
Annette asked Isabelle about her interests and her knowledge of etiquette during different events, and Isabelle answered every question honestly.

She didn't really see a side of Annette that Samuel spoke of but she was attentive to how Annette spoke and acted. She wasn't the trusting kind after all.

Not long after the afternoon tea and their chatter they went to the dining room where Cassian appeared shortly after. Isabelle stood up and curtsied as he arrived.

"Good evening." Isabelle said as Cassian stopped by her seat which was on his right side. Annette took a spot opposite Isabelle.

"Good evening, your highness." Annette joined Isabelle with a slightly more dramatic curtsy and welcome.

"Good evening to you both." Cassian said with a smile. He sat down in his usual spot at the end of the table, watching the two women with curiosity, trying to determine their newly formed acquaintance. "How was your afternoon?"

"Oh, it was splendid! The cakes and biscuits were delicious! My highest compliments to the chef." Annette answered quickly before Isabelle could say a word. "And her highness is so very kind and pleasant to speak with. Of course, there's a lot we have to go through before the Spring Equinox and before the arrival of the king, but I'm certain that with my skill and knowledge we can rectify the issues."

"That's good. Thank you again for coming." Cassian answered without a second of thought.

Isabelle felt stung by Annette's words in a way that she couldn't quite put into the words. It almost felt like she was an issue as a whole. She was causing trouble after trouble. She was the issue.

"I hope that you aren't too busy, Cassian." Annette spoke so causally to Cassian which only reminded Isabelle of how much she was the outsider at this table. Annette and Cassian knew each other for years. Annette was a noble-born and knew how to act properly. She knew Cassian and was his friend. And she loved him. Or so Samuel said.

In this instance, Isabelle couldn't shake the thought away that she was an underdog who, as some already thought, stole the throne of Ariadna. She didn't deserve it.

"More busy than ever." Cassian said with a smile. "After years of absence I have a pile of work to pick up after my father."

"You surely need a supporting and knowledgeable partner then." Annette said as she looked at Isabelle. Isabelle looked down at her plate in embarrassment, feeling increasingly inadequate and worthless. She was useless as the partner to Cassian. She barely did anything right. And the plate full of beans and potatoes reminded her that her own ruling made the court more miserable.

"It is certainly helpful." Cassian agreed. In his mind that's where his relationship with Isabelle was going. Her asking about his day and understanding the challenges he faced with the difficult councillors was exactly the kind of support he needed. And when she stepped up when he was unable to after his accident, and made very sensible rulings which he was still very proud of. He wished that Isabelle could grow in confidence enough to be like this with him around.

Isabelle remained silent throughout the dinner. She was happy to be back in her chamber as the night fell. She carefully placed the crocus wrapped in a handkerchief between the pages of the book that she was reading and which she loved. She hoped to preserve the crocus as a reminder of Cassian's bright eyes in the morning sun, his bewitching smile, and the butterflies she felt as he spoke to her so freely. She wanted to hold onto it for as long as she could.

She had a gut feeling that the next few weeks will bring trouble, and she wasn't yet sure if it were because of the presence of Annette.

In the morning, Matilda attended to her. She watched Isabelle warily as she showed her a dress taken out of the closet that Isabelle refused before. Isabelle closed her eyes as she nodded in agreement. The dress was well fitted and a corset was right and uncomfortable. In comparison, what Isabelle wore in recent days was flowy and gave her plenty of freedom.

Matilda tucked Isabelle's hair into tight bun, making sure that there were no escaped strands.

Although Isabelle looked neat and elegant, she didn't feel herself. Matilda saw it too.

"Her grace, duchess, recommended these." She said to Isabelle as she put sharp pins in her hair.

"Thank you, Matilda." Isabelle said quietly, looking down. Her mood plummeted since the day before.

Matilda put in the gold earrings in Isabelle's ears and gave her gloves to use whenever outside.

Isabelle went down to breakfast to find Annette and Cassian already speaking. As usual, she curtsied before Cassian and bowed her head to Annette before sitting in her place.

"Good morning, your highness and your grace." Isabelle said carefully.

"See, this suits you." Annette tried to be encouraging. "This is the latest fashion trend in Ariadna. I'm not sure what fashion is like in Galbore but I feel the current trends really put emphasis on elegance."

Another poke at Isabelle's background. Maybe unintentional but still a reminder of how Isabelle didn't fit in Ariadna.

Isabelle nodded silently in agreement.

"What do you plan to do today?" Cassian asked curiously.

"Oh, I wasn't sure where to start. I think we will go over the basic etiquette within the court." Annette answered.

Isabelle didn't say a word throughout the entire breakfast, again.

After breakfast, she went with Annette to a room which was prepared for their lessons. It had a small table and two chairs, a stack of books, and not much else.

Annette started lecturing Isabelle, rule by rule, telling her what the appropriate behaviour should be.

Hold your head high, do not look at the servants as they should be invisible, curtsy to anyone higher in rank, now your head to anyone below but still important.

Isabelle listened and memorised it all carefully but she couldn't stop feeling that many of the rules were exactly opposite to what she was like as a person.

She couldn't look away from the servants. She rather be between them than in here with Annette which started to seem increasingly stuck up.

Isabelle was obedient throughout the lessons, and spend most of the day in company of the duchess, joining Cassian for dinner.

Following day seemed very similar but she was given a free reign for a two hours in the afternoon so that Annette could rest.