
Cassian spotted his father with Isabelle in the morning which made him uneasy. He still didn't know the intend behind his father's visit and he didn't like that Isabelle was made to feel uncomfortable in king's presence.
Isabelle arrived to the dining room behind Annette and sat beside the king who waved his hand inviting her over. Cassian shifted in his seat, observing the interaction with attentiveness that he has not shown before.
"What did you do today?" Cassian asked at the end of rather quiet meal as he looked at Isabelle who was anxiously holding her hands under the table.
Isabelle looked at him and opened her mouth to answer the question but Annette cut in. "We did flower arrangements. Adeline did rather splendid, although, there's plenty to learn. She picked baby breaths instead of roses for a presumed wedding bouquet! Who does that? Baby breath is ideal for baby showers but not a wedding!"
Isabelle looked down in embarrassment as Cassian smiled. She misinterpreted his smile as that of mockery rather than the one of his sentiment. And she wasn't the only one.
"Your highness, would you like to join me for a walk?" Artorius spoke to Isabelle who looked back at him with surprise.
"Walk sounds like a splendid idea, your majesty!" Annette answered before Isabelle did, again. "I think we ought to take a walk after such a meal."
"Excuse me, Annette, but I spoke to her highness." King Artorius said sternly. No one expected him to reject the duchess so blatantly. Isabelle nodded in agreement, warily looking at Annette and recognising that her feelings were hurt. Cassian watched his father curiously. Artorius stood up and walked up to Isabelle. "Will you please accompany me?"
"Of course, your majesty." Isabelle answered with a shy smile. She hurried up and walked beside her father-in-law out to the garden.
The evening air was refreshing after a whole day in a classroom.
"I always believe that understanding a different perspective is a key to being compassionate. Some people believe that there's only one right answer when there's not." King Artorius spoke after a few minutes. "Let's take flower arrangements. Beauty and meaning of each flower is different for each person. So, tell me, why did you pick baby's breaths?"
"It was a mistake, your majesty." Isabelle still blushed.
"I wish to know why you've chosen it."
"I-…" Isabelle stuttered. "My wedding bouquet was made of baby's breath. It holds quite a special meaning to me because of it. It was the only thing I could pick entirely on my own for the day. I know that the flower represents everlasting love. It's simple and elegant and it doesn't show off, but I think that it's still beautiful. The alchemist I know was able to derive an extract from it which helps with the blood flow. He saved number of people using the baby's breath. Several species of baby's breath can be planted to absorb toxins from soil. I suppose I chose it because it represented everything important to me."
"And that's why it was not a mistake. You chose a flower which had a deep meaning to you, with significant symbolism, which suited your aesthetic preferences, and which has practical uses. It is a perfect reason to choose a flower." Kind Artorius smiled at her. "Trust your choices. Trust yourself. You will find that what some may think of it as a mistake, others will appreciate."
"Thank you for your kind words, your majesty."
"Now, Adeline. I am your father-in-law. You can choose to call me father, dad, or Artorius. But in private I do not wish for you to use my title."
"As you wish." Isabelle smiled. "Although, I may struggle to adjust."
"Try it."
"Father." Isabelle bowed her head as she said it.
"Did you learn anything else today?"
"We spoke mostly about flowers with her grace. About the aesthetics of flowers. Her grace loves roses."
"You chose baby's breaths, is that your favourite flower?"
"Hmm… I think so. It means a lot to me and that's why I love it so much."
Artorius nodded as they've reached the perfectly groomed side of the garden.
"May I request the tea you have prepared earlier once again in the morning?"
"Of course, your majesty." Isabelle then corrected herself. "Father."
They've walked around the grounds and went back inside with Isabelle eagerly assisting the elder up the stairs.

She left the elder near his quarters and retreated to her chamber for the night not realising that the king waited for her to walk away before he instead made his way to Cassian's study.
"Good evening." Cassian said as he looked up in surprise.
"Good evening, Cass." Artorius walked through the large room that once belonged to him. His eyes rested on his son's dark ruffled hair and serious face as he tried to solve some issue. Artorius could sympathise with that.
"Did you enjoy your walk?"
There was a bite in Cassian's voice.
"I did."
"And your leg?"
"Much better since this morning." Artorius said honestly.
"That's good."
"So, you and Annette?" Artorius asked his son as he sat down in the chair opposite Cassian. His eyes were filled with disappointment and disapproval.
"What are you talking about?" Cassian looked at his father with confusion.
"You have a beautiful, intelligent, and beyond caring and kind wife. If you wanted Annette, you had years for it to be a thing."
"I don't think I understand where this accusation is coming from."
"During dinner, Annette spoke over Adeline. She spoke ill of Adeline's lessons and mocked her for not knowing what flowers should go in the bouquet arrangements. You didn't bat an eye. You didn't stand up for your own wife. You just put that stupid grin on and allowed Annette to continue. Annette has spoken over Adeline over and over again, showing a disregard for her and her accomplishments. And nothing. Not a word from you."
"I-…" Cassian was stunned by the observation.
"Do you know why she chose baby's breath for the flower arrangement?" King Artorius leaned back in the chair. "Baby's breath symbolises everlasting love. It was the one thing she was allowed to choose for her wedding. Not only that, baby's breath, when planted, absorbs toxins from the soil. It's extract has healing properties too. It is more than just dainty flower." His eyes were filled with upset. "Annette might be a rose and Adeline might be a baby's breath but don't undermine her for it."
"I have never thought of Annette as anything else than a friend and a tutor to my wife. I find it offensive that you suggest otherwise. Isabelle is my wife and I am loyal to her. I found Annette's words as an endearing story about my wife as I remember exactly what she held the day of our wedding. I believe that you misinterpreted my behaviour, as well as my intentions."
"Not only me, son." Artorius said quietly. "If it is true that you and Annette are not a thing, you should make it more obvious. Isabelle, or Adeline, very much so sees it as a thing."
"What?" Cassian raised his eyebrows.
"She didn't say it directly but she insisted that if Annette's company makes you happy, then she will not bat an eye at it. She said that she could never make you laugh like Annette does and that she's happy for you. You do understand what she meant by this, right?"
"She's okay with…" Cassian's words vanished.
"She wants you to be happy, Cassian." Artorius sighed. "Perhaps you're blind, but she holds you very dearly to her heart."
"That's ridiculous!"
Artorius sighed again and then he bid a good night and left. His disappointment weighted Cassian down.

The following morning, the tension between the son and his father was clear making the breakfast silent.
"What is your planned activity today?" Cassian asked Isabelle.
Isabelle opened her mouth but Annette answered for her. "We ought to do some dance lessons and appropriate etiquette for a ball, your highness."
Isabelle looked down without attempting to say anything else.
Cassian watched her, noticing that the glimmer in her eyes was gone. Perhaps his father was right. Or perhaps his father was paranoid. Annette was his friend for years. Could she have any malicious intend towards Isabelle?