City of Ariadna

Isabelle's POV:

Isabelle went to feed the birds in the afternoon, again admiring the beautiful singing. The little brown bird hopped toward her again, which made Isabelle happier than ever, even if she struggled to show it. It was almost as if she couldn't physically smile for fear that someone will try to punish her for it.

The following day, Jane brought Isabelle a coat in the morning with a mischievous grin on her face.

"What are you planning, Jane?" Isabelle asked anxiously.

"Rupert has said that there's not going to be any rain today so I thought that we may take a walk into the capital. The city of Ariadna is definitely stunning and I think some fresh air might do you good." Jane took the brush out of Isabelle's hand, regardless of her protests, and braided her hair in the intricate plait, putting a silver hairpin in it which had beautifully crafted leaves on it. "The only question is whether you'd rather walk or take a carriage?"

"I don't mind walking," Isabelle said quietly worried that asking for a carriage will be too much trouble.

"Alright, Adeline." Jane nodded, watching her lady's reflection.

After breakfast, Jane took a basket and a pouch with coins and walked alongside Isabelle down the large courtyard, towards the gate. The guard gave them a nod. Isabelle didn't quite realise the mere distance they will have to walk just to leave the grounds of the castle. Castle was enormous, spreading across the horizon, and containing hundreds of rooms.

But as much as the castle was breathtaking, the city was equally wonderful. The market was beaming with life and chatters. The cathedral's bells rang melodiously. Terraced houses were painted in pastel colours, standing tall on the sides of the pavement. Horses that pulled carriages had beautiful red plumes on their heads. Jane led them towards the main square which had a large fountain in the centre, spraying water in all directions. Isabelle turned around quickly as she noticed a group of kids running and chasing each other, laughing cheerfully. No one scolded the children for playing next to the adults, but their presence was welcomed.

Isabelle's body relaxed a bit as the atmosphere around her seemed genuine.

"Jane!" Some lady by the stand with jewellery waved at her. Jane looked at Isabelle in anticipation. Isabelle gave her an encouraging nod and they walked up to the stand. Isabelle looked at the fine hand-crafted jewellery in silence as Jane started talking excitedly.

"Oh, Mary, this is Adeline." Jane quickly pointed at Isabelle. "She's our new lady." She said in a loud whisper.

"New lady?" Mary repeated loudly. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, your highness." Mary curtsied clumsily.

"Please, there's no need." Isabelle blushed embarrassedly.

"Adeline's our new princess." Jane continued. "Isn't she stunning?"

Isabelle turned beetroot red at her maid's comments.

"I saw you looking at this, your highness." Mary picked a delicate necklace that lay near the edge of the red velvety tablecloth. "Do you like it?"

"It is truly beautiful, Mary," Isabelle said kindly. "You have a true talent."

"Oh please, there's no need to flatter me!" Mary said with a belly chuckle. "It would be an honour if you'd take it, your highness."

"Oh." Isabelle turned red.

"Here you go." Jane picked up the necklace and placed it on Isabelle before she could say no.

"I couldn't." Isabelle shook her head. "It's too precious."

"Well, why don't you buy it?" Jane asked as she picked up the pouch. "This is yours." She gave it to Isabelle. Indeed, the pouch of money was intended for Isabelle and was given to her by Cassian in the morning to buy Isabelle anything she might want. Isabelle's eyes widened as Jane continued. "His majesty insisted that you buy yourself something so why don't you get this necklace? It suits you perfectly."

"His majesty?" Isabelle asked as her lip quivered.

"Oh yes, Prince Cassian was clear that I am not to come back if I don't get you anything," Jane said, of course paraphrasing Cassian as he hasn't made that kind of threat to her, albeit he did say that she should encourage Isabelle to pick whatever she likes.

"I couldn't," Isabelle repeated.

"You like it, don't you?" Jane asked her directly. "You've said it yourself." Jane passed Mary some coins from the pouch and Mary thanked them profusely. She looked back at Isabelle who stared at a necklace on her neck in contemplation or rather fear. She was going to be punished for it later, she knew that. Every time she was given anything, she paid the price of it later, whether it was in the form of berating or beating.

Jane pulled on Isabelle's arm again, not letting her dwell on her worries and a newly acquired necklace. Jane bought some baked cheese with some berry jam and passed some to Isabelle who stared at it with confusion, never seeing such a delicacy before. She took a bit and was absolutely blown away by the smokiness of the warm cheese and the sweet zestiness of the jam. Jane tugged on her arm again and they walked across the square towards a tall standing cathedral with beautifully sculptures angels. A choir came out and started singing. Isabelle was listening to that otherworldly music with utter astonishment. She closed her eyes, only now noticing some odd words in Latin.

"The dream of flight," Isabelle said quietly.


"That's the song. They sing about the dream of flight." Isabelle reopened her eyes and said to Jane.

"You understand it?!" Jane looked at Isabelle in amazement.

"It's Latin. Gaze towards the sky, you'll know that is where your heart will feel at home, once you have taken flight." Isabelle started translating for Jane. "I've read it before, actually. There was this inventor who believe that humans can fly. He designed many machines that were to do just that. It is unknown if he ever managed to fly in the end but don't you think it to be ever so thrilling of an idea to spread your arms and fly like a bird? Not like a bird in the aviary, but rather a bar-tailed godwit which travels to the ends of the earth. So small and plain but yet it sees the farthest corners of the world." Jane watched as Isabelle became increasingly animated. "Although, in summer they have red bellies, and then in winter they're all this brownish-grey. They live by the coasts. I have seen so many splendid drawings in books of them."

"Have you not seen one in real life?" Jane asked as she tilted her head.

"Oh no, I have never been near the coast," Isabelle admitted. "The coast is far from the castle in Galbore and I haven't travelled further than my grandfather's palace, about a two-hour carriage ride away. Well, I have now. I have travelled here, of course. Not sure whether it counts if I slept almost all of the way through the journey."

"I'm not sure how much you know about Ariadna, but we have beautiful coasts and mountains and lakes and forests. I am unsure whether we have bar-tailed godwits but there are many stunning creatures around. We could take a trip when the weather is nicer?" Jane suggested with her usual enthusiasm. "Also, you've mentioned the aviary. None of those birds there were captured for that purpose. They were rescued and many of the birds will never survive out in the wild. His majesty runs the aviary as a sanctuary for exotic birds."

"Is it so?" Isabelle was truly surprised by the information.


They returned to the castle in the late afternoon. Isabelle was surprised when the guards didn't even stop them on the way in. Jane explained that all maids have a very specific uniform which is only sewn in the castle, so guards can recognise them from far away. Isabelle didn't give it much more thought as she started to feel the tiredness all of the sudden. Possibly the sight of the front door reminded her how close she was to her room and her very comfortable bed.

Her cheeks were flushed from the walk and cold air.

As she came back into the room, she sat down at her dresser and only now she remembered the necklace. It was a silver necklace with green-blue crystal that almost matched the colour of her eyes.

Isabelle smiled at her reflection, with the hairpin and a necklace she felt particularly special.

She fell asleep within moments, partially because of her tiredness, but also because she wasn't as anxious throughout the day with Jane providing her with plenty of distractions.