The duchess

Cassian's face darkened as he stood still. He tried to make logical arguments as to why Samuel and Isabelle might be together but each of them led to the worst case scenario imaginable. Samuel was a ladies man. Isabelle liked Samuel. He stupidly send Samuel with Isabelle to see her family, drawing them closer together than before. He didn't know for certain whether he could trust their loyalty.

Samuel was always by his side and saved him many times but… one thing they never agreed on was Samuel's romantic escapades.

And with Isabelle… she tormented him and his broken heart over the past few weeks, breaking it into pieces. She was not who he left behind. She was changed. He didn't know whether he could trust her yet.

As he stood there, a carriage rolled up to the bottom of the stairs.

He looked over in surprise, his face slowly relaxing. A well-dressed woman came out of the carriage. It was no other than Annette. He forced a smile on his face.

Cassian contemplated on it for a while. Samuel and Matilda mentioned tutoring some time ago. He hesitated for a while but he hoped that it'll make Isabelle more confident and that he will be able to be more open with her. He chose Annette for another reason to her impeccable teaching record. Annette was his friend for years now. He hoped secretly that she could put a good word to Isabelle about him. He hoped that she can influence Isabelle just enough to allow Isabelle to like him again. He didn't dare to dream of Isabelle reciprocating his feelings. He just wished for her to speak to him freely, openly, and honestly. He wished for her to speak her mind again.

"Your highness!" Annette bowed to him before smiling with her widest smile.

She was excessively neat. Every strand of her hair was perfectly shaped. Some of it was tied in an intricate knot at the back of her head, and some were in a perfect stiff curls that didn't budge in the breeze as if they were carved out of marble. She had a fascinator hat fixed in the blonde fine hair which matched her well fitted dress with a flower laced corset.

She was graceful in her movements, but it was hardly natural. She minded her every step and every move as she walked up the stairs.

"Annette." Cassian said her name with a very little excitement he could utter. Annette reached him soon enough and looked around ostentatiously.

"Where is her highness?" She asked with a glimpse of interest and worry. Cassian automatically looked back in the distance, seeing Samuel and Isabelle slowly nearing the castle but yet far enough to not realise the new arrival without purposely looking in that direction.

"She's currently occupied elsewhere." Cassian responded somewhat honestly. "Thank you for your rapid response." Cassian led her inside towards his study where he could discuss the matter in private. He instructed one of the servants to cancel his meeting that he was already late for.

"It is my pleasure, Cassian." Annette changed to a more casual tone once inside. "I've said it before. I am always ready to drop everything if you need me. And it sounds like you do need me. Her highness may require a little help considering…" she stopped mid sentence and looked at Cassian as if she was worried that she overstepped. A pretend-worry, of course. She enjoyed the dramatic effect she just gave.

"Considering what?" Cassian asked with raised brow.

"She's from Galbore, isn't she?" Annette's little nose wrinkled in disgust for a mere seconds. But Cassian noticed her face change in a flash. He didn't like it, but he had still trust in her abilities and in that she will respect Isabelle.

"Indeed. But that's not of concern."

"Well, I'm not sure. I wondered if her peculiar behaviour is not because of being a Galborian."

"Peculiar behaviour?"

"I've heard that she's more frequently seen with servants and commoners than yourself."

"Perhaps that's true. But again, this doesn't bother me."

"May I ask…?" Annette spoke carefully as they entered the study.


"I've heard rumours and I don't want to come off as someone who believes them but I want to be certain."

"Go on."

"Did her highness try to run away?"

Cassian clenched his fist and his jaw tensed up.

"It surely cannot be true. Why would she run away from YOU?" Annette continued.

"I think it was a misunderstanding but yes, it is true." Cassian sat down, hiding his clenched fists under his desk. Annette sat down on the opposite side of the desk.

"Oh dear. I was wondering why you haven't invited me over yet to meet your new wife but now I understand. But don't worry, I'm sure we can do something about it."

"What I need from you is what I've already set out in the message I send to you. I want you to teach her of the ways of Ariadna. I thought she might be keener to have a female teacher. My father is due to come soon. I want her to be prepared to meet him."

"I will do my best."

They spoke not much longer before Cassian walked out with Annette towards the main hall where he knew Isabelle was as he enquired with Matilda.

He looked over the edge of the balcony to see Isabelle speaking with a stable boy with a keen smile, whilst Samuel stood a few steps behind her.

"Have a good afternoon, Gilbert." Isabelle said to the boy who went outside. "Send my regards to Jeremy and Fredrick!" She waved eagerly. Only as she turned around she noticed Cassian walking towards her. She froze at the sight. He looked mighty on the stairs, with his regal wear still on. Only then she also noticed Annette who walked around stiffly, as if she had a stick in her back. She was stunningly beautiful in Isabelle's eyes. She was a picture of grace and elegance.

Samuel's words rang in her mind. Annette loved Cassian. They looked truly like a royal couple worthy of each other. This thought brought on mixed feelings to Isabelle.

"Adeline." Cassian said her name softly. His voice had softness to it that Annette never heard before. "This is Annette, the duchess of Blamore." Cassian introduced a woman beside him. "Annette will be your new tutor, Adeline. Annette, this is Adeline, the princess consort of Ariadna." He turned briefly to Annette but his eyes had a very different emotion when he looked at her than when he looked at Isabelle.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Isabelle curtsied with a smile. She was the living contrast of Annette. Her hair was messier after being outside in a breeze. Her dress was in slight disarray from walking. She had dirt on the bottom of the dress, and some on the sleeve which she hasn't noticed. And she had a crocus in her hair that Cassian placed there earlier. In comparison to Annette, she looked wild and untamed.

"Pleasure is all mine, you highness." Annette curtsied back with so much grace that Isabelle could barely take her eyes of her. But behind Annette's welcoming eyes was judgment and disgust over her princess, but she concealed it well.

"I have one more duty to attend to this afternoon, but maybe you should both make an acquaintance over the afternoon tea?" Cassian suggested.

"Certainly." Isabelle answered, blushing in slight embarrassment. Cassian's gaze was burning through her.

Cassian's negative thoughts dissipated the moment he noticed the very flower he placed in Isabelle's hair. She still kept it regardless of how silly it might have been. Isabelle standing before him was a reminder of that she was within his grasp. She didn't escape him yet. Her shyness made him smile.

"I will see you at dinner." Cassian said to the two women before he walked off. Samuel followed him to the meeting.

"Dare explaining yourself?" Cassian barked at Samuel as they were out of the earshot.

"Whatever shall I explain?"

"Where were you during the audience?"

"Ahhh… her highness enquired about a few topics and I graced her with a conversation or two. She was very interested in plants and herbs so I acquainted her with Chiron. She went on to show me the plants in the garden and about whatever she hopes to grow there in the future."

"She… she likes plants?" Cassian repeated as he looked at Samuel with disbelief.

"She has some interest in healing properties of the plants. Not just pretty flowers, of course." Samuel explained.

"I think I remember. Her grandfather was a healer and a good one at that. She might have picked up a thing or two."

"We'll see." Samuel looked at Cassian curiously, noticing Cassian's tense body. "You're jealous."

"Shut up." Cassian barked which made Samuel laugh.

Matilda led the two women who couldn't be any more different to the drawing room.

"It is pleasure to meet you, your grace." Isabelle said respectfully.

"It is my pleasure, your highness." Annette smiled charmingly as they entered the room. Isabelle signalled Annette to sit down on a settee as Matilda went off to bring a tray of tea and biscuits.

"I am so thankful that you came." Isabelle said honestly, her eyes still twinkled with excitement. "I cannot wait for all that you have to teach me."

"I am very honoured that I was chosen to teach you. Of course, the time is of the essence. The Spring Equinox ball is round the corner and you are to make a public debut, but before that, you are to be formally introduced to the royal family. Cassian is very eager to make sure that you make a good impression."

"Certainly." Isabelle nodded in agreement. "It is my goal to ensure that I do not tarnish his highness' name."

It didn't escape Annette that Isabelle didn't call Cassian by his name. She looked at Isabelle curiously. She already formed her opinion of her. A young naive girl who, as expected of Galborian, was not raised well enough to know court etiquette. A girl that was distant from her husband and causing concern. A foreigner in their kingdom who got her place in court due to politics which were tense as it is. She was going to be easy to replace. Or so Annette thought.

"As a simple lesson number one. Having weeds in your hair doesn't suit a princess." Annette said with a warm smile as she took the crocus out of Isabelle's hair and she put it in Isabelle's hand.

"Oh, that." Isabelle blushed in embarrassment remembering her earlier encounter with Cassian. "I forgot all about it."

Isabelle placed the flower in the handkerchief she had and put it in her pocket. She didn't want to part with the flower. She didn't want to part with a still fresh memory of Cassian in the morning sun. She blushed at a mere thought of it.

"Due to how little time we have left, it'll be quite intense."

"Oh, I'm very willing to learn." Isabelle tried to be reassuring.

"I suggest that we start in the morning." Annette reached for the biscuit as soon as Matilda placed the tray down.

"Of course, as you wish."

"I will inform your maids of the current fashion trends. Your dress should be an easy fix." Annette looked down at Isabelle's dress which was already an upgrade from her grey dresses. Isabelle wanted to protest but instead she bit her lip and nodded. After all, she felt as if she was at Annette's mercy.