Morning with the King

Isabelle was uneasy after such a public display of gratitude by the people of the kingdom that she didn't feel a part of. And now, the king enquired further about what she did. Her heart sunk as she sat back at the table.

"I-…" Isabelle stuttered nervously.

"Her highness acted on impulse when the news of fire has spread to the castle." Annette answered drawing the attention back to her. Annette continued speaking whilst Isabelle smiled and nodded. She was used to the conversation being taken over by the duchess. After dinner, she was glad that she was able to escape.

Isabelle hid in the dark library with the oil lamp, reading a book about the adventures that Annette would have chastised her for.

After a few hours, she picked more books to take to her chamber. She walked with a book under her arm and a lamp in another. As she left the library, she instantly felt someone's presence. She looked around anxiously.

"What book do you hold there?" Artorius asked as he walked up to Isabelle. His face had a kind smile on it.

"It's a history of Ariadna, your majesty." Isabelle replied bowing her head. She took out the book from under her arm. "I'm trying to learn as much as I can about your kingdom, your majesty. I'm sorry. I really love to read and learn. I know it's not very ladylike but there's so much more I am yet to know about your kingdom."

"Knowledge is power." The king smiled. "What topics interest you?"

"Everything and anything, your majesty."


"I am learning about politics and current affairs from Sir Asselin."

"That's interesting. Is there anyone else teaching you?"

"Of course, her grace is teaching me about all of the etiquette. And the royal alchemist teaches me of the mixtures he derived."

"Are you a healer?"

"No." Isabelle shook her head. "I've never received a formal education as a healer. I am interested in using the botany to aid in healing."

"Do you want to be a healer?"

"If I would ever permitted, it would be my dream."."

"And why is Sir Asselin teaching you and not my son?"

"I didn't want to intrude on his highness's time, nor did I feel it was appropriate to ask him about certain topics. Sir Asselin doesn't have the level of appropriateness that might otherwise overshadow challenging topics. He is a great teacher, and very keen to share his own observations."

"And what topics would they be?"

"The relationship between Ariadna and Galbore. I am still trying to learn of the complexities behind it. I don't think his majesty would be as free to speak of it considering my background, but sir Asselin seems unbothered."

"That's good." The king agreed. "Perhaps I could join you on the walk in the morning?"

"Of course, your majesty."

"I have heard that you have a tendency to disappear in the gardens."

"I have been attending to the greenhouse at the very back of the garden." Isabelle blushed in crimson red.

"Could you show me?"

"Of course."

"Before breakfast?"

"As you wish, your majesty." Isabelle nodded before she bowed her head and bid the king a good night.

She felt the blood rush through her, and this short encounter was an additional reason why she couldn't sleep that night.

She was up at dawn and dressed in a fine dress and the dreadful wig, concealing her new hair colour.

She found her way down the stairs much earlier than anyone should be up, but to her surprise Artorius paced down the corridor from the main hall.

"Good morning, Adeline." He smiled brightly at her.

"Good morning, your majesty." Isabelle curtsied quickly.

"Shall we?"

"If you wish. Would you like me to fetch you a cloak? Morning's are still cold." Isabelle sounded worried.

"One of the maids should have already gone to fetch it." Artorius responded and indeed, the maid waiting with the cloak by the main entrance.

Isabelle walked beside the king feeling small and insignificant. She definitely wasn't the one who deserved that level of attention. She struggled to start a conversation and she struggled to enjoy the very morning sun and the first birds singing.

Artorius grunted after a few moments of walk, shifting her attention instantly.

"Are you uncomfortable, your majesty?"

"I have lived a long life with many adventures and many more achievements than I could count. Those years well lived like to remind me of the youth once gone." The king answered.

"Would you like to return?"

"No. I wish to see your greenhouse."

"I am certain that I saw devil's claw and willow bark extract in the castle. If you'll permit, I will make you a tea with them after we return inside?"

"And what do they do?"

"The devil's claw reduces inflammation and is good for pain relief. Willow bark has similar benefits but it is particularly good for joints." Isabelle looked down at the king's leg on which he was limping. "It might relieve some of the pain in your knee." She hesitated before she reached out her arm. "Will you allow me?" She asked shyly. Artorius looked at her with pure surprise but he wrapped his arm around hers, allowing her to lead. He didn't put much weight on her, but it was enough for him to realise her strength and to help him balance. "We're almost at the greenhouse, your majesty."

"I can't wait." He said with a beaming smile. Isabelle's good nature was something that he didn't fully expect. He didn't expect the care she showed to him nor to see her so dearly interact with everyone around her.

Isabelle led him up to the door and opened it for him, revealing the many sprouting plants and increasingly green foliage.

The king walked inside in complete silence, looking up at the plants that were now spaced all the way to the ceiling. The many herbs smelled pleasantly. The leaves provided a refreshing greenness. The flowers were starting to bloom in many colours. Isabelle turned red in embarrassment. "I have planted the herbs over here. I use them for common ailments as well as in the kitchen. I am yet to find a few more herbs to add to my collection. These vines are very good at purifying the air and maintaining the right humidity. And the flowers… I love the flowers. I chose the ones that would not affect the herbs and other foliage."

"This is stunning, Adeline. You must've worked hard to bring this place back to life."

"I have tried my best. I've had some help too. Sir Asselin was kind in helping me in cleaning this place and preparing it for the planting. Chiron helped me in finding the right environments for each herb. And the maids helped me in finding the right people to get the herbs from. It was truly a group effort."

"You don't give yourself enough of credit. What is this flower?"

"This is Lobelia. I've seen it used during the plague to ease the breathing issues." Isabelle explained. "Shall we return, your majesty? I do not want you to strain yourself if you're joints are already a bother. We can always return when you feel a bit better."

"I am definitely going to look forward to it." Artorius looked back at a woman who seemed so vulnerable and honest. He had many doubts about that marriage. There was no changing Cassian's mind once he set himself up to something. But right now, he understood why his son would love Isabelle.

Isabelle offered her arm again as they paced slowly through the garden. She led him to the castle and back to his quarters, excusing herself quickly. Within a half of an hour she was back in his quarters with a freshly brewed tea on a tray, with a set of biscuits that she managed to bake before the king's arrival.

"I've added a smidge of honey into the brew to help with the bitterness of the willow bark." Isabelle explained as she passed the tea to the king. "I do hope that it's not too horrible."

"It is rather lovely, Adeline. Would you be willing to sit down with me?"

"If you wish, your majesty." Isabelle placed herself in the armchair opposite the king. She fidgeted nervously with her fingers.

"Perfect. Tell me about yourself."

"Oh, I am not very good at this. I do not find my life particularly interesting. It makes for a rather short tale."

"I will settle for a short tale. Tell me of your parents."

"Well, you picked the shortest part of that tale, your majesty. My mother passed away during childbirth. I never knew her and of her. I was raised by my grandfather from my maternal side whilst my father remarried. Once my grandfather passed away, I went to live in a castle with my father and my step-mother."

"It sounds like a tale full of woe."

"It was not all woe, your majesty. My grandfather was stern but allowed me many freedoms. I learnt much more from him than I would otherwise. His methods were unorthodox, saying the least."

"How unorthodox?"

"He was the one that sparked my interest in herbs and their medicinal uses. He had an order of knights and I often aided in attending to them and their ailments with him. I also trained alongside them. You must forgive me, I didn't know at the time how inappropriate that was."

"There's nothing to forgive. Your experience is a wealth that not many can acquire." Artorius placed an empty cup down. "And in my opinion, a princess that has so much of practical knowledge is the one that can support her husband the most in times of trouble. No pretty cross-stitched handkerchief can help in running a kingdom like someone who knows it through and through."

"Thank you for your encouraging words, your majesty."

"I trust that in the years to come you will reside on a throne beside my son and work in favour of people of Ariadna." Artorius smiled. "Your temper and knowledge should compliment that of my son. Overall, you should rule in balance. My son can be short-tempered and his experience makes him lean towards conflict and sternness. You are much more calculated and conscious of the consequences of your actions. Any kingdom needs the harmony between these two." Artorius cleared his throat. "Which brings us to the reason as to why I am here. Cassian did his best in trying to deter me but I needed to meet you to be sure of my decision. During the Spring Equinox Ball I will announce my upcoming abdication and select the heir to take over the throne and rule officially. I wish for Cassian to be the next King of Ariadna."

"What?" Isabelle mumbled, her eyes widening.

"I am old and I need to name the successor to the throne. Cassian is surely expecting it. He has been managing the kingdom since he recovered from the war."

"Abdication? Are you certain, your majesty?"

Isabelle mumbled nervously.

"I am losing the sharpness of my mind. I tire easily. I already stepped away from all of the politics and all of the responsibilities. I am the king in name only. It is only appropriate to make it official."

"His highness will certainly make for a good king. I have no doubt that he will do right by his people." Isabelle smiled slightly at a thought.

"And you will do just as fine by his side."

"I will do my best to support his highness." Isabelle said without an ounce of confidence in her voice.

"I'm very glad." The king smiled encouragingly. "What are your plans for today?"

"After breakfast I have lessons with her grace for the rest of the day."

"How are you finding them?"

"Her grace is a very… generous person to give me as much time and attention as this. I am very glad and honoured to have this opportunity to learn, especially from someone who is so well versed in a finer etiquette of the court."

"I'm glad that you find value in it." Artorius chose his words carefully. "Annette often visited the court when she was younger. Her family was well acquainted with ours. Her father is still advising some of the trades."

"And so I've heard. I am sure that his highness is happy to have his childhood friend near him."

"And what do you think of it?"

Artorius' question took Isabelle aback.

"I am glad that his highness is happy. And I will support whatever it is that makes him happy." She hesitated. "I can never make his highness laugh like Annette does. I am just glad that he has someone who can make him laugh."

"I see." Artorius went silent in thought for a few contemplative moments.

"It is almost a time for breakfast, your majesty." Isabelle mumbled. Artorius nodded and got up again, with Isabelle's assistance.

They've entered the dining room before Cassian and Annette arrived a few moments earlier. Isabelle bowed to both of them respectfully before she ate her breakfast in silence.

After breakfast, she went with Annette where she was tortured for hours, with Annette's bad mood making her more miserable than before.