Visit cut short

Not long later, after a dinner, Isabelle was led to the guest chamber.

"May I see Nicolas?" Isabelle asked curiously.

"He is in the nursery. Just here." Elisabeth pointed to the room. "Feel free to see him whenever you want."

Isabelle raised her brows at Elisabeth's attitude. She understood. She understood that Elisabeth didn't want that child but was forced to have him.

And she pitied the child so much. He was going to grow up among nannies and wet nurses with little to no love from anyone, turning into a bitter and hateful ruler who seeks power.

They bid each other good night and Isabelle started dressing down. Her chamber was left open as she took her hair down when she heard a quiet noise. Only as she walked down the hallway, she realised that it was a cry.

She walked into Nicolas' room. There was no one else in the room beside a newborn in the rocking crib in the centre of the room. His hands and legs moved into the air. Isabelle walked up to the crib and watched his little face redden with his screams. No one was there to take care of him. Like no one was there to attend to her.

With as much caution as she could, she picked up Nicolas from the crib. She was as careful as if she handled porcelain, as if he could break.

"Shush, little one." She whispered, starting to rock him. She didn't have any milk to give him. All she had was a comfort of her arms.

But it seemed enough. Nicolas settled in her arms not long after.

"You're better at this than his wet nurse." Samuel said as he walked into the room. Isabelle smiled as she still rocked him.

"Why are you creeping around here?" Isabelle asked softly as to not startle the child who just closed his eyelids.

"I was curious as to where you have gone." Samuel walked up and looked at a sleeping child over Isabelle's shoulder. "Aww… he's so cute."

"He is, isn't he?" Isabelle admired a small little face.

"I can't imagine what kind of kids you and Cassian would have." Samuel said in deeper thought. Isabelle tensed up. "They would be stunningly beautiful, of course. Intelligent. Stubborn." Samuel chuckled. "Stupidly stubborn."

"Is his majesty that stubborn?" Isabelle looked up curiously.

"Oh yes." Samuel walked around and sat down. "I am more than happy to entertain you with some of the stories, your highness."

"How long do you know his majesty for?"

"Since we were kids." Samuel answered honestly. "My mother was his nanny so we pretty much grew up together."

"I didn't realise your…" Isabelle was careful with her words. "Humble background."

"How so?"

"I suppose it was my prejudice. My father always picked his closest court from the aristocratic families and I assumed it to be the case everywhere." Isabelle sighed. "There's much left I have to learn about Ariadna and the current customs there."

"I'll strike a deal with you, your highness."

"A deal? I don't think I like the sound of it."

"Maybe not a deal but rather an offer. Every time you join me for an afternoon tea, I'll teach you about any topic that you desire to learn more about. Also, if you wish, you can shadow me for some days. As the first royal advisor I'm exposed to most aspects of the court life."

"What is it that you'd like in return?"

"An occasional song on a piano, company for afternoon tea, and perhaps, an occasional dance during the balls. And sparring sessions."


"Because I'm bored out of my mind." Samuel smiled in his usual radiant way.

"I'll need to consider it before I agree."

"You don't trust me?"

"No." Isabelle shook her head. Her hair was curled up from the braid she had on earlier, falling over her shoulders. "Why did you pretend to be a servant?"

"I did say that my order was to be your personal servant for this trip."

"So, you're spying on me." It was more of a statement than a question.

"I always thought that you exaggerated certain things, especially when it comes to the treatment of women in Galbore…" Samuel pondered out loud.

"You thought that I was lying?" Isabelle's tone was challenging.

"Exaggerating, not lying."

"Say what you have to say."

"It is not my place." Samuel said carefully.

"Then don't say it."

"His majesty is not like the duke."

"Why? Because he conceals his affairs? Because he doesn't beat me with a rod but instead waits for me to be executed? Because his control over me is that in form of the dinners rather than imprisoning me in the room? Or is it perhaps, because he…" Isabelle hasn't finished but her cheeks turned fiery red. Samuel's mouth dropped open at the accusations.

"Maybe you should learn more about him before you start making those judgments, your highness." Samuel let out a sigh.

"Maybe." Isabelle agreed but her anger for the injustice of the world was slowly seeping through the cracks.

"Good night, your highness." Samuel left her alone in the room.

She rocked Nicolas for a little longer before she carefully placed him in a crib.

The next day, Isabelle had a little longer to enjoy Elisabeth's company in quiet, realising more and more how different their lives have become. Or rather, how different Isabelle's life has been in the last two months.

She sat with Elisabeth doing some cross-stitching which she hasn't done in a long time and which she had little patience for.

Queen Beatrice arrived at nearly dinner time so Isabelle managed to see her only once she walked into the dining room.

The dread set in immediately, but she felt somewhat reassured by Samuel's presence in the room.

She bowed deeply in front of the Queen.

"Your highness." Her voice barely escaped her lips. All the old wounds and fears resurfaced instantly, all the memories of the beatings and degrading she has experienced in the Galbore castle by the hand of the woman before her.

"I didn't expect you here." Queen said sharply and waved at Isabelle dismissively, allowing her to take a seat at the table. Isabelle was careful to take a seat a few places away, on the opposite side of the long table. "Has he send you back?"

"I-… No, your highness." Isabelle replied shyly. She didn't really know the answer, but considering that she had Samuel with her, there was a chance that she were to return to Ariadna. Hopefully.

"You've gotten fatter." Beatrice said with continued sharpness in her voice. Samuel fidgeted at the back of the room. "Perhaps a soup is too much for you." She quickly instructed a servant to take the bowl away from Isabelle, who didn't protest but bowed her head in shame.

"May I be excused, your highness?" Isabelle asked.

"May you be excused? What did I teach you?" Beatrice continued with cold anger. "You must not be heard when others are here. Who would want to hear your pathetic whining?" Isabelle grew smaller under the hard gaze. "I did notice your dresses. Honestly, child, have you forgotten everything since you've moved away?"

"I'm sorry, your highness."

"Those dresses are not suitable for YOU." Beatrice continued spitefully. "It is a rather grotesque sight to see such a dress on YOU. They are rather lovely and… well…" Beatrice waved her hand making it obvious what she meant.

Samuel gritted his teeth but resisted the urge to cause trouble. After all, he promised Cassian that he won't and that he will listen to Isabelle.

"I'm sorry, your highness."

"Now, dear Elisabeth, did you see the lovely new collection of dresses I've brought you?" Beatrice turned around and smiled to Elisabeth. Elisabeth's response was cut short as the door opened and a young woman walked in. Arrogance radiated from her.

"The travel was so tedious, mother. Honestly, Elisabeth, you should just move in to the castle." The woman said as she walked across and flopped on the chair without as much as acknowledgement to everyone in the room.

"Good evening, Adeline." Elisabeth smiled at her. Samuel stared at the new arrival and Isabelle sunk further. That was one thing she did not anticipate - Adeline. The real Adeline. In the same room as the royal advisor of Ariadna and Cassian's close friend.

"What's for dinner?"

"You can choose from soups and roasts, Adeline." Elisabeth said kindly.

"Never mind, I've lost my appetite." Adeline announced ostentatiously as she looked at Isabelle. "I didn't realise that you were here. Did you get send back? If so, you still lasted longer than I anticipated."

"I-…" Isabelle started.

"Isabelle has been send here on behalf of Ariadna." Elisabeth said quickly trying to protect Isabelle at least a little bit.

"On behalf of Ariadna." Beatrice repeated but her voice was full of mockery. Isabelle looked back at Samuel with worry. They didn't know that he was the royal advisor and treated him as invisible. But Isabelle knew.

"Yeah, sure." Adeline scoffed as she looked down at Isabelle with disgust. "So, he got rid of her without saying so?"

"I assume that he was trying to be political about it. Poor thing, he shouldn't have been worried about it." Beatrice joined in Adeline's assumptions. "We all would understand." Beatrice tsked and shook her head. "Isabelle, make sure that you put your dresses away neatly. I don't want you to destroy them. Each one of them is worth more that you ever will be. I'm sure Elisabeth can get you some servant's dresses that you can wear whilst in here."

"As you wish, your highness." Isabelle looked down at her hands.

The rest has talked and gossiped whilst Isabelle was sat in silence, small and withdrawn.

At last, she was dismissed as the Queen finished her meal. She went back to the guest chamber feeling depleted.

She jumped as someone knocked and opened the door cautiously.

"Sir Asselin?" She looked at Samuel in surprise. Samuel looked around nervously and walked into her chamber. "What brings you here?"

"Is that how they always treat you?" Samuel sounded annoyed and frustrated.

"What do you mean?"

"The way they speak to you, and of you." Samuel gritted his teeth. "Tell me, how is it that you're so outspoken to me and yet you didn't stand up for yourself even once when visiting your family?" Samuel asked with annoyance.

"I don't know." Isabelle shrugged.

"Go on." Samuel encouraged her.

"Frankly, because I don't think you'd hurt me."

"I don't think many people can hurt you. You have some amazing fighting skills. So, why do you let them?"

"They haven't done anything wrong."

"They were rude and disrespectful."

"It came from a good place."

"What? Starving you came from a good place?!"

"Sir Asselin…" Isabelle looked at him warily.

"I've send the messenger to his majesty and we are returning a day after tomorrow. There's no point in elongating this misery."

"Sir Asselin…"

"This is beyond ridiculous! What a bunch of assholes."

"Samuel!" Isabelle raised her voice which snapped him back.

"Isabelle!" He said her name in similar tone. Isabelle flinched and then froze.

"I cannot return to Ariadna." She said quietly.


"Shall I return so that you can get me executed?"

"What? Why?"

"You know that I am not Adeline."

"So? Princess is a princess. Does it matter which one?" Samuel shrugged dismissively.

"Adeline is everything that I am not."

"Yeah, and I have a high disregard for everything she is. I despise her." Samuel looked at Isabelle sternly. "If it were her married to Cassian, one of us would have to quit, otherwise I would have accidentally slipped poison in her drink."


"I'm sorry. I'm angry. I talk bullshit when I am pissed off."

"Maybe there is a reason why most courts have aristocrats as first advisors."

"Like what?"

"I guess it's so that they are taught since birth that using foul language in a court is bad. At least that's one of the reasons."

"I have been educated in the royal court, so please, don't offend me. My foul language is not a representation of my education. I have had private tutors along with his highness since we toddled around."


"His highness, King Arturios, decided that it would be in the best interest to have me as educated as his highness so that I am not a bad influence of sorts. As soon as he realised that we got along, he got me in all of the classes."

"I thought that preventing such friendship is the preferred way of dealing with it."

"King Arturios is one of a kind. Well, no." Samuel shook his head. "Royalty in Ariadna is one of a kind." Samuel sighed. "I've sent the messenger and informed his highness that we will return back sooner. I cannot be here much longer without causing issues."

"Sir Asselin…"

"Don't worry about the whole Adeline thing." Samuel waved, knowing full well that Isabelle admitting to be Isabelle was the best outcome. "I ain't going to say anything. You deal with it as you wish, your highness."

"Thank you." Isabelle sighed with relief.

"Anyways, I came to let you know that I've sent the messenger out, your highness." Samuel was calmer but he still seemed on edge. "Good night, your highness."

"Goodnight, Sir Asselin." Isabelle smiled as she led him out of the room.

As the morning came, Matilda helped her braid her hair again. Isabelle looked at their reflection in the mirror. She purposely asked Matilda to keep her hairstyle as simple as she could. She couldn't persuade her that she would be fine doing it herself.

She looked over at the dresses that Matilda packed her, remembering the words form her step-mother. She was most definitely right. Isabelle didn't think that she ever was worthy of them. If her step-mother only knew that not so long ago she wore a much finer dress and a crown… well, certainly that would have got her punished immediately.

Isabelle jumped as the door swung open. Beatrice walked in with a few of her servants, including the spiteful maid that so often bullied Isabelle in Galbore castle.

"How shameless can you be?" Beatrice asked as she walked Isabelle.

"Your highness?" Isabelle uttered without thought. She regretted not dropping to her knees straight away as she saw the fury and pure hatred in Beatrice's face.

"A male servant was seen leaving your chamber last night. I don't care what you do in Ariadna, but I am not going to stand around and see you whore yourself around under my nose."

"Sir Asselin…?" Isabelle asked.

Matilda looked at Isabelle with worry. "Your highness, it must be a misunderstanding." Matilda spoke to the Queen in hope to protect Isabelle.

"How dare you speak to me?" Beatrice asked Matilda. "Ten rods each."

"Do not punish my maid, your highness. She doesn't know of our customs and she misspoke. I will take her punishment."

"If you wish." Beatrice had a wicked smile on her face. "But, her punishment will be doubled."

Isabelle nodded in agreement as Beatrice's servants grabbed her by an arm each and brought her to her knees. She didn't protest, but Matilda did. Someone held Matilda back as Beatrice instructed another servant to hit Isabelle.

Isabelle barely moved as the rod touched her back.

"You're a disgrace to me, your father, and Adeline. You bring shame to our family and Galbore." Beatrice spat out through her gritted teeth as she pinched Isabelle's chin to make her look at her. "You're a whore like your mother. I thought I've beat it out of you five years ago, but it seems like you still can't act like you should. You should've died during a plague."

As soon as she let go off Isabelle's chin, Isabelle looked down on the floor. Her flesh was burning and stinging, soon ripping open. But Isabelle didn't let out a single tear. She bit her quivering lip and remained silent.

Once thirty beats were counted, the Queen smiled wickedly at her and left the room. Matilda rushed towards Isabelle.

"Your highness!" She sobbed violently, terrified for Isabelle. "Your highness…"

"Please leave, Matilda. I need to get dressed." Isabelle slowly sat up.

"But, your highness…"

"Please, Matilda." Isabelle managed to utter.

"Why did you take my beating?" Matilda was all red.

"Because you did nothing wrong." Isabelle looked up at Matilda with her big green eyes. "Leave." Isabelle said sternly.

Matilda hesitated but she left Isabelle alone.

She found her way through the maze of hallways and outside where she found Samuel in the stables attending to his horse.

"Sir Asselin, we must leave, now." Matilda said in a decisive voice."

"Now?" Samuel raised his brow. "I've already send the messenger with the information of our departure tomorrow."

"I cannot stand seeing this terror anymore." Matilda heaved in panic, tears still streaming down her face.

"What happened?"

"They've raised their hand on our princess."

"What?!" Samuel raised his voice. "Call for a carriage, Matilda. I'll go get her highness." His fury was clear even if he tried t contain it. He stormed towards the chamber and walked in without knocking.

Isabelle sat on the bed, trying to wipe her bleeding back clear.

She flinched and looked back at Samuel, turning red as if she was caught red-handed.

Samuel turned red himself but for a very different reason. He paced towards her and took the cloth out of her hand and gently tapped her back to clean the blood. Isabelle's back arched under his strong hand.

"We're going back, Isabelle." Samuel said softly. "I will make sure that they pay for it."

"I deserved the punishment. They have nothing to pay for."

"Did you? What did you do?"

"I was seen with you. It is not appropriate for a princess to be seen with a male unchaperoned."

"You didn't deserve it. I should've gotten the beating." Samuel let out a long sigh before he pulled the fabric up over Isabelle's shoulders. "We're leaving."

"I thought we were due to leave tomorrow."

"I won't allow another moment of you being treated this way. We are either leaving now or I am starting a war."

"I-… I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"Causing so much trouble. Especially to you."

"You don't even know." Samuel laughed as he picked her cape.

"I haven't packed yet."

"I demand we leave now." Samuel gently placed the cape on her shoulders. "I don't care for those dresses. Neither will Cassian. You have plenty more back in the castle."

"Sir Asselin…"

"Now!" He raised his voice.

Isabelle looked at him with her eyes wide open as his voice became harsh like never before. At least not to her.