
Cassian watched the interaction between his wife and father warily, still trying to work out his father's intentions. Not even once was he concerned about Isabelle acting incorrectly. She was splendid. She spoke eloquently and respectfully. And she smiled so beautifully that he had no doubt that his father will love her. But his father was still a closed book to him.

"Do you miss any of the Galborian food?" The king asked Isabelle further.

"Hardly, your majesty. The food in Ariadna is delicious. And Anthony, the cook, is doing a very good job of preparing stunning dishes, even from the simplest ingredients." Isabelle answered, warily glancing at Annette for approval.

She didn't notice another smile flash through the king's face when she spoke of the cook by his name. He liked that she recognised her staff and that she praised them. It showed that she was aware of the lowest members of the castle. It was a good sign.

"My wife is from the kingdom of Herold." Artorius started. "She struggled to adjust in the first few months of our marriage. She did get used to our produce, to the flavours within our food, but some days she still craves the food that she grew up with. I've always ensured that we had a cook who either was from Herold or knew how to cook traditional meals for her. It is difficult to move away from your roots."

"In all honesty, I didn't realise her majesty's background." Isabelle looked back at the king.

"It's no secret. It took a while for Felicia to accept her own roots but now she is proud to be who she is. I'm sure that you will find a common ground with her. She likes works of Horace just as much as I do. And she is very much looking forward to meeting you."

Isabelle smiled at this, feeling much more reassured about the king.

"I am looking forward to meeting her majesty."

"Besides books by Horace, what else do you do to occupy your time within the castle?"

"Most of my time is spend in lessons with her grace as I am trying to learn about all of the traditions and customs which might not necessarily be written in the books. I hope to learn as much as I can about your kingdom and people within it."

"That is very kind of you. The people of Ariadna are very welcoming and I am sure that you'll find many of them quite pleasant."

"Oh yes, certainly. Everyone that I have met so far showed me nothing less than kindness."

"Your highness." A servant knocked on the door as he entered. He spoke towards Isabelle but neither Cassian or Isabelle noticed.

"Yes?" Cassian looked up from his plate.

"There are people requesting an audience."

"What people?"

"Commoners of the city of Ariadna."

"Is it very urgent?"

"I wouldn't say so but they have been quite insistent."

"I see." Cassian let out a long tired sigh as he stood up. "Please, continue with your meal while I attend to this."

Isabelle stood up and bowed her head as a farewell.

"Your highness…" the servant hesitated.

"What's the matter?"

"Her highness has been the one that was requested." The servant clarified. Cassian looked back at Isabelle who was stood beside his father. His face was full of question, but he knew that he wasn't going to find an answer in Isabelle who seemed equally confused by the request.

"That's a curious matter." Artorius got up with a huff. "Let's see what it is all about."

"That's ridiculous." Annette grumbled but even her curiosity was piqued. Her deathly stare was still fixated on Isabelle who hoped that the ground could open and swallow her whole.

Cassian led the way with Isabelle walking beside the king who limped and supported himself on a cane. It didn't escape Isabelle who automatically started to think of the herbs that could be of help to her father-in-law.

Annette walked at the back, very unhappy about still being the one with the least attention.

Cassian pushed the door open to the throne room and they found tenths of people happily chatting within the large hall. All of them turned to look at them. They didn't seem malicious as they've smiled towards the new arrivals.

"What brings you here tonight?" Cassian asked directly. His voice sounded defensive and concerned. Isabelle watched his interaction with the commoners which she knew a few personally with surprise and curiosity. The devil on a battlefield and their cold and unapproachable prince. She saw it now.

"Your highness, we are here to thank you and her highness for your help in the extinguishing of the recent fire. Especially her highness, who's fast actions stopped the spread of the flames and who personally saved our neighbour from a house that was already ablaze."

Cassian turned to look back at Isabelle.

"Your highness." Mary walked forward. "I cannot express how grateful I am for what you did. You saved my mother from the flames." She kneeled before Isabelle and placed a box by her feet. Isabelle watched with terror. "This is to show my gratitude to you." Mary pointed at the box, bowing her head low. As Isabelle was about to protest, everyone else from the people gathered kneeled and bowed deeply.

"Mary, please…" Isabelle whimpered, worried about what the king will think once he finds out what she did.

"Please, take this is a token of my gratitude." Mary got up and placed the box in Isabelle's hands which were now shaking from anxiety.

"I cannot accept this, Mary." Isabelle mumbled.

"Tell me what has happened." Arrorius walked towards the people with a smile.

"Your majesty!" They bowed again in respect.

"Her highness, princess consort of Ariadna, responded to the fire before anyone else did. She organised the actions and provided instructions to stop the spread. Most importantly, her highness aided the evacuations including putting herself in danger by evacuating one of our neighbours from a house that was already ablaze. We came here to thank her highness for her actions with the tokens of gratitude." Steven explained.

"You didn't tell me." Artorius grumbled at his son.

"I've trusted that either Albert or Frederick would have informed you." Cassian replied with a bite in his voice. This comment made Artorius burst into laughter.

"My dear, accept the gifts. You might offend these people otherwise." Artorius said quietly to Isabelle.

"I cannot accept these gifts." Isabelle shook her head but she saw Mary's face loose a smile. She heard someone whisper that they knew that the gifts wouldn't be appropriate for a princess. Isabelle pursed her lips in thought before she smiled softly and opened the box from Mary which had the most stunning necklace she ever saw.

"Oh Mary, thank you." Isabelle was speechless at the gift. Mary smiled dearly and before Isabelle could protest, she hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for saving my mum." Mary said again. She let go off Isabelle and then each person passed Isabelle a box or a package with a gift to show their gratitude.

Cassian watched it with pride and Artorius was reassured that Isabelle was a perfect princess to his kingdom. But Annette's face showed increasing amount of spite. Samuel walked in and watched the scene with admiration. It was his princess after all.

Cassian helped with the gifts unsure what to do with himself.

As the people left the throne room with a stack of newly gifted goods, Isabelle blushed in crimson red.

"You must tell me what has truly happened." Artorius spoke to Isabelle.

"I-…" Isabelle's cheeks burned. "Please, your majesty. I have embarrassed myself enough."

"That is so ostentatious." Annette's voice echoed behind Isabelle.

"They've said that you saved them."

"I barely did anything, your majesty. His highness was the one who extinguished the fire. I've just got in the way."

"Shall we return to the dining room?" Cassian asked. "I will request that these are moved later tonight."

Everyone agreed with nods and they returned to the dining room.

"Tell me more about what happened." Artorius requested as Isabelle sat down.