that Isabelle has fainted, probably from exhaustion. He lifted her up, feeling her cold skin under his fingers. He questioned the coachmen but they said that she didn't complain. This hurt him even more, knowing that she didn't tell anyone about her discomfort and pain. He took Isabelle to her new chamber himself, gently taking off her dress and putting on her new nightdress. He made sure that everything finest was ready for her. He still was worried that it wasn't to her taste.

It wasn't hard to miss a reddened cheek either which was now bruising. His blood boiled at her state. He ensured that the doctor checked on her and that there were plenty of maids if she needed them and rushed back to Galbore.

"Who hurt my wife?!" He roared as he entered the throne room. "Who raised their hand on her?"

"Prince Yvelone, I'm sure this is some misunderstanding." The king answered back.

"No. It is clear that someone stroked her across her face." Cassian continued, not caring about what the king might think.

"Is it?" The king looked around momentarily. "I suspect it is only right that we find out and punish them accordingly"

Cassian persisted until the maids were interrogated. It was the tiniest slip of a tongue that revealed it to be the queen herself.

"Why did you raise your hand on princess Adeline?" The king asked his wife, still sure to upkeep their lie. Cassian raised his brow at that but he hasn't commented.

"I only hoped to teach her a lesson, your majesty."

"And what was it?" The king asked, rather curious himself.

"The bedsheets didn't bare a mark, your majesty. The princess failed to perform her duties as a wife." She said smugly. Cassian's insides twisted at the pain she endured because of failings on his part too, and ridiculous expectations of them both.

"Excuse me, your majesty. If it were truly a failing on the princess' behalf, then it should've been me who dealt with it." Cassian said coldly.

"Indeed. The moment the vows were exchanged was also a moment when the husband became responsible for the punishment of his wife." The king agreed. The queen went pale knowing full well what was to happen. "Don't worry, your highness. The punishment of ten whips will be administered immediately."

Cassian nodded, unsure about it. He didn't condone physical punishment, yet that woman was the one who raised her hand on Isabelle and he needed her to learn her lesson. He waited until she was brought forward and whipped in front of the inner court members. It was enough humiliation for her to think twice before doing anything like that ever again.

Cassian galloped on the horse almost all the way back, pushing the poor creature to almost its limit. He did promise his horse a hefty bag of oats upon return, and he did deliver on that promise. He rushed in and found Matilda straight away.

He was glad that Isabelle woke up and was moving about.

He entered the drawing-room excited to speak with her, but she was asleep, curled up on a settee, with a book in her hand. Cassian added more wood to the fire and covered her with a blanket. He didn't want to disturb her as she seemed tired. He sat on another settee for a while, watching and admiring her. She was truly stunning. She had smooth skin. Her cheeks were reddened from the heat of the fire. She had raven black long hair, a long curtain of eyelashes, and a perfectly shaped slim nose. She was almost like he remembered. The years might've passed but he could never forget her bright eyes and charming smile. He couldn't wait to see them once again.