
Isabelle breathed with relief as she hurriedly escaped the increasingly suffocating walls of the castle and run outside. The day was cloudy and the air felt like the rain was nearing. But it was fresh.

"Good afternoon, your highness." Samuel welcomed her as he climbed down the stairs.

"Good afternoon, Sir Asselin." Isabelle responded. She was relieved by his presence.

"That's a new style." Samuel quickly noted the tight dress on Isabelle. Isabelle closed her eyes as if she tried to hide all of her emotions, making sure that she didn't explode.


"I don't think it works for you."

"Excuse me?!" Isabelle reopened her eyes abruptly and looked at Samuel.

"I just speak my mind. The dress looks like it's suffocating you. And the hair looks more like a wig than your own hair. I much rather prefer your own style than the duchess'."

"I don't care for what you prefer." Isabelle grumbled.

"Is she giving you a hard time?"

"No, I don't think that's it. There's just a lot that I am yet to learn."

"I see." Samuel's gaze was sympathetic but he said no more on the matter. "The list of herbs you gave me will arrive tomorrow."

"I don't know if I'll get any time to deal with them right now." Isabelle's voice was full of disappointment.

"Do you need me to distract the duchess? I can give you two or three hours."

"Really? Could you?"

"Yes, Isabelle." Samuel smiled.

"Thank you, Sam."

Samuel smiled at the nickname Isabelle used.

"No worries."

"Also thank you for the ointment. It has been a great help."

"Again, no worries. I'm glad it helped. Would you like a walk?"

"Yes, please." Isabelle nodded eagerly. She walked beside Samuel through the garden feeling refreshed and much happier.

"How are you, Isabelle?" Samuel asked. Hearing her name sounded so wrong after she was Adeline for the past few weeks but she still appreciated a reminder of who she truly was.

"I am well, yourself?"

"I am well although a little tired. Preparations for the king's visit are in full swing."

"Do you know when he will be coming?"

"Not too long now. Definitely prior to the Spring Equinox Ball. It really depends how much more his highness can deter his father for."


"Well, yes. His highness wanted to make sure that you were fully settled into the court before you were swamped by his family and royal duties."

"I didn't realise." Isabelle admitted.

"He is worried about you." Samuel said honestly, hoping to make Isabelle realise just how deeply Cassian cared for her but she misinterpreted his words. She though that he meant that Cassian was worried about whether or not she will act appropriately and whether she will embarrass him.

"What is his majesty like?" Isabelle decided to ask about the king.

"I've mentioned before that he took me under his wing and never really opposed my friendship with his highness. He's a very understanding and wise man. Since Cassian returned from the battle, he was keen to let him take over the ruling and retire to the countryside as his health is slowly deteriorating in an old age. But don't worry, he has many more years ahead of him."

"That's good." Isabelle pursed her lips as she was in deep thought. She wasn't sure how to phrase her next question. "I hope you don't mind me asking. I understand that it is a sensitive subject but… what did his majesty think of my and his highness' marriage?"

"Hmmm… he didn't say a word."

"He didn't say a word?" Isabelle repeated in surprise.

"Cassian went and told him what his plan was and his majesty hasn't said a word. His royal advisors weren't the happiest though."

"I'm not surprised." Isabelle admitted as she looked down.


"If I have to be honest, I know my father doesn't do compromises. I know you're a little 'shush-shush' around this topic and I have my suspicion as to why. I might have not been taught much about politics but I'm not completely oblivious."

"Sometimes, I expect you to be a frail noble who has no other interests than fashion and is blissfully ignorant." Samuel admitted.

"I'm sorry, it is indeed a very inappropriate topic for a princess." Isabelle blushed.

"I rather speak of this than the tulle dresses."

"Tulle dresses are no longer in fashion because they make you look frumpy." Isabelle sneered. "I've had a lecture on it this morning."

"Sounds tedious."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be complaining. I am ever so grateful to be able to learn."

"But it can still be tedious. You don't have to apologise. I can sympathise with you."

"Thank you, Samuel."

"You touched on a topic of Galbore and Ariadna relations." Samuel spoke carefully. "It is a tough subject, and a complicated one at that. I suppose we always had a somewhat tense relationship, which hangs on a thread due to the peace treaty signed by his highness' grandfather back about sixty or so years ago."

"My grandfather was the one that signed it too." Isabelle nodded. "I have a vague awareness of it."

"That truce is barely hanging nowadays. We have no trades with Galbore. Nothing. At this rate, we will be closing the borders soon. And then… we'll see."

"But, weren't the trades still going when I was marrying his highness?"

"Yes." Samuel nodded.

"When did it change?"


Isabelle looked sideways at Samuel, curious but wary of the topic.

"You've said before that his highness had no political reason to fight on behalf of Galbore against our Southern neighbours. Considering the continuous tension between those two kingdoms, why did he choose to be involved?"

"He said that it was to end the bloodshed. It is partially true. Partially, it was a worry that it would spread to Ariadna. But there was one more personal reason."

"What was it?"

"I am telling you that in a complete secrecy." Samuel stopped and took a step closer before he whispered. "A certain woman to whom he send letters throughout the war. She was his reason."

Isabelle widened her eyes and her lips were parted in disbelief.

"He went to a war because of a woman?" She asked. Her face changed quickly into what seemed like an irritation. "That's stupid! That's not a reason to risk the lives of your people!"

Samuel looked at her blankly. He thought that it would have been the highest compliment and prove of Cassian's love that he chose to be involved for her sake. She didn't see it that way. Isabelle went quiet suddenly. She had an idea, a thought.

"I thought it was quite honourable, actually." Samuel shrugged.

Isabelle furrowed her brows but said no more. Her thoughts occupied her mind, trying to comprehend the information that she was just told.

She walked with Samuel towards the greenhouse. She hoped to tidy it up a little bit more before the seeds were to arrive. She didn't expect Samuel to lend her his hand again, but he was eager to wash the last few panes of glass which were covered in dust, and replace one of the broken beams with Isabelle's help.

Samuel watched with amazement how well Isabelle managed with the tasks involving cutting and nailing the wooden beams. She didn't hesitate to do the dirty job. She tied her dress between her legs as she climbed the ladder.

Samuel chatted to her about his responsibilities. She listened eagerly, hoping to catch as many names of councillors and politicians as she could. She was trying to imagine all of the connections and network that they all had in Ariadna.

After she finished, she walked back to the castle with Samuel. The heavy rain fell down onto them suddenly, instantly soaking their clothes. Samuel took off his jacket and gave it to Isabelle to cover herself. She wanted to protest but rain was so heavy that it drowned her words. Samuel grabbed Isabelle by her arm and they rushed towards the castle.

They've run inside panting. Isabelle chuckled happily as she looked back at the streaming water on the stairs. She returned the jacket to Samuel, thanking him profusely before she bid goodbye to him and rushed to her room to get changed.

Neither of them noticed Annette's gaze who was on the balcony. Annette grinned happily as if she discovered a new life-changing truth.

She went straight to Cassian's study.

"Enter." He spoke with his deep voice after she knocked lightly. "Oh, Annette, what brings you here?" He looked up from the document he was writing.

"Cassian." Annette made sure her face was full of concern now, concealing her recent smile well. "I'm not sure how to speak of it."

"Is her highness safe?" Cassian turned pale.

"Well, yes."

"Then what's the matter?"

"She had the afternoon free. And I was just wondering…"


"She spends a lot of time with Samuel, doesn't she?"

Cassian's face darkened.

"Samuel is the royal advisor. He works for me as much as her. He must know her well to represent her accordingly." Cassian looked down at the document. He wasn't sure why he defended Samuel and his relationship with Isabelle. He was jealous of him and he was aware of that. But he couldn't bear anyone else suggesting it. He couldn't bear anyone tarnishing Isabelle's name.

"Shouldn't that be done in an appropriate manner?"

"Such as?"

"As a fully chaperoned audience."

"What are you trying to say, Annette?" Cassian looked up at her. His jaw was clenched and his body tensed up. Suddenly, he didn't look like Annette's friend but someone new and terrifying.

"I was just concerned, Cassian. I haven't said anything yet but I have seen her highness and Samuel interact very casually after coming back to the castle."

"I see." Cassian's face didn't ease off. "I do not need you to report this to me. I appreciate your concern though."

"I just don't want you to be hurt…" Annette mumbled. Her words reminded Cassian that she was his friend and finally he eased off.

"Thank you for your concern, Annette. I'm sorry if I'm being snappy." Cassian let out a long sigh.

"It's okay. You must be so stressed out with everything around here. You barely returned and recovered from your injuries, and now you have entire kingdom on your shoulders."

"Something like that. I need to deal with this now. I'll see you at the dinner." Cassian stated sternly, indirectly sending Annette away.

Annette left in a hurry and smiled as soon as she was outside of the study. Samuel caught the smile on her face as he walked towards the study. He didn't like it. It seemed venomous. It seemed spiteful. It's was only when Annette reached the end of the corridor, Samuel stepped out into the open and revealed himself to her.

"Annette, long time no see!" Samuel smiled with his usual enthusiasm. But it was much more reserved.

"Samuel?" Annette was surprised to see him. "It is so delightful to see you again!" She feigned the enthusiasm but her cold eyes gave her away. "Oh, is it raining?"

"The weather is quite capricious today. We must catch up soon, Annette. Unfortunately, y work is calling." Samuel's fake smile vanished as he bowed his head and walked towards past the corridor and towards his quarters. He had an uneasy feeling about Annette.