
Cassian's knees buckled underneath him as soon as he walked out of the dining room. Samuel rushed towards him and helped him up.

"Stubborn as a mule." Samuel grumbled as he led Cassian to his chamber. He helped him into the bed. Cassian started to throw up again.

"Isabelle…" Cassian tried to speak between the bouts of vomit.

"Empty your stomach first, talk later."

Cassian obliged not having much more choice. Once his stomach settled he looked back at Samuel who looked at him in disapproval.

"Isabelle will be going to Galbore tomorrow. I need you to overlook it. I need her to go in the finest carriage and I need Matilda to pack her the luggage with the best dresses."

"Why?" Samuel furrowed his brows.

"She has been invited to visit her cousin in the palace." Cassian laid on the pile of pillows. "I cannot accompany her in my current state. You must go."

"You know that it will be frowned upon if I go."

"I need you to go. Pretend to be a servant or something. Matilda should go too. I need you to make sure that she goes there and comes back safely."


"And you must cause no trouble. You must obey her every word and stand back until she orders you."

"Do you really think that this is a good idea?"

"I rather Isabelle not see me in my current state."

In the meantime, Isabelle stared blankly at the letter. She hasn't heard from her cousin, Elisabeth, in months. Cassian's insistence on her going felt like betrayal but also as a hint that he doesn't want her in his home. He previously told her that she should have taken the carriage to Valarie during her escape. This was the easiest way to get rid of her.

She didn't eat any more of her dinner. Cassian's plate remained completely untouched.

She concluded that this was the reason why he was sending her away. She angered him by giving the rulings to the council and forcing rations upon them.

Not even once did she consider that he might've been still unwell, after all, why would he get up whilst still in pain.

She looked at the closed door to his chamber as she walked past. She was in that room more in the past two weeks than since their wedding.

She continued to her chamber where she tried her best to get some sleep.

Isabelle woke up exhausted from yet another night of rough sleep.

"Good morning, Adeline." Matilda walked into the room with breakfast.

"Morning, Matilda." Isabelle said in her hazy state, rubbing her eyes.

"I've brought breakfast. I've packed your bags as well. And I think, once you're dressed we're ready to set off."

"Oh." Isabelle covered her face with her hands, trying to come through but also trying to stop herself from swearing and screaming and beginning them to not send her away. She hoped to see Elisabeth, of course, but not Beatrice. She could already feel the rod on her back. She rather death at this point that yet another bout of beating which will make it impossible for her to even sit or lay down for days if not weeks, with fabric always rubbing against the cuts on her back making it so much harder to heal.

"Thank you, Matilda." Isabelle replied shortly as she got up.

"Are you looking forward to seeing your family?"

"I suppose." Isabelle replied unenthusiastically.

She barely touched her breakfast. Her appetite was gone at a mere thought of what was to come.

Matilda forced her in a soft green dress which was simple but yet so soft that it felt as if Isabelle was wearing a cloud. Isabelle wanted to protest but Matilda was stern that it was Cassian's order.

As the morning went, Isabelle because increasingly quiet and withdrawn.

Matilda did her hair into a thick five strand braid which revealed Isabelle's smooth neck.

She then led Isabelle to the carriage. Isabelle froze at its sight. It was nothing like the carriage she arrived in. It was enclosed and cushioned carriage, decorated with carved vines on the outside. She was helped inside by the coachman. The seating was comfortable and inside was warm, but even then there were fleeces and blankets, and Isabelle held onto her new cape. Leaving the castle felt and looked very different to when she arrived. She couldn't deny that she was treated well.

She sat down with Matilda opposite her. Matilda brought some knitting for the journey which Isabelle joined keenly. Occupied with the crafts, she barely noticed the long journey. They stopped at a half way point where Isabelle was forced to have her lunch in an inn. It might've not been glamorous but food was warm and delicious.

"How are you enjoying your meal, your highness?"

Isabelle jumped, startled by the familiar voice.

"Sir Asselin?" She looked at him and his plain clothes in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm your personal servant for this trip." Samuel said as he grabbed a mug of mulled wine and downed it.

"What? Why?"

"Because his majesty is battered since he fell off a horse and broke half of his rib cage."

"That doesn't explain anything at all."

"Look, I've been ordered to. If you ask me, all of this was a stupid idea and a waste of time."

"Someone's in a good mood." Isabelle mumbled sarcastically.

"I've spent six hours on a horse in freezing cold. I can be in whatever mood I want to be in."

Isabelle chuckled at his animated speech.

"Sir Asselin, would you rather be in a carriage?" Isabelle tilted her head.

"Absolutely not. I rather not have left the castle grounds."

"That makes two of us."

"Just say a word, your highness."

"We should get going so we don't travel too much after the dark." Isabelle decided.

"Let's go then." Samuel announced as he stood up. He helped Isabelle into the carriage and went back to his horse. Isabelle glanced at him through the window of the carriage several times. The wind danced with his hair that was half up and half down. He sat straight although he rode for many hours. He was alert and aware of his surrounding. He might have dressed down but he still looked dignified. He was serious, focused. Isabelle felt weird about it. It was as if she looked at another man. Samuel smiling was reassuring and he was able to melt the ice easily. His seriousness was exact opposite, it was unsettling.

Arriving at a palace was bittersweet. Isabelle was there barely a few times before with her grandfather who forced her to socialise with the aristocracy. She never was too keen on the gatherings that she was forced to attend, nor was she that keen on the duke. But she reminded herself that she came here for Elisabeth and her newborn baby. Just a few days at most and she should be on the way back - hopefully. She still didn't believe that she will ever return to Ariadna.

"Oh my goodness!" Elisabeth walked out from the palace, walking down to Isabelle. "Look at you!" She hugged Isabelle dearly.

"Oh, Elisabeth, how wonderful it is to see you." Isabelle said truthfully, hugging her cousin back.

Elisabeth was her cousin from Isabelle's father's side. They had barely any contact throughout childhood but since Isabelle moved to live in a castle, Elisabeth was her silent supporter.

"Let's go in. The dinner is almost set and we will speak of everything that has happened."

"Her majesty…" Isabelle started.

"Queen Beatrice will be arriving tomorrow evening. I was hoping that I can have you to myself for a little bit."

"Oh." Isabelle looked surprised at Elisabeth, but Elisabeth already tugged on her arm, leading her into the palace. "My maid and…"

"Don't worry. They can stay in servants' quarters. Once they are set up, they will be led back to you." Elisabeth waved dismissively. Isabelle looked back at Samuel with worry. She was certain that he wasn't going to be appreciative of servants' quarters and that she will not hear the end of it, or worse, that he will start a brawl.

Isabelle was led to the drawing room and pushed onto the settee. Someone brought them tea and biscuits.

"You must tell me everything!"

"First of all, I want to congratulate you on a new baby."

"Yeah." Elisabeth waved dismissively. Isabelle knew very well that Elisabeth never was very keen on idea of being a mother. It didn't surprise her as much over how dismissive Elisabeth was, but she aches for the child. "The gifts are the biggest bonus of giving birth, I tell you."

"Oh, Elisabeth…" Isabelle said with slight worry.

"Named him Nicolas the Second after his father. And don't you worry, he has two wet nurses and a line of nannies already set up to him." Isabelle nodded at Elisabeth's statement. Samuel was led into the room. He stood to the side acting as if he were the servant that they assumed him to be. "I ought to say thank you for the gift from you both. That was very generous!"

Isabelle looked sideways towards Samuel in hope that he might know more about it. She decided to question him later. She looked at him curiously. He stood straight and quiet, acting like a servant. She raised her brows but he seemed to ignore her gaze.

"Now, you must tell me everything about your husband and all."

"Oh, I'm not sure where to start." Isabelle said honestly, blushing in embarrassment. She noticed a deep black and blue bruise just by the edge of Elisabeth's sleeve. "Oh, Elisabeth, what happened?" Isabelle furrowed her brows and pursed her lips.

"Nothing to worry about. You know, the usual." Elisabeth shrugged.

"Which one?"

"I-…" Elisabeth blushed. "I wasn't able to please him after giving birth so you know…" Elisabeth pulled her sleeve down.

Isabelle's heart sunk. She gulped at the horrific image in her mind and whatever her causing had to endure. . "I'm sure that you understand."

Samuel shifted in the corner of her eye. He must've heard what Elisabeth said and his eyes darkened.

"I-…" Isabelle didn't know what to say. She didn't experienced it. Not even once did Cassian harm her. Elisabeth reached for Isabelle's arm and pulled her sleeve up but there were no marks on her body.

"Oh dear, is it worse than an arm?"

"No." Isabelle shook her head.

"I presume that you've managed to please his whims."

"Hardly."Isabelle replied with a half-smile.



"It's been two months now. Surely he has a preferred spot."

"He hasn't raised his hand at me even once. Even though I deserved it on more than one occasion."

Samuel flinched again, this time at Isabelle's statement.

Elisabeth looked at Isabelle with disbelief.

"You were always so good and obedient when in the castle."

"I've done plenty to anger him."

"Maybe it is a foreign thing."


"Did he take many mistresses yet? Mine has two."

"Ohh…" Isabelle widened her eyes. "I haven't come across any." She could still see Samuel's uneasiness.

"He must be good at concealing them. That's good. You shouldn't worry yourself about them." Elisabeth laughed at which Isabelle nodded in agreement. She wasn't certain if Cassian had any mistresses. For the past two weeks he was in no state to, but before? Since she came to the castle, he seemed to always be busy in his study or he was away, dealing with disruptions or politics. "Does he summon you to his chambers often?"

"No." Isabelle shook her head.

"Then you must not be seeing him often. Lucky you."

"Depends on what you consider often. I see him almost daily, if not more. The only days I haven't seen him was when he was at the summit to deal with some political issues."

"You see him daily? How?"

"Mostly during dinner. He insists that we dine together."

"And how does it look like?"

"He usually asks about my day and talks of whatever he thinks relevant." The realisation dawned upon Isabelle that her experience was the unusual one.

"What even is relevant?" Elisabeth tilted her head.

"I suppose anything he thinks I might be interested in, or what concerns him. He mentioned political affairs of Ariadna. He told me of the highest mountain peak. He asked whether books I've read were good. He asked if I wish for a sword after I fought the royal advisor." Isabelle glanced at Samuel and smiled at the memory.

"What?!" Elisabeth turned pale. "This are all punishable things. You might get executed!"

"I am wary of it. I am surprised that I've lasted this long and I know my days are numbered."

"You know, until you bare a male heir, your place in the court is not guaranteed. At any point, you can be gotten rid of without a second of thought. It's shameful and embarrassing. Just think what kind of disgrace this would bring to you and your family. In the best interest of us all, make sure that you're on the path of bringing the heir to the throne. No matter the cost, and no matter what you do, you must try everything."

"Thank you for your input, Elisabeth." Isabelle said quietly.

"If you don't succeed, leave."

"What?" Isabelle looked up in surprise, feeling as if something was stuck in her throat.

"If it's him who doesn't want to touch you, you can legally annul the marriage You can avoid even more shame and embarrassment if the blame is not on you."

Isabelle looked at Elisabeth's bruises and she didn't quite understood how holding a place in a court that hurts you so much was worth it. "Your dress is so lovely. I don't think I've ever seen a fabric like that in Galbore." Elisabeth changed a topic.

Isabelle smiled as she looked down at her dress. Indeed, the fabric was nothing like what she ever saw in Galbore. It was soft, light, and it laid on her perfectly.

"Thank you."

"What rooms can you attend to?" Elisabeth asked Isabelle. "I am allowed this drawing room, nursery, and my own chamber. Ever so often I am allowed to go elsewhere when we have visitors."

"I am permitted to go where I wish. I find the library so stunning, Elisabeth. But I'm sure you know of my love for books. And city of Ariadna, the capital, is so beautiful."

"You left the castle grounds? I haven't left beyond the stairs to the courtyard since the marriage."

Elisabeth told her of her new life as a duchess. She told her of the duke and his outbursts, of his control over Elisabeth. But somehow, against everything, Elisabeth seemed thankful for the life she had.

Isabelle listened attentively. Elisabeth's life was exactly what she was warned against. But now, maybe a part of her wondered if Cassian truly wasn't different. She was convinced that her execution will come, but her conversation with Elisabeth planted a seed of doubt.