
Isabelle's POV:

Isabelle was happy when the next day she could stay indoors. After spending so much time in the castle, she struggled to recover after a whole day of walking.

Jane had a day off which meant that Isabelle was with Matilda for most of the day.

It was a surprisingly pleasant change of pace for Isabelle.

She keenly ate breakfast in servants' quarters along with Matilda and other maids, listening in on all of the gossip.

Before Matilda even asked what Isabelle wanted to do, she found herself a perfect task. They arrived for breakfast early enough for Isabelle to meet the cook, Anthony, who was putting out freshly baked bread on the table. Matilda quickly introduced them as they were sitting down.

"How do you find food in Ariadna, your highness?" Anthony asked. He was a middle-aged man with dark hair and eyes and a round nose.

"Truly splendid, Anthony," Isabelle answered honestly.

"Is there anything you miss from Galbore?"

"I don't think so. Although, I do know how to make a rather lovely custard cream pie with the flakiest pastry."

"I've never heard of it," Anthony admitted.

"If you let me, I can show you." Isabelle offered. Anthony accepted the offer rather eagerly and not long after breakfast Isabelle went into the kitchen with him, making several trays of the pie for servants.

As the evening came, the pie was served and Isabelle received many compliments and comments of disbelief over her cooking skills.

She smiled shyly, watching the pie being devoured.

After dinner, Matilda walked her to the library as per Isabelle's request. Isabelle was left alone, eager to read for a little while before going to bed. Her eagerness was the reason why she grabbed a lamp without thought, grabbing it by the hot handle. Her skin sizzled and burned, leaving a fiery red mark. Isabelle managed to find the bathroom nearby and washed it with cold water but a red mark remained. As she returned to her bedroom, Matilda helped her put some ointment on her hand, grumbling at Isabelle's carelessness.

Cassian's POV

Cassian had his dinner quite late, even after all of the servants had theirs. He ate with Samuel, chatting over their meal.

Matilda knocked on the door and came in with a smile. She placed a small plate with a neat slice of pie on it in front of Cassian.

"I've managed to get the last slice for you, your highness," Matilda said with a smile.

"Hey, that's not fair," Samuel grumbled.

Cassian looked at the pie rather curiously. He was about to offer it to Samuel when Matilda added. "Her highness made it." Cassian looked up at her in surprise.

"Isabelle made it?"

"Indeed. I'm afraid this is all that's left and I had to guard it carefully." Matilda chuckled. "She is truly gifted, your highness."

Cassian hadn't finished his dinner before he pulled a small plate towards him and took a bite of the pie.

"Oh my goodness…" Cassian mumbled, devouring the rest of it.

Samuel was very keen to voice his disapproval of the fact that he didn't get any of it. And Cassian was very keen to voice his compliments for Isabelle. Matilda left the room with a smile.

Isabelle's POV

Isabelle woke up quite early and she was keen to go downstairs, remembering now the way to the servants' quarters, with the hope that she can help Anthony again. She enjoyed helping him in the kitchen. He was a very encouraging teammate and he was very keen to compliment her cooking skills. It was nice to work beside someone who seemed to appreciate her this much.

As she just walked out of the room and started walking down the hallway, someone grabbed her hand. She turned around and instantly recognised the regal wear, bowing her head instinctively.

Cassian grabbed her hand and lifted it, looking at it carefully. Isabelle didn't quite understand what he was doing, as he let go of her and marched off before she could even make anything out of the situation.

This action, the silent checking of her hand, was what made Isabelle anxious. She didn't know the reason, and she was afraid that she has done something wrong, or perhaps that she didn't look right.

"I'd like to help Anthony again." Isabelle declared to Matilda as she entered the servants' quarters.

Matilda stopped and looked around at her.

"I'm afraid you cannot." She said.

"Why not?"

"His majesty has forbidden you from entering the servants' quarters or the kitchen."

"Why?" Isabelle's voice broke as she asked.

"I do not know," Matilda answered honestly.

"But, you could just not tell him?" Isabelle asked.

"Adeline, I cannot do that." Matilda shook her head, omitting the fact that she wouldn't hide Cassian's secret from Isabelle either. They were both her masters after all.

"I see." Isabelle nodded in defeat.

"Let's go." Matilda grabbed her arm and walked her out of the servants' quarters. "Would you, perhaps, like to eat in the dining room?"

"If I cannot eat in the servants' quarters, I rather just eat in my room," Isabelle said quietly. Her freedom, however little she had of it, was taken away from her without reason. One of the very few things she truly enjoyed was ripped away from her. She knew that he will come for her. She didn't know why, but she knew that he will slowly destroy her happiness, however little of it she had. She knew that she shouldn't have stepped out of the room and walked into him. If she didn't, maybe she wouldn't anger him. Maybe if she were more invisible, she wouldn't have had him ban her from spending time with the only people she'd ever consider her friends.

Matilda looked over at Isabelle's, recognising her broken spirit, and how much that has shifted her mood. She felt angry on Isabelle's behalf. She walked her to her room, and then she brought her breakfast. As she expected, when she returned a few hours later, Isabelle barely touched her breakfast, sitting curled up in the armchair with her eyes reddened.

Cassian's POV

Cassian caught a glimpse of Isabelle as she came out of the room. He tried not to startle or bother her. But as he was about to walk in the opposite direction, he noticed that her hand was red. He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his face to see it better.

didn't realise that Cassian noticed a red mark on her hand. He grabbed Isabelle's hand, bringing it up to see it better. He pulled her sleeve down and turned her hand so that her palm was facing up. Cassian recognised a burn on it, his heart stopping instantly.

She burnt herself, quite likely while baking. She was hurt.

He didn't want her to be nervous due to his presence as he couldn't stand seeing her go paler and tremble at the mere sight of him again, so he let go of her and walked off as quickly as, hoping that she wasn't going to be even more upset because of him. As he walked away, he decided that he didn't want Isabelle to cook again if it bore the risk of her hurting herself again. He immediately caught Matilda and ordered her to prevent Isabelle from entering the kitchen and the servants' quarters, before he rushed off to his first appointment.

In the afternoon, Matilda walked into his study with a stern look on her face. This bothered Cassian. He was immediately worried that something happened to Isabelle.

"Your highness, I don't think this is the best idea at all," Matilda said sharply. Cassian looked at her in surprise. "Forbidding Isabelle from entering the servants' quarters or kitchen removes one of the few reasons she even leaves the room. It is cruel."

"Excuse me?" Cassian was stunned by Matilda's outburst.

"And frankly, if you wish to make her your prisoner, do not use me as a messenger. Tell her yourself that she's not allowed to do as she wishes and that you're taking away one of the few things that give her joy. Currently, she's crying herself to sleep and she hates me for it!" Matilda raised her voice.

"She is free to do as she wants as long as she doesn't hurt herself. I do not want her to burn herself again."

"So that's what this is?" Matilda asked. "She burnt herself on a lamp in the library. And frankly, you could've told her that rather than make me tell her no without any reason!"

"How am I supposed to tell her if she is terrified of me and shakes like a leaf as soon as she sees me?" Cassian barked at Matilda.

"That's your own problem. Maybe you should try harder to work out why your very own wife thinks of you as a villain." Matilda scoffed.

"You have a rather sharp tongue today, Matilda," Cassian noted as he looked at her with a cold gaze.

"Your highness, I've seen Isabelle cry and break more than anyone else here. It is your responsibility, not mine, to make your wife feel at home. Besides, did you consider for a second that she's no longer a sixteen-year-old girl you knew but rather a woman with much more complex wants and needs, who has years of life experience that you know nothing about, before you even attempted to approach her? Now, if you'll excuse me, your highness." Matilda bowed and left Cassian alone in the room.

Cassian was left speechless. Matilda knew exactly what to say to trigger him.