Coming Out of the Room

Isabelle's POV

Matilda couldn't stand Isabelle staying in her room at all times in her increasingly depressive state. After nearly a week, she requested Jane to be transferred to attend Isabelle's chamber. Jane was as enthusiastic as one can be at the news of her transfer, almost skipping on the way to Isabelle's room in the morning.

"Good morning, Adeline!" She almost exclaimed at her sight. Isabelle looked up in confusion before replying. "Good morning, Jane."

"So, I've brought breakfast and then I thought we could go to the gallery or the aviary. I haven't been in the aviary yet as it is in the part of the castle that I do not frequent so that would be interesting and seeing how much you enjoyed the Great Hall, I think the gallery will be right up your street." Jane started with so much energy that it astonished Isabelle. "Oh, I have been assigned to you as your maid now! How exciting?!"

"What happened to Matilda?" Isabelle managed to utter.

"Nothing. What could have happened to her?" Jane raised her brows as she started fluffing up the pillows on the already-made bed.

"Where was she moved?"

"She's still your maid if that's what you're asking about. Now there are two of us specifically assigned to you. And if you require more, I'm sure that won't be a problem. Although, I think he's majesty is cautious that you might feel nervous with too many new people around you at once." Jane smiled. "Come on, eat up. There's so much to see and do around the castle." Jane urged her. Compared to Matilda's more compliant nature, Jane was hard to argue against or say no to. Isabelle sat down and ate some of the breakfast, still lacking her appetite. "I think we should go to the aviaries first. I've heard that his majesty had some new exotic birds brought in recently. I'm sure that they will be spectacular."

"Is his majesty within the castle today?" Isabelle asked warily.

"Yes, he is. Although he does have a day packed full of meetings so he will be staying in his study or the gathering room for most of the day. He might just have time to come down for dinner."

"I see." Isabelle thought about it carefully. If he was busy, there would be very little chance for her to get in his way, as long as she stays away from the wing where the gathering room and his study she should be fine. She carefully analysed the risks and then nodded as if in agreement that she will be fine leaving the room.

"And in the afternoon the tailor is arriving for measurements. He is the finest tailor in the kingdom, they say. He will definitely make you a beautiful wedding dress for the celebrations in the spring."

"I completely forgot about it," Isabelle admitted.

"I'm sure that it's going to be quite exciting," Jane spoke as she moved around the room, tidying what was already clean. Her high-energy personality seemed to brighten up the room, slowly spreading to Isabelle, even if unknowingly. Jane picked a hairpin off the dresser, and before Isabelle managed to protest, she put it in her braided hair. "There. Now it looks complete." She smiled at her. "You're ever so pretty, Adeline." Jane smiled at her in the most heartwarming way, tidying a strand of her loose hair away. "Now, aviary." She decided, tugging onto Isabelle's arm. Isabelle didn't protest and followed Jane out of the room. "I've heard that there are some of the rarest birds in the aviary like one of those navy blue parrots." Jane kept on talking as she led Isabelle through long hallways. Isabelle looked around quickly, catching glimpses of luxurious rooms.

At last, Jane pushed white painted doors with large glass panes and Isabelle stepped into the room with a high glass ceiling, resembling a greenhouse with many green plants climbing to the top. She expected small birdcages but as she stepped in, she noticed birds on the branches by the ceiling. Jane closed the doors behind them, watching Isabelle who looked up in silent amazement. Jane stepped back, giving Isabelle time to take it in.

Each bird chirped and sang the most beautiful song.

Only then she noticed a fine net that separated the birds from the door to prevent their escape. She gently lifted it and walked through the path between the trees and bushes. The small bird in brown colour came from under the bush just by her feet. Isabelle kneeled on the floor, careful to not startle it.

"Hello, little one," Isabelle said softly watching the bird bouncing around and tilting its head.

She was so focused on it that she didn't notice Cassian appear by the door for a few moments, watching her curiously. A smile crept on his face as he caught a glimpse of a person he loved so dearly and a reminder that this was still his Isabelle. It was her gentleness towards the smallest of creatures and the deepest care that he adored ever so much and which he could see clearly now. Jane noticed him and gave him a nod with a smile, an affirmation that everything was okay. He spoke to her briefly in the morning as Matilda suggested that Jane were to be assigned to Isabelle to uplift her and help her come out of her shell. He was glad to see Matilda's plan working. Jane mentioned that she planned to show Isabelle either the library or the aviary so whilst Cassian had a little time between his appointments, he rushed through the castle to see if the plan has worked. He walked away before Isabelle noticed him.

"Do you think it'll be okay if I bring some grains and seeds for them?" Isabelle asked quietly.

"That's a splendid idea, Adeline!" Jane replied.

After spending some more time in the aviary, they went to have their lunch in servants' quarters, along with other maids. Matilda smiled at Isabelle as she appeared, ever so happy to see that Jane managed to get her out of the room.

And after lunch, Jane led Isabelle to another room. It was a fitting room with few armchairs and settles, with several large mirrors. The man with a well-tailored suit and his hair tidily put in a ponytail came in. He looked at Isabelle with pure curiosity, studying her in silence before he spoke.

"Her highness, I presume." He said to Isabelle as he bowed.

"Indeed, sir," Isabelle said with a nod, bowing back at him respectfully.

"Now, I've brought plenty of sketches and fabric samples so we can come up with a perfect dress for you. I will have to take your measurements, if that's not too bothersome, your highness." He started to take out sketchbooks from his bag with a whole pouch of fabric swatches. "Do you have any vision?"

"I'm afraid not," Isabelle said as she shook her head.

"What kind of a dress would you like?"

"I-…" Isabelle hesitated. "I want a dress that won't cause you any trouble to make. Something simple."

The tailor hesitated. "Simple is not that simple. The simpler the dress, the more perfect it has to be in its simplicity."

"I do not wish to cause you trouble with it."

"What do you think of this?" The tailor asked as he picked up two sketches out of the book.

"Frankly, I do not have an opinion." Isabelle lied. "Please, can you decide?"

"That's interesting." Tailor mused. "Are you saying that I can make the dress that I think is the most suitable?" The tailor asked as he tilted his head.

"Yes." Isabelle nodded.

"Okay, let me see." He nudged her to turn around. He watched her in the reflection in the mirror, analysing her figure and thinking intently. "I have some ideas but I may have to go away and think about it a bit more. Would you like me to update you about the process?"

"I don't think that's necessary," Isabelle said quietly, already worried that she was too much of a burden to him.

"Well then, I'll come back once the dress is ready for fitting." He smiled. He started taking her measurements and then he told her about some of the current trends and showed off some fabrics.

"These are all stunning," Isabelle commented truthfully. The tailor was definitely one of the best, if not the best, in his craft. Isabelle was truly astonished by the sketches of the wedding dresses, realising just how bad her own dress was. The issue wasn't that it was plain, but rather that it was ill-fitting, too loose on her, which resembled a potato sack more than a wedding dress that it was intended to. Jane watched the exchange from the side, rather surprised by Isabelle's requests to have a dress made as per the tailor's opinions rather than her own, but she didn't comment. She wondered in silence whether Isabelle wanted a surprise, not realising that the main reason for it was that simply Isabelle didn't want the tailor to trouble himself and for him to just make what he thought was the easiest. But the tailor understood it similarly to Jane and he took the request with joy as he felt that he had a full creative outlet with a dress for his most honourable customer.

The tailor left a while later and Isabelle went to dinner with Jane.

That night she slept the best in a long while. The distractions provided to her by Jane worked miraculously. Throughout the day she relaxed l as she was so focused on the new surroundings that she didn't have time to overthink anything and everything like she did in the days prior. That night she was tired enough to be able to fall asleep.