Feeling hurt

Once he cooled down a bit from the horrid event, he rung for the maids to help him locate Isabelle, without success.

Hearing the increasing commotion, Samuel came to him, barely wearing a blouse and trousers with a pair of brown boots. It was far from his usual fancy attire.

"Cassian, what has happened?" Samuel asked with concern as he found Cassian bend in half, his elbows resting on his knees, and his nose resting pinched by his fingers.

"You were right." Cassian said with anger and sorrow evident in his voice. "Annette was not a friend I thought she was."

"I see."

"I think Isabelle misinterpreted Annette's actions as something else… she saw me throw Annette out of my chamber."

"Annette was in your chamber?"

"She sneaked in while I was sleeping. I didn't realise until she was in my room. And she was fucking naked. I can only imagine what it looked like when I threw her out."

"Well, yeah, but it's late. Isabelle wouldn't have seen it at 2am."

"She did. She was in the corridor when it happened. I don't know why… whether it was fate or something else."

"Annette." Samuel sighed as he answered the question that Cassian hasn't really asked. "Isabelle saw you throw Annette who was naked out of your chamber at 2am?"

Cassian nodded as he wiped a tear that escaped his eye.

"If she didn't hate me before, she must hate me now."

Samuel was silent. He partly felt that Isabelle must've worked out that Annette was behind the scene but he couldn't guarantee it. There was no conciliation that he could offer.

"What now?"

"Annette has been banished and is going to be stripped of her title. I will send a note to my father to get his approval."

"I meant Isabelle."

"I do not know. I haven't been able to speak to her yet. She run off after seeing me and Annette… I had maids looking for her but no one found her yet."

"I'll help them look."

"Do not try to force her to come to me. Just come back and tell me where she is once you found her. I must be the one that speaks to her."

"Understood." Samuel sighed as he stood up. Cassian stood up after him, barely steadying himself on his feet, joining the search with others.

On the other side of the castle, Annette was screaming obscenities as she cried and packed her belongings. She never thought she'd be rejected and humiliated like that. Not by Cassian who was her friend. She never excepted a man saying no to her. She was perfect after all.

The scene that she has created made many maids giggle and gossip about how the prince banished the duchess after rejecting her.

Morning sun has come out before Samuel entered a long corridor, far away from many rooms and corridors, much more secluded than the rest of the castle.

He slowed down as he looked at Isabelle standing still. She seemed calm as she looked up at the wall. Her blue hair seemed to shine brighter in the first rays of sun that came through the tall window. She wore a cream dress with golden threads that reflected the light in equally mesmerising way.

Isabelle looked ethereal, like a faerie or a goddess.

Samuel hesitated, uncertain if he should approach her. It felt sinful to disturb the peacefulness of the moment. He fears conflicted, unsure whether he shouldn't call for Cassian. But… Isabelle might need the support of the only friend she had in a castle. At the very least he hoped he could diffuse the situation.

"Here you are." Samuel smiled at Isabelle. "Everyone's looking for you."

"That's highly unnecessary." Isabelle replied calmly but malls more coldly than usual. She didn't even grace Samuel with a smile or gaze. She looked up at a portrait of Atlas as if it was going to give her the strength to pretend that she wasn't hurt.

"Cassian is looking for you." Samuel sighed and stood beside her, looking at the portrait too. He didn't see the appeal of it, as he knew that the portrait was of a hyping Cassian and no one else. After a few moments of silence he decided to touch on the subject that he dreaded. "You know what happened. You knew that it was going to happen. I-…" Samuel stuttered.

"I know." Isabelle nodded.

"But you didn't like it. I get that." Samuel was careful as he picked his words. "I've warned you about the duchess."

"I know." She repeated. Her tone of voice didn't change. She was unshaken.

"You knew of her intend."

"Yes, I did."

"Cassian hasn't done anything wrong beyond being naive and stupid." Samuel said carefully as he shifted his gaze and watched Isabelle's profile.

"I know…" Isabelle nodded again but she didn't seem as confident in her words.

Samuel let out another sigh. "A penny for your thought?" He was lost. He didn't have anything else to say. Nothing could make Isabelle hurt any less.

"Well…" Isabelle hesitated as she fidgeted with her hands. "I have loved dearly before. After each and every time I've promised myself that the wall around my heart will be that of iron as every time I was hurt more than before. Since I came here, I've tried to be obedient to his highness. I've tried to remain silent and unseen. Not only to please him, but also to protect myself. I thought I did well. I didn't care for his highness any more than for anyone else. Tonight I have received a note filled with endearing words and asking me to come to his chamber, I was filled with dread but oddly enough, hope. I hoped I was noticed by his highness." Isabelle briefly closed her eyes as she took a deep breath in. "I knew it wasn't him who wrote the note. But I've managed to momentarily lie to myself. And when I saw Annette there, with my own eyes, it made things very real for me. As much as Cassian screamed and threw her away, I broke their friendship. I am in the way of their happiness. And… As you've pointed out before, my marriage with Cassian isn't really a marriage. It is a formality that stood in her way. And… I will never be able to have more in this marriage than what I already have."

"Cassian is searching for you. I think he wants to explain." Samuel said instead of trying to persuade Isabelle of things being different. He felt that Cassian was a much better person to say what he feels and thinks.

"I don't think I need an explanation." Isabelle smiled sadly. "It's unnecessary to dwell on it. However, I would like a little more solitude to be able to compose myself."

"As you wish." Samuel looked at her warily. "If you need a listening ear, you know where to find me."

"Thank you, Samuel." Isabelle looked at him, her eyes momentarily meeting his with all of their deep green shade filled with pain and sorrow. Her eyes was what truly gave away her hurt.