Real name

Cassian looked at Isabelle again and noticed her nervousness. He wanted to reassure her that she was not in trouble but right now he needed to remain composed in front of the foreign royalty, especially the one that he wished he could punish for the harm they have done to Isabelle.

"I don't know what agenda you might have." Cassian straightened up on his golden throne. "I knew of king Edgar's scheme before the wedding. I don't know who you thought you were tricking with those theatrics of yours." Cassian scowled at the two women in the centre of the room again. Isabelle was confused by his words - how could he know?

"Your highness…" Adeline whimpered buckling under Cassian's prowess. It was one of those moments that reminded Isabelle that Cassian was not to be reckoned with. That people feared him and called him a monster. That he fought and won the biggest battle of the century. His eyes darkened and he straightened up making his body seemingly double in size. His crown shone in the creeping sunlight like an edge of a blade ready to slash the enemy. "I never intended to marry you, princess Adeline." Cassian said sharply, lifting his finger and pointing at Adeline. His long finger seemed like that of an executioner, deciding on his latest victim. "I always intended to marry Isabelle."

Isabelle looked at Cassian in shock and fear, glad to not have his finger pointed at her, but also knowing that it soon might be. But Cassian's anger wasn't directed at her. He wanted to marry her?

"I've told you that it's going to be fun." Samuel smiled at her, nudging the side of her arm with his elbow. It didn't help her anxiousness in the slightest. Samuel was with Cassian on the battlefield. They thought side by side. He must've known that side of Cassian well as e didn't seem bothered by it.

"What?" Isabelle uttered in a whisper. She caught a glimpse of Cassian's lip curving up when he briefly looked at her. Her question barely reached his ears but it did. He was happy that he could bring that escapade of Isabelle pretending to be Adeline to an end. "Now, leave, before I find a way for both of you to get a whip on your backs." Cassian said coldly as he waved at the guards who approached the two women in the centre of the room.

"She's a witch! She bewitched you! She's a liar and an imposter!" Adeline had a meltdown but somehow she remained composed enough to walk out before the guards touched her.

Cassian's face twisted into something between smile and a disgust, mixed with utter disbelief.

After Adeline and Beatrice were escorted out, Cassian stood up and started walking towards Isabelle and Samuel. He stopped by Isabelle, looking at her sideways.

"You knew?" Isabelle asked quietly looking right at his face that showed no sign of what it was moments ago, evoking no more fear. Isabelle's cheeks were burning. She could she would have given anything for the Earth to open up and swallow her now.

"That you're a witch or that can speak tongues?" Cassian chuckled as he shook his head, his black hair ruffled in the usual disarray, even with crown holding some of it firmly in place. "Frankly, no, I wasn't aware of either." Isabelle looked at him with a scowl. He must've known what she meant with her question and she wasn't in the mood for jokes. "I did know that you are Isabelle." Cassian admitted, reaching for her cheek and gently stroking it. Isabelle didn't take her gaze off as her upset and anger boiled inside of her.

"Why didn't you say anything, your highness? Why…?" Isabelle gulped. "I've made a fool out of myself and you haven't said a word."

"If you want to be called Adeline, I'll call you Adeline." Cassian said softly. His voice sounded so different and contrasting to his thunder which sounded barely moments ago. "If you want to be called Isabelle, I'll call you Isabelle." He moved his hand away not realising the effect he had on Isabelle.

"I think you should ask him to call you the most magnificent and wisest of all." Samuel suggested to Isabelle with a nudge to her arm.

"We have a meeting to attend to." Cassian spoke to Samuel in a more serious tone. "And indeed, the most magnificent and wisest one, I will call you anything you wish to be called." Cassian looked at her attentively, still seeing her nervousness, and now embarrassment.

"Yeah, the battleships aren't gonna get themselves, are they?" Samuel chuckled at Cassian's use of his words.

"I shall see you at dinner." Cassian said to Isabelle before the two men left the room which still was filled with talking on the far end.

They went towards the conference room for yet another meeting with the councillors and Isabelle watched behind them, not knowing what she should do with herself.

She went to the greenhouse, attending to the increasingly dense foliage. The smell of many plants was intoxicating. Once content with her plants, Isabelle went out to the city again to find musicians and last of the supplies for the ball. With the help from Jane and Mary, she found everything she needed, returning to the castle just before dinner time. Cassian watched as she walked back inside with the wind playing with her cape. He hoped that things were going to get better soon.