
Isabelle's POV

Isabelle managed to calm down and the next morning she went to the aviary to feed the birds.

"Hello, little one." She spoke to the small brown bird. "It seems that we have rather a lot in common." She kept on mumbling. "We both can't spread our wings and fly. We're prisoners. They say that it's for our own good but is it really?" She gave the seeds to the birds, but the brown little bird seemed to be the most courageous. Isabelle smiled weakly at it as she managed to gently touch its feathers. "I wonder if you'd pick this place full of luxuries over your freedom if you had a choice." Isabelle knew the answer.

After feeding the birds Matilda walked her to the library where she hid away with a book.

And as she was left alone, Isabelle's mind started wandering. It started getting hung on an idea. At first, it was the smallest thought that she dismissed quickly, but it grew throughout the day.

A caged bird, even the one that can't survive, will always pick freedom. Because freedom was an instinct of all living creatures.

She has decided. If she were as good as dead, she will fight for her freedom at least once in her life. Her husband didn't seem to care very much about her in the castle, besides hindering her. He wouldn't care if she disappeared. Surely, it would be a relief for Jane and Matilda to not have to deal with her depressed self.

Isabelle stood up and walked around the library until she found what she was looking for. A map with beautifully annotated names. The Kingdom of Galbore was southwest of here. But if she returned, she would be killed, slowly and painfully. She did not doubt that. The Kingdom of Herold and the kingdom of Preyina were in conflict. The only other kingdom was Valarie. Isabelle stared at the map for a while, realising just how close the border to Valarie was from the capital.

She thought about it carefully, and hope gleamed on her face. She could start anew in a new place. She could be whoever she wanted to be.

As Matilda helped brush Isabelle's hair, Isabelle came up with a perfect excuse to leave the castle.

"Matilda, I was wondering." She started unsurely. "I saw some truly beautiful jewellery in the city and I wondered if it were possible that I could go to Ariadna again?" She asked shyly.

"Of course, Adeline. I can take you tomorrow if you wish."

"That would be wonderful, Matilda." Isabelle smiled at her. Matilda felt her heart melt at the simple smile, feeling like she could give anything to see Isabelle smiling like that more.

Isabelle thought about her plan carefully, not sleeping almost at all through the night. She knew that she needed to be quick. It was at least several hours of walking until she could reach the border. She knew that she was risking everything she had. But she had nothing. She was a prisoner for years. A prisoner in her father's kingdom, and now a prisoner in her husband's kingdom. She belonged to someone else and she never was her own person. She needed to taste the freedom even if she were to be beheaded for it.

As the morning came, Isabelle ate her breakfast reminding herself that it will be a while before she might eat again.

She dressed and put on a cape lined with fur that Matilda brought her. She was eager to walk with Matilda to the city, stopping by the marketplace.

"Oh, Matilda, what a stunning performance!" Isabelle pointed at the dancers in the street. Matilda followed her gaze and started looking at the performers. Isabelle used this distraction to her advantage. Before Matilda noticed, Isabelle walked back through the crowd. As soon as the crowd was sparse she run. She ran down the nearest side street, taking a few turns, trying to still maintain some awareness of direction. She ran towards the edge of the city, running into the dark forest before long. She ran. She ran for her life. She ran for her freedom. She ran like she never did before.

Isabelle tried to stay away from the roads, and from people. She couldn't have any witnesses. Anyone could inform the royal guards of her sighting. Anyone could betray her. She knew that by now Matilda was searching for her. She knew that soon royal guards will be sent for her. She didn't have long. No matter how tired she was, she kept on running.

It didn't matter how many times she caught herself on another branch, she kept running. It didn't matter how many times she tripped over, she got up and kept running.

For the first time, she could be free. Free of her royal duties, free of her responsibilities, free of criticism, free.

It didn't matter if she were pretty if she were dignified if she was respectful if she bowed low enough if she spoke eloquently enough if she knew every regulation and rule ever established. She thought about it carefully and she knew that there was plenty she could do. She could work in a kitchen to get her own money, or in the tailor's shop, or she could teach, or… it didn't matter right now.

Her will to be free wasn't enough to keep her running forever. Isabelle slowed down but hasn't stopped. Her shoes were already thinning out. Her cape had a few new holes in it. Her hair was dishevelled.

"Vide ad caelum, scies, ibi cor audies domi," Isabelle said the words of the song, reminding herself that she only has to look at the sky to know for sure as her heart will be heard.

The day grew dark and Isabelle knew that she was near the border. She must've been. She travelled North-East for hours.

"Stop there!" A sharp voice cut through the air from Isabelle's side. Isabelle looked around warily and noticed a man in armour carrying a lamp. She lifted her skirt, running as fast as she could. "Stop!" He yelled behind her. He took out a whistle and blew it, alarming other guards in the proximity. Isabelle panicked but kept running as if she were running for her life. "Stop! I command you to stop!"

"No!" Isabelle wailed as she kept going.

"Stop!" Another voice sounded behind her.

"You must stop! As per royal order!" And another voice. Isabelle knew that she was outnumbered. She saw lamps turning on one after another between the trees, slowly closing onto her.

A strong force hit her across the back making Isabelle fall to the ground. Someone landed on top of her.

"No!" Isabelle cried as she thrashed, kicked and scratched the person on top of her. "Let me go!"

"You disobeyed an order from the royal guard." The soldier huffed as he pinned Isabelle down, sitting across her abdomen. Six more soldiers appeared with lamps, one of which helped to constrain Isabelle.

"I don't care! Let me go!" Isabelle screamed, still trying to fight. The guards dragged her to their base.

"Sir, she tried to cross the border through the woods, she disobeyed our orders, and she scratched the heck out of my face." The soldier said to the man in armour. He looked at the soldier and rubbed his beard in thought.

"She did that?" He asked as he pointed at the soldier's scratched face.

"Yes, sir."

"One would think that you were mauled by a wolf." The man spoke. He stood tall and proud. He looked at Isabelle studiously. She avoided his gaze, looking to the side. Although her dress was simple he was sure that she wasn't from a simple background. "Send the message to the castle." He ordered. Isabelle looked at him, her eyes glaring with a dangerous spark.

"Do not!" She said sternly.

"Do not?" The man chuckled as he took a step towards her. "Then you better answer me. Who are you and why did you try to cross the border through the woods rather than official crossing?"

"None of your bloody business!" Isabelle was fuming. "I didn't do anything illegal."

"How am I supposed to know? After all, you've tried to cross the border in a rather suspicious way." He smirked. "Don't worry, we have time to talk. Take her into my office, I'll be there in a moment."

Isabelle was dragged into a cold and dim room with a single oil lamp in it before she was pushed into the chair and her hands were restrained.

"Now, what shall I call you?" The tall man came into the room moments later and sat opposite Isabelle. She remained silent. "I'm Kingsley. I'm the first knight of the royal guard. And frankly, the more you say now, the less trouble you're going to be in. Even though, you're already in trouble. You've scratched my soldier's face off. He has to go off duty because of you." Kingsley leaned back in the chair tapping on the wooden table. "So, what's your name?" Kingsley looked at her carefully noticing the scratches on her from all of the branches she caught herself on. Her eyes were piercing through him as she sat in complete silence. "Okay, if not that, tell me why you've tried to cross to Valarie." Silence. Deafening silence. "Look, my job here is to ensure the safety of Ariadna, all of its people, and his majesty," Kingsley said in a calm tone. His patience was outstanding. "And her majesty too." He smiled at the thought. "It's unbelievable that our prince married."

"Is it?" Isabelle unintentionally broke her silence as she tilted her head and looked at Kingsley curiously.

"I fought by his side for the past few years. It's hard to think that a man who was a monster in the battlefield could settle down and be willing to stay at home." Kingsley smiled at Isabelle. "But, I still need you to answer my questions. You can't keep diverting them."

"I have nothing to say."

"You've hurt my soldier."

"It was self-defence."

Kingsley laughed at Isabelle's response.

He tried to speak to her for a while until he was informed that Prince himself was underway. He sends Isabelle to the holding cell while awaiting Prince Cassian's arrival.