
Isabelle put her cape away and then made her way to the dining room. She fidgeted nervously when she walked into the room. She curtsied in front of Cassian and sat down on the other side of the table, bowing her head low. She remembered her earlier embarrassment and since her irritation grew. She was, of course, at fault but she also felt that Cassian further concealed the truth to just make this much more miserable for her.

"How was your day, Isabelle?" Cassian asked with a smile.

"How did you know?" Isabelle asked abruptly. She looked up and her eyes locked on him. They were full of challenge. The timid Isabelle that sat opposite him for weeks was momentarily gone. She didn't have to pretend to be someone else anymore and her real self started to emerge. The real Isabelle who spoke even when not asked a question. The real Isabelle that could wield a sword better than most. The one who knew Latin and mathematics, and showed keen interest in everything around her.

"I knew for years that the first princess of Galbore was you. But I found out about king Edgar's scheme by an accident. One of my people overheard someone speaking about you and they told me of what they heard. I looked into it deeper and it wasn't that hard to find out that you were the intended bride by listening to the many mouths of Galborian servants. It was a relief."

"A relief?"

"Indeed. I was trying to come up with a plan to persuade your father to be able to marry you instead of your half-sister. It was a huge relief that he came up with that weird scheme himself. It made my life easier."

"How could it be a relief? Adeline is…" Isabelle sighed in frustration.

"I've heard enough about her to know that I did not want her to be the princess of Ariadna. Never mind my wife."

Isabelle's eyes widened.

"Are you saying that I-…?" She tilted her head.

"I am saying that I wanted you for my wife and to be the princess of Ariadna. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying." Cassian smiled. "Although, since then I came to realise that you didn't marry me by choice. If I knew that you didn't want this marriage, I wouldn't have allowed for it to happen."

Isabelle's chest tightened. Cassian wasn't wrong. She admitted it before that she wouldn't have married at all given the choice. But hearing it from her own husband was different. It sounded heart-wrenching. He knew that she didn't choose to be with him. And the immense sadness within his blue eyes seemed particularly unsettling to Isabelle.

"It's not quite…" Isabelle looked away, unable to bear the weight of the sorrows in Cassian's eyes. She wished that she could explain that she was opposing marriage and not Cassian but there was no way of explaining it to him.

"I wanted to propose the ultimatum." Cassian said more quietly than before. He seemed vulnerable, smaller, as he spoke.

"Yes?" Isabelle managed to look back at him, too intrigued in his changing tone of voice.

"Next spring equinox, if you wish to be with me, we say our vows in front of everyone. If you're unhappy in our marriage, we annul it. A year. That's all." Cassian looked down briefly. Some inexplicable emotion flashing through his face. "My father agreed that the coronation ceremony should be during the next spring equinox too. It took some persuading, as you may suspect. If we are to renew our vows, we can do so as part of our coronation ceremony… if you decide to annul, we can then decide on the actions that we will undertake."

"I am still very confused."

"Sleep on it before you agree." Cassian smiled slightly.

"No, I am not confused by the ultimatum that you are proposing. I am confused because I still don't understand why you called me Adeline if you knew that I was Isabelle." Isabelle still was troubled by it more so than the ultimatum. She had mixed feelings about the ultimatum but there was nothing standing in the way of agreeing to it. She didn't love Cassian but she didn't hate him. At least she didn't dare to allow herself to love. Not after the first ever heartbreak.

"You introduced yourself as Adeline to the maids. I have decided that if it makes you more comfortable to be called Adeline, then you shall be called Adeline."

"Adeline is…" Isabelle sighed. "You might not see it but Adeline is definitely a much appropriate choice for a princess consort of Ariadna and a Queen consort than I am and ever will be. It seems that you might have an opportunity to right the wrongs and I am not convinced that you are making the right decision by ignoring all of the possibilities." Isabelle said with more confidence than ever before.

"I do not wish to hear any more of it, Isabelle. As I've said, I wished to marry the First Princess of Galbore. I chose you." Cassian said sternly. He didn't appreciate Isabelle trying to persuade him that he should've married someone else. For him, it was Isabelle or no one.

Isabelle nodded unsurely realising that Samuel's words were true. Cassian was stubborn and once set in his way, no one could persuade him otherwise.

"You must know that this marriage doesn't bring you any political advantage." Isabelle said as the last hook.

"I wasn't looking for a political advantage when I married you." Cassian furrowed his brows. His handsome face seemed troubled. He seemed slightly irritated but he was still so calm with Isabelle. His features somehow seemed to soften when he was alone with her. Isabelle studied him, still feeling like she should protest but she bit her tongue and tried to dismiss her thoughts. She didn't understand why Cassian would choose her without wanting some reward from her father for taking her in. "So, with the ultimatum…" Cassian started again.

"Yes, it's fine. A year." Isabelle nodded. "I am fine with the official coronation next year."

"Really?" Cassian asked in surprise wuickly trying to contain his initial reaction.

"I shall remain your wife for the next year and then you can see if you want to continue our marriage. But please remember my requests."

"Of course." Cassian nodded eagerly. "Your wishes were acted upon already. Samuel is dealing with the political intricacies surrounding the trades."

"Thank you." Isabelle smiled softly as she picked another potato and put it onto her plate. Although upset with the sudden reveal, she felt as if a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders.