The People of the Castle

Isabelle POV:

Isabelle woke up when the morning light crept into the drawing room. The fire was still crackling pleasantly. The book she held when she fell asleep was on the side table and she was covered by the softest blankets she ever felt. She looked around the room, remembering that she was alone there last night, but yet she smelled a faint scent of citrus which she couldn't quite place.

She stood up, folding the blanket, wondering where it came from. It must've been Matilda.

And as she thought that, Matilda entered the room.

"Good morning, milady."

"Good morning, Matilda." Isabelle still held onto the folded blanket. "Where would you like me to place the blanket?"

"You can leave it here, milady, I'm sure."Isabelle gently placed the blanket on the armchair in the corner of the room so it didn't get in the way. Matilda smiled at her warmly. "Where would you like to have your breakfast? I'm afraid his highness is attending to his duties today, so he won't be joining you."

"I see." Isabelle nodded, happy to not have to deal with his wrath just yet. "Where do you eat breakfast?"

"Servants' quarters, of course."

"May I…" Isabelle hesitated. "May I have breakfast with you?"

"With me?" Matilda widened her eyes still unsure about Isabelle's peculiar behaviour. Isabelle looked down in embarrassment. Matilda understood Isabelle immediately. She was shy but yet she was alone in a foreign castle and land. She wanted to cling to the only person she knew so far.

"If that's not trouble."

"Not at all, your highness. Where would you like to dine?"

"Servants' quarters will be just fine. There's no need to change anything for me."

"If you wish, your majesty." Matilda didn't dare to protest her lady's wishes and led her into the quarters where a few maids already sat down to breakfast chatting cheerfully. Isabelle hesitated, feeling like she was intruding.

"Matilda! Would you like some coffee?" One of the maids asked with an excited voice. She stopped and looked at Isabelle in surprise.

"Everyone, may I introduce you to our new lady," Matilda said as she looked back at Isabelle. "Her highness will be joining us for breakfast this morning."

The maids went silent.

"I didn't want to intrude…" Isabelle uttered shyly.

Matilda coughed which snapped the maids back.

"Of course, it's not an intrusion, your highness!" The maid with the coffee pot said quickly. She put the pot down and started setting up a spot at the end of the table.

"Please, don't fatigue yourself." Isabelle rushed towards her, taking the plate and cutlery off her, and setting up her own spot. "And please, don't mind me. Continue as always."

"Are you sure, your highness?" The maid asked with worry.

"Of course. And I will rather be treated here as an equal. Call me…" Isabelle almost said her name. "Adeline." She finished. She wasn't going to give away her identity, not herself. If Prince were to find out, at least it wasn't going to be her failing.

"I was just pouring some coffee." The maid picked up the jug again. "Would you like some?"

"Yes, please." Isabelle nodded eagerly.

Matilda sat beside her with yet another maid on her other side.

"Did you see Rupert this morning?" Some maid asked in a whisper.

"Oh, yes. As always, he looks so fine." Another maid responded quietly. Isabelle looked over curiously and smiled at them. The chatter started increasing again.

"How was your journey from Galbore, your highness?" A maid beside her asked.

"I've slept for most of it which were rather good. I guess all the wedding preparations worn me out quite a lot." Isabelle answered as the maids started piling her plate with food. "And please, call me by my name."

"Apologies, Adeline. It's a habit, I'm afraid."

"What's your name?"

"Jane." She answered. "I'm sure the wedding was rather splendid. How I wish we were to see it!"

"Honestly, it wasn't quite as grand as some might think." Isabelle's smile weakened at a memory of her own wedding. "The weather was rather awful if I must say. I think it made everyone a little bit gloomier."

"Well, it's not quite the right season for sunny weddings." Jane was keen to continue the conversation. "But I must say, his highness did look rather handsome when he left for the ceremony. It's a shame he had to rush back ever so quickly because of the bandits and let you travel alone."

"Bandits?" Isabelle raised her brows.

"Pardon my mouth," Jane said quickly. "I've heard from the guards that his highness was called back due to the bandits that were caught near the border."

"I see." Isabelle nodded, picking at the eggs on her plate.

"Do you think him handsome?"

"Jane!" Matilda and two other maids called out at her with a warning. Jane was definitely the youngest at the table. Isabelle smiled but she hasn't answered. She didn't know the answer. She didn't even see her husband's face yet. She wondered if there were any paintings of him around the castle that she could peek at before she sees him again.

"Do you think him handsome?" Isabelle asked Jane quietly so that the maids sitting further away couldn't hear her.

"He is the most beautiful man I've seen," Jane said blushing.

"I thought you were all over Rupert and Gilbert nowadays," Matilda asked Jane with a slight scowl.

"Well, they're handsome for us, commoners, but his majesty…" Jane sighed dreamily.

"Eat some more, Adeline," Matilda said kindly, trying to put even more food on Isabelle's plate.

"I'm quite full already, Matilda. I'll be quite alright." Isabelle protested.

"God, you're eating like a bird," Matilda said unhappily. She was ever so slightly older than Isabelle. Possibly that was the reason why she understood her so well. At least to some extent.

"Good morning, ladies." A man in his late twenties entered the room carrying a huge bucket of vegetables.

"Good morning, Rupert!" The maids answered him in unison. He was ragged kind of handsome with rather long light brown hair and a short beard.

"Rupert is our man for all the tasks that our gentle lady hands couldn't do," Jane explained to Isabelle.

"You wish you had gentle lady hands, Jane." Another maid mocked her.

"Rupert, this is Adeline." Jane introduced them quickly as Rupert placed the bucket down and wiped his hands.

"Pleasure, ma'am." He said, reaching for Isabelle's and kissing the back of it. His beard tickled Isabelle's skin, but his lips were soft. She blushed in embarrassment.

"Rupert!" One of the older maids called his name in a disapproving tone. She came over and playfully smacked the back of his head.

"What have I done wrong? I was trying to be a gentleman!"

"This is her highness, princess Adeline," Jane said as she giggled.

"Oh my goodness." Rupert withdrew away from Isabelle.

"It's quite alright. It's Rupert, isn't it?"

"Indeed, ma'am."

"As Jane has said, I'm Adeline."

"Pleasure." Rupert bowed his head, still feeling ashamed for touching the princess.

"Adeline, what would you like to do today?" Matilda changed the topic as everyone started getting up.

"What am I allowed to do?"

"Anything you'd like. We can stay within the castle, tour the gardens, or visit the city."

"The weather is rather grim today so I highly recommend hiding indoors," Rupert said as he was drinking coffee from a cup that was just given to him. "I suspect it'll be nicer next week, so gardens and the city will be much more pleasant then."

"Hmmm…" Isabelle contemplated her options. "I guess that we're staying in a castle."

"I can give you a tour! As Rupert said, the weather doesn't look promising over the next few days. I can show you each wing or quarter separately."

"That sounds lovely, Matilda," Isabelle answered.

"Can I join?" Jane popped up.

"You have plenty of bedsheets to wash." An elder maid answered Jane.

"Once you're done with your chores, Jane," Matilda said in a more encouraging tone. "If Adeline permits."

"Actually…" Isabelle looked at Matilda warily. Jane already made a long face as she anticipated a no. "May I join Jane in her chores? I can wash bedsheets rather well. If I'll help, Jane will be able to finish quicker and join the tour."

Matilda was dumbfounded, and so were the other maids who overheard Isabelle's request.

"Adeline…" Matilda hesitated.

"Please, Matilda." Adeline was readying herself to beg.

"As you wish." Matilda agreed although she knew that it was a horrible idea. But, the prince made it clear that his wife is allowed to do as she wishes, without question.

Isabelle went to the laundry room with Jane and Matilda. It wasn't on Matilda's chore list to do bedsheets but she joined her princess and her colleague. Indeed, Isabelle was skilled in the task. Her small hands grabbed onto the sheets with plenty of energy. She didn't chat much but she was very keen on Jane's mumbling, even on those topics that were of no interest to her. Being in a presence of someone who was actually excited to speak to her, made Isabelle feel much better. She was keen to offer her listening ear, just to see someone smiling at her. She couldn't remember the last time anyone smiled at her so genuinely. Her own smiles were still mostly cold and fake as she still struggled for an ounce of happiness inside of her, expecting to be whipped or beaten with a rod at any minute, or worse. Once done, they had their lunch in servants' quarters and then Matilda led the way towards the main hall, where she intended to start the tour. It was the largest room that Isabelle has ever seen in her life. And it was full of splendour. It was light in colour, with gold arches within the ceiling, and high windows. Even on an increasingly gloomy day like this, the room was bright. From the gold arches, came gold sculptures of intricate shapes resembling vines and leaves. The ceiling had a painting of what heaven must've looked like, with beautiful cherubs with golden locks and chubby cheeks, flying between the fluffy clouds.

Isabelle looked up in silence, truly mesmerised by the sight.

They've spent a rather long while in there with Jane telling Isabelle the stories of balls and parties. She explained it so well that Isabelle could almost see them before her eyes. After dinner, Jane and Matilda went to attend to some of their evening duties. They've barely managed to persuade Isabelle to stay behind and explore the rooms near the Great Hall.

Isabelle felt like an imposter, which she was. But her grey dress made her feel even more unworthy of walking around the castle.

She enjoyed her own company for a few hours now and she silently hoped that this was going to be a regular occurrence. It wasn't because she minded Jane or Matilda. They were the closest thing to a friend she had in a long while. But it was rather because she hoped that her husband will be busy enough, or away frequently enough, that she can enjoy herself without worrying about upsetting him at any given time. She had an inkling that he already was upset with her, and that something was already brewing. She knew that her days were numbered, whether it was him that'll kill her, or her own family if he sends her back. She tried to take the beauty of this place in while she could.

Isabelle walked out of the great hall, into the long hallway, which was already dim preparing for the night. The door that was merely a few steps away from her swung open.

"You incompetent, insolent…!" The deep roar cut through the hallway. Isabelle dropped to the floor, bowing immediately, readying herself to beg for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry." She said automatically before she even had a proper look at his face. "I'm sorry, your highness."

The silence befell, and the air became so dense that she felt like she was about to suffocate.

She expected to be hit but nothing came. She could hear his breathing which became heavier, and angrier. She could almost hear his nostrils flare up. And people behind him stood in complete silence. He brought his clenched fist to his lips, his frustration visible before he walked away without another word. The people behind him followed him out, leaving Isabelle alone. She was going to pay for that later, she was sure. Matilda run into the hallway from where he left, looking at Isabelle with worry.

"Adeline, are you okay?"

Isabelle nodded silently. She stood up and looked down, now too focused on the punishment that was to come to look around the paintings and sculptures. Matilda led her to her chamber where she left her alone at Isabelle's reassurance that she was fine. Isabelle washed herself in the basin and changed into her nightdress. She lay on the bed and sobbed, flinching at every noise and creak, unable to sleep for hours, expecting him to barge in at any minute and beat her into a pulp. But her newly wedded husband hasn't come. Which might have been even worse. Her duties were clear and yet he didn't even want to touch her.