
As the morning came, Isabelle came to the dining room to find Cassian alone.

"I'm afraid that I will have to leave soon. Today is busy beyond reason." Cassian grumbled as he quickly swallowed his breakfast. "What is your day going to be like?"

"The only thing that I have planned are my lessons. I am yet to see what fills in the hours in between." Isabelle answered honestly. "Is here a reason as to why you are so busy today?" She asked directly and then realised that she again crossed the invisible boundary.

"Well…" Cassian thought about it. "My father's health declined in the past few years. I was away for my education and then because of the war so I was unable to deal with a lot of things he couldn't. Once I returned… I didn't take up my current duties until a few days before our wedding. I am still trying to get a grasp of a lot of the things and learn a lot more. My recent accident did put an additional load that I must catch up on. Besides, there is a lot going on in preparation for the ball and the period of sowing. I am trying to manage our castle's expenditures and plan for the next harvest to reduce the risk of food shortages." Cassian explained calmly, not worried about the question in the slightest.

"Your highness, perhaps there is something I can do to help you?" Isabelle asked quietly, trying to conceal her hands that were shaking by hiding them under the table.

"Hmm… that is a very kind offer, Adeline." Cassian said in a deep thought. "I am not sure if it would interest you but the most looming over dreadful task is actually the preparations for the ball. If not, I can certainly have a look through my tasks and find you something more interesting."

"Oh." Isabelle didn't fully anticipate that task but she put on a smile. "I would be very keen to try to manage that."

"Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver!" Cassian was animated as he stood up. He stopped by her and looked down at her. Isabelle looked up shyly. "I will give you all of my notes on this whenever you are ready."

"Whenever you are able to, your highness." Isabelle said with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice.

"I can give them to you as soon as you finish your breakfast."

"Absolutely. I am done now." Isabelle decided as she almost jump off her seat. She followed Cassian to his study, finding two people awaiting him outside as they arrived. Cassian signalled them to wait as he entered with Isabelle alone. He passed her a pile of loose paper from one of the desk's drawers and then he was flustered as he tried to find some other pieces of paper that he has misplaced. He soon found all that Isabelle might need somewhere on his desk and about. Isabelle curtsied with her hands loaded and left his study, and the two people entered straight after. Cassian was truly busy.

Isabelle hid away in the library with the pile of papers spread on one of the tables. There she started to tidy up the pile and organise it into themes of tasks. The task might have been overwhelming as a whole but she was well organised.

"Good morning, your highness." Samuel's voice disturbed her after a few minutes.

"Good morning, sir Asselin." Isabelle answered as she smiled up at him.

"I shall tell you that yesterday definitely revealed a lot."

"Go on." Isabelle encouraged him.

"Cassian forbid Annette from being near him for now. He was fuming. His trust in her seemed to have declined."

"Hmm…" Isabelle's smile faded as she thought deeply. "I am still unsure whether that is what should have happened."

"You did nothing wrong. Remember that." Samuel sounded reassuring.

"Perhaps, but I still feel like I am getting between his highness and his friend."

"False friend." Samuel sighed. "Annette has been quiet since then which makes me think that she might do something outrageous. Be prepared."

"I will be." Isabelle nodded.

"What are you working on now?"

"I am attempting to work out how to plan a ball as I have just taken this horrid task of Cassian's plate."

"He really has no sympathy to give you that to do." Samuel sneered.

"I agreed when he suggested it. He did offer an alternative."

"Why did you agree?"

"Because I just wanted to ease off his load."

"Urgh." Samuel looked down at the papers. "I thought he was much further ahead with this. That seems like impossible to manage in the next two weeks."

"I'll see what I can do." Isabelle looked down hopelessly. "Is there anything else you need from me? If not, I'd like to continue trying to decipher this mess before I have to go to my lessons."

"No, there is no other matter. I just thought that it'll be good that you knew that you gained an upper hand against the duchess."

"It was never my intend to gain an upper hand." Isabelle let out a sigh. She was tired of everything to her core, of the constant threat over her, and constant fear and panic.

"I know." Samuel nodded. "I shall see you again soon. What would you say for another round of chess some day?"

"I think I'm out-chessed for now." Isabelle admitted.

"Already? After just a few games?"

"His highness and I played chess last night when we were alone before and after dinner."

"Interesting." Samuel smiled mischievously. "How did that go?"

"I don't know. I guess that it went well."

"How many times did you win?"

"Six or seven."


"Once after I've actually tried to challenge him."

"Did you let him win?"

"No?" Isabelle didn't sound convincing at all which made Samuel burst into loud laughter.

"Oh well, we can always meet for another horse ride or a sparring session." He shrugged and then bowed his head, leaving Isabelle alone in the library.