
Isabelle's POV

Isabelle lay down on her bed for hours, turning from side to side. She was sure that she heard footsteps on the other side of the door. She felt her heart in her throat as if it was readying to escape her chest.

She slid off the bed and lay on the floor. The darkness and confinement of the corner made her feel safer.

Her hands were trembling and soon her entire body was too. She didn't know what she did to anger him, but she knew that her end was coming. She wasn't sure what would be more dreadful: being killed by him in Adriana, or being sent back to Galbore and being killed by her stepmother and father. She rather be killed in Ariadna than face the humiliation and slow death by her family.

Matilda walked into the room in the morning and found Isabelle curled up in a hall sleeping on the floor. She rushed over in worry that Isabelle was hurt but she noticed her breathing and calmed down. She tiptoed out of the room to not wake Isabelle.

Cassian's POV

"Good morning, Matilda," Cassian said to her as he passed by her in the corridor just outside of Isabelle's room.

"Good morning, your highness," Matilda said in almost a whisper.

"Is Isabelle still sleeping?" Cassian asked curiously. Matilda placed her finger on her lips to quieten him and let him into the room to show him, Isabelle. Cassian froze as he saw Isabelle sleeping in a fetal position. She was thin and pale. She whimpered in her sleep. Cassian covered her gently with a blanket, afraid to wake her. He and Matilda walked out of the room. "Let her sleep," Cassian ordered. "And then, can you make sure she has her breakfast? If she wants, she can join me in the dining room." Cassian looked defeated. "Although, I have a feeling that she will not."

"I'll do as you wish, your highness." Matilda nodded in agreement.

"Can you keep updating me on her state? I know I shouldn't spy on her but I need to know that she's doing alright. And she's not quite there right now. I want to make sure that she starts settling in here over time."

"What if not?"

"We're going to work it out then."

Cassian walked away at last. As much as he hoped to speak with Isabelle like he used to back in the day, he started to see that it wasn't going to be a possibility right now. She was still on edge. He hoped that it was because she was new to the castle and Ariadna, but he still felt that he was an issue.

Isabelle's POV

Isabelle woke up feeling exhausted and stiff. Matilda appeared within moments as if she had some sixth sense and she could see Isabelle waking up.

"Good morning, Adeline."

"Good morning, Matilda," Isabelle said quietly as she stood up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Now, where would you like your breakfast?" Matilda asked as she opened the curtains. The sky was grey and the rain trickled down across the window. "His majesty will be sitting down to breakfast in the downing room soon if you'd like to join him?"

Isabelle thought through the suggestion carefully. She reminded herself that she shouldn't be seen or heard unless requested by his highness, and she felt like Matilda's suggestion came from her rather than her master. Never mind that she was still afraid to face him after he seemed so agitated last night. Isabelle shook her head.

"Is his majesty staying in the castle today?" Isabelle asked anxiously.

"He is, indeed. Unless something unexpected happens, of course, albeit he did seem to be looking forward to spending a day at home. I assume that he would be keen on your company today."

Isabelle shook her head again.

"I rather not impose my presence on his majesty," Isabelle said quietly. "Do you think it to be okay if I remain in my room today?"

"Of course! It is your room, Adeline, and you can do as you wish. I'll bring you your breakfast and perhaps I can bring a few books across."

"Thank you, Matilda," Isabelle answered.

As Matilda left, Isabelle changed her nightdress for yet another grey dress. Matilda returned with breakfast within moments and placed it on a small side table.

"Do you need anything else, Adeline?" Matilda asked her.

Isabelle looked at the items that Matilda brought her a day earlier.

"I did wonder if there was a wooden hairbrush I could have instead?" Isabelle asked as she held a gold hairbrush with the softest bristles there were. She reminded herself that she should be frugal and she shouldn't be using up her husband's money for her needs.

"A wooden hairbrush?" Matilda asked as she wasn't sure whether she understood the request.

"Indeed. If that's a possibility."

"Of course." Matilda nodded.

"Can you take these away, please? I am sure that someone else will have better use of it." Isabelle passed her the basket with fancy toiletries.

Matilda was still confused by the request but she took the basket off Isabelle.

"As you wish, Adeline." She nodded before leaving.

She returned once again, with the only wooden brush she could find and a few books that she picked on the way.

Isabelle took the hairbrush and brushed through her hair, braiding it carefully.

Isabelle spend a day in her room, barely eating, nestled in the armchair in the corner of the room. She started reading a book that Matilda brought her, but she couldn't focus on it. She needed up looking at the window, at the droplets of water racing across the glass. And every time she heard the footsteps outside, she straightened out in a chair in fear, like a prey watching out for the predator.

She's not to be heard, she's not to be seen, and she's not to bother anyone with her existence. Normally, the wife should be seen and she should be shown off by her husband, but not Isabelle. She wasn't pretty. She wasn't glamorous. She wasn't like her sister Adeline. The less she was seen the better. Her husband will prefer her not to exist so she should make it seem like she didn't. The less he'll sees her, the less he'll remember her, and the less he'll be bothered about her. He might even let her live if she doesn't bother him at all and doesn't cross paths with him. He'll find prettier girls to show off instead.

Isabelle looked down at her hands. She took off the wedding band and placed it on the dresser. The less there was to show that she was now bonded to the Prince, the better.

Cassian's POV:

Cassian waited at every mealtime with the hope that Isabelle will show up, but she didn't. In the evening Matilda came into his study to report to him.

"How was she today?" Cassian asked, already expecting that the answer wasn't going to make him feel any better.

"She hasn't left the room and she barely ate," Matilda said honestly. "She asked for a wooden hairbrush in favour of the items you bought for her, your majesty. And she returned a lot of toiletries, untouched." Matilda sighed. "I've brought her some books and I think she read for a bit."

"Did you ask if she wanted to have her meals with me?" Cassian asked.

"I did, your highness."

"I see." Cassian started to feel frustrated at how powerless he felt. He never thought that this is how his marriage was going to look like. At every mealtime, he sat for ages in anticipation, and then he ate his cold food in solitude. His hope to speak with Isabelle for hours on end, like they used to, now seemed like a distant dream. "Keep me updated tomorrow." He requested.

But it didn't matter. He made sure to be in the castle as much as he could over the next few days, giving Isabelle an opportunity to join him, but she didn't. She remained in her room, hidden away from him.