Annette’s betrayal

Isabelle managed to sort most of the pieces of paper before it was the time for her lesson. She entered their makeshift classroom and sat down in her usual spot, watching the morning sun trying to break through the thick clouds. Annette was late. Upon her arrival, she seemed in the worst mood yet, grumbling at everything that Isabelle did.

It was the most torturous three hours before lunch and two more after, before Isabelle managed to free herself and return to her new task that awaited her in the library.

She spend her time in the library all the way until dinner and she went back after. Cassian was particularly busy still so there was no delay in her return to the library.

Isabelle read the notes by the oil lamp, her heart occasionally slipping a beat. She didn't let herself feel the new set of emotions that were brewing. At some point throughout the day she realised that Cassian's handwriting was almost identical to Atlas'. It reminded Isabelle of endlessly filled pages of the handwriting with elongated letters and extravagant crosses and perfect curves. She sat in front of the notes and without warning the warm tears graced her cheeks.

It was late at night, way past her usual bedtime, when a maid showed up and passed Isabelle a letter with bright red wax seal. Isabelle opened it and read it with interest.

Isabelle's heart was pounding. The letter was willed with sweet words and expression of longing… it was an invitation to Cassian's chamber. Isabelle felt momentarily thrilled at the letter until she realised why it also seemed odd, beside the obvious - Cassian wouldn't invite her to his chamber.

Isabelle looked down at the table with Cassian's notes spread all over it. The handwriting in the letter might have been equally elegant and beautifully craftes but the letters weren't elongated or tall enough. The handwriting didn't match. Isabelle sat down and re-read the letter. She thought intently about any potential reason as to why someone would have send her that letter and besides thinking that someone wanted her to naively go into Cassian's chamber and then get punished, her mind was blank.


Isabelle thought it at last. It must've been Annette trying to get Isabelle in trouble as a payback for the Isabelle and Samuel fiasco.

Isabelle held onto that letter and decided to retreat to her own chamber. It was late enough and she didn't have the energy to deal with it.

What Isabelle didn't realise was that there was another reason for that letter. No, it wasn't Cassian. After a long day, Cassian retreated to his chamber eagerly getting into his bed and trying to get as much sleep as he could before the morning with the full schedule would come.

He was long covered with a duvet and deep in his slumber when something suddenly sounded from the corner of his chamber. Cassian jumped startled turning the oil lamp on quickly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in surprise, still in half the haze, not fully processing what was happening.

"We both know what I'm doing here." Annette smiled as she untied her nightgown at the end of Cassian's bed, uncovering the naked strip of her body.

Cassian rubbed his face and then looked up, now being shockingly exposed to a the duchess who proudly shone her alabaster cleavage in front of him.

"I do not." Cassian said coldly as he got out of the bed, moving away as if he touched something burning hot. His eyes darkened. Annette however didn't seem to notice his body tense up or she chose to ignore it. She took a step forward which only made Cassian realise the situation and Annette's intentions."Leave." He ordered.

"But Cassian, we both know that you want it." Annette said coyly. Too coyly for someone who was in barely any clothes.

"What do I want?" Cassian's voice cracked as he tried to contain his anger. He tried to look anywhere but Annette. His rage was growing a she realised that he was warned so many times and yet he dismissed every warning because he thought that he could trust Annette.

"You've told me yourself. Your wife cannot fulfil her royal duties. She doesn't know our type, our style. You've asked for me to come, to help. I am more than willing to help." She pushed her nightgown off, revealing her bare body completely.

"Are you mad?! Get out of here!" Cassian reacted like a bull seeing red. He looked away from Annette and pointed at the door. His cheeks and ears were burning and he felt the blood rush through him.

"Why are you acting like this? You laugh at Adeline's idiocy. You admire my capabilities! We both know that you want it!"

"Never, not once, did I consider my wife anything less than perfect. Not even once would I consider what she does an idiocy. And you? I've known you for years. Do you really think I would have married if I thought there was something between us? Get the fuck out of here!!!" Cassian picked up Annette's nightgown from the floor and pulled her by her forearm towards the door, not caring that she was naked when he opened it and pushed her out. Annette however haven't stopped smiling, but rather, her smile was full of triumph and spite, as if she achieved what she set herself to. It only angered Cassian further. "You are treacherous! I can't believe that I have ever trusted you! And how little do you think of me?! I am married! For fuck's sake, I invited you only for my wife. I was fed up of your constant interruptions within a day and if it weren't for her, I would've send you away many days ago. And you dare to even think…!" Cassian momentarily paused as he realised that Annette looked away from him and looked sideways. He followed her gaze and froze. Isabelle looked right at them, holding a letter in her hand Her eyes widened as she took in the scene in front of her, then she looked away in embarrassment, before walking away as quickly as she could. "What did you do?" Cassian asked Annette but he didn't wait for her answer. He stopped mid step and looked at Annette. "You are not to be seen in the castle by the noon and thereafter. I wish not to see you ever again."

Annette opened her mouth widely.

"Seriously? What have I done wrong? Am I not beautiful? Graceful? Am I not good enough to be a princess worthy of Ariadna?!"

"You are not and never will be a princess of Ariadna. Get the fuck away from here!" Cassian yelled once more before he turned away and tried to follow the corridor where Isabelle went. But he did not find her.