
Isabelle's POV

Surprisingly, the following day Jane managed to get Isabelle out of the room without much of a protest.

Isabelle was pulled across the corridor by Jane who was overly enthusiastic. She listened to Jane's mumbling with interest, looking around quickly to catch glimpses of splendour as they walked through another maze of corridors.

"It's rather amazing, I'm sure you'll love it." Jane continued happily as Cassian came out from around the corner rather unexpectedly, with Samuel right behind him. "Good afternoon, your highness," Jane said quickly with a chirpy voice. As soon as Isabelle heard his name, without even looking at his face, she bowed deeply. Cassian looked at her curiously.

"Good afternoon." He said, looking at Isabelle. His gaze burned the top of her head. After a few awkward moments, he gave Jane a nod and continued walking, Samuel following him a step behind.

"Don't you think him handsome?" Jane asked Isabelle in a rather loud whisper.

"I don't know," Isabelle replied quietly.

"You do not know?" Jane asked.

"I am certain that he is." Isabelle corrected her answer remembering that she should never even imply her husband's inadequacies. Even if she didn't know if he was handsome she was to assume that he is perfect. She wouldn't admit to Jane that she was too nervous to look at his face and that she hasn't seen him properly yet. She knew that he was tall and that he had broad shoulders as that's what was at her eye level, but as soon as she knew he was approaching, she looked down. She didn't see his face yet. She didn't know his eye or hair colour. She knew his deep voice as it was enough to make her want to drop to her knees. It was powerful and threatening. At least to Isabelle. After she was sure that he was long gone, she followed Jane to finally reach the destination. Jane smiled at Isabelle enigmatically before she pushed the huge double door open. Isabelle gasped. The library was enormous with the room being a few levels high, with each level having balconies allowing easier access to the books that were on mahogany bookshelves. The room had a glass ceiling in the centre allowing a ring of natural light into the middle of the room, and yet the corners were dark, with only small oil lamps lighting them up with a warm yellow gleam. There were thousands if not millions of books on the shelves. Jane watched Isabelle's surprised face with a smile, feeling like she was finally breaking her shell, or at least making cracks in it.

Isabelle didn't need any further invitation as she walked towards the nearest shelf and started looking through the titles, admiring the beautiful bindings and golden letterings.

Isabelle picked a book off the shelf and read the first line, being drawn right into the story. Jane grabbed her by her arm and pointed at the armchair hidden away. Isabelle smiled at Jane with such a thankful smile, sitting down and reading, getting lost in the whole new world. The book she picked was very different to what Matilda brought her before. It was filled with so much adventure and so many plot twists that it kept her continuously on the edge. Isabelle didn't realise when Jane left the library.

Cassian's POV:

Cassian was surprised to find Isabelle walking along with Jane but he was glad that she left the room again. Her reaction to him was almost the same as before which hurt him further. She bowed deeply and he noticed her hands shaking. He still didn't know what he did to make her like this. He didn't understand what he did wrong to have his best friend react so differently to him. He couldn't stand seeing Isabelle so terrified so he kept on walking. He didn't want to stress her out even further. Jane wasn't very discreet in asking Isabelle if she thought that Cassian is handsome when he barely turned around the corner. Cassian stopped and listened to the answer with curiosity. He was slightly disappointed by Isabelle's answer or lack of one.

Samuel watched him curiously and as they walked further towards Cassian's study he burst into laughter. Cassian scowled at him but it did nothing. Samuel couldn't care less about upsetting him.

"Why is she so terrified of me?" Cassian asked Samuel letting out a sigh.

"I beg your pardon, sir, but she's terrified of everyone," Samuel answered honestly. "Perhaps if she got to know you better, she'd be less alarmed by your person?"

"Perhaps." Cassian nodded. "But how am I to do that without making her tremble?"

"In my humble opinion, it is a case of perseverance and time."

"Maybe. I'll give her some more time to settle down and then I'll try approaching her." Cassian decided.

Jane came by Cassian's office later in the afternoon, with a wide grin on her face.

"I saw that you've managed to successfully take Isabelle around the castle," Cassian said in a calm tone.

"Isabelle?" Jane asked curiously.

"Adeline." Cassian corrected himself. "It's a little complicated. I do know my wife's name!" He tried to explain himself, feeling as if Jane might misunderstand. He blushed in embarrassment.

"Yes, Adeline was in the aviary yesterday and she's still in the library now. She's been very keen on reading."

"What made you so happy?" Samuel asked as he paced across the room. He rarely could sit down still nowadays. He best thought while he was moving.

"I saw a glimpse of a smile today from her highness." Jane almost squealed while saying so. Cassian looked up at her and then smiled softly as he imagined how truly wonderful that little smile must've been.

"That's great," Cassian spoke as he looked down at his hands. "I meant to ask about how the appointment with the tailor went as well."

"I am not too sure. The tailor was excited as her highness gave him a free hand in deciding what was right."

"I see." Cassian thought carefully about it wondering whether Isabelle didn't just agree to anything to not cause trouble or whether it was because she trusted the tailor to make the right choice. He decided not to dwell on it too much and to follow up on it with the tailor at a later date. He soon dismissed Jane and met Samuel's eyes, knowing that Samuel thought something that he wouldn't like.

"Speak your mind, Samuel."

"Don't you feel like you're spying on her as you question her maids on an almost daily basis?"

"I do." Cassian nodded. "I cannot approach her and ensure her well-being myself. This is the only way that I can make sure that she's still okay."

"Is she though?" Samuel asked. He was always the first one to challenge Cassian, and rightfully so.

"No, she is not. But there's an improvement. Maybe soon she'll feel at home in here."

"That's hopeful," Samuel said before changing the topic.