To the great year ahead

Cassian watched Isabelle almost relax. She continued eating with a smile resting on her lips.

"Isabelle…" Cassian wanted to apologise even more about the occurrence, troubled by Isabelle's passiveness. He wished for her anger but she was compliant. 

"Yes?" Isabelle looked back up at him. "Any more ultimatums?"

"No." Cassian chuckled at Isabelle's suggestion. A knock interrupted their meal and servant shyly walking in. "Yes?" Cassian raised his brows.

"Your highness, as per your request, we brought the ring as soon as we found it." The young maid said as she blushed, holding a little pouch in her hand. She walked up to Cassian and passed it to him. Isabelle observed that interaction with interest. Cassian was good to his staff but yet, many still were wary of him. His build and power he emanated in front of them must've been the main reason. Or perhaps they heard the war stories of how he won the battles.

Isabelle didn't see much of that anymore. She saw as he anxiously opened the pouch he was just given. His hands trembled a little. As soon as he held his wedding band, his eyes glistened with excitement. 

"Where was it?" 

"Guest quarters, your highness, in one of the drawers." The maid answered, still showing some nervousness, not daring to look directly at Cassian. Perhaps it were his piercingly blue eyes? Isabelle pondered.

"Thank you. You will be rewarded as promised." Cassian said, dismissing the maid. Once alone with Isabelle the widest smile crept onto his face as he put the ring back onto his finger. "I am so glad to have it back. The bare finger was bothering me immensely."

"Annette…" Isabelle mumbled as she watched Cassian put the wedding band back on.

Cassian let out a long tired sigh filled with frustration and anger. Annette, once his friend, did so much damage to him and Isabelle. She hurt his relationship leaving a permanent scar on it.

"Yes. I was definitely blind when it came to seeing who is truly a friend or a foe." Cassian admitted which surprised Isabelle who didn't feel like she should be the one hearing him opening up.

"It is challenging to understand human nature, as it is as fickle as a reed." Isabelle smiled softly. 

"Isabelle." Cassian looked up at her. "Would you like to have this ring back?"

"Do you not want it?" Isabelle knitted here brows. She was hurt by the suggestion. She made her requests clear and now…

"You've said that it was from your grandfather."

"Indeed. My request was that you return it when and if you do not want it. As per your ultimatum, there's a year to go."

Cassian nodded tuning the wedding band on his finger until it fell into its rightful place.

"To a great year ahead, your highness!" He raised his glass to Isabelle. This cheered Isabelle up ever so slightly. She was still very troubled internally and felt the storm of emotions. But there was hope in the months to come.

"To a great year ahead." Isabelle raised her glass in return.

"Beside the unexpected visit from your family that you unfortunately witnessed, how was your day?"

"I had a rather quiet rest of the day. I have managed to find musicians for the ball and the right type of parchment paper for the invites. The city is bustling with life and the work to rebuild the houses is way underway. How about you?"

"I was seeing people all day. It was mostly uneventful. Besides…" Cassian paused. "I have summoned you to the throne room because your family requested the last minute audience and I thought they came to see you. I did not expect…" Cassian was apologetic.

"You did not expect Adeline to tell you that you were meant to marry her over me." Isabelle tilted her head. She watched him with amusement.

"You are not surprised with your sister's actions." Cassian pointed out.

"No." Isabelle answered honestly. She smiled although she was hurting. 

"At least it cleared some things up." Cassian smiled, so glad that at least now Isabelle could truly be Isabelle in front of him.

"Indeed." Isabelle's smile weakened but didn't completely leave her face. 

"I am not certain if I understand what has happened to lead to this. Although I knew you were given to me to marry, I am still perplexed as to why you were given as Adeline."

Isabelle froze and stared at Cassian.

"As I've said, Adeline is a gem. She is highly praised in the Galborian court and her hand is very sought after. She was sworn to the hero that ends the war as the highest reward my father could give. It meant not only a perfect trophy wife but also, potentially, the future kingdom." Isabell explained calmly. She let out a long sigh. "This decision was overturned. Adeline didn't want to marry. And I held the title of a princess. My father could marry me away without breaking his promises. But, they were worried that you would be dissatisfied with marrying anything less than the kingdom's gem. Even though I am higher in lineage, I do not hold the same regard as my half-sister. I… I am far from being perfect. I was asked to stand as Adeline in hope that the promise can be fulfilled and that you do not feel that you were given any less reward than promised." Isabelle slowly took a sip of the wine to hide her quivering lip.

"And you didn't want to marry." Cassian stated directly.

"I haven't been given a choice." Isabelle smiled softly. "I did not give myself a permission to think of whether I want it."

"Why are you agreeing to the ultimatum now? You have a choice."

"Perhaps I am seeing the possibilities now that I didn't before." Isabelle looked directly at Cassian, into his blue eyes, but couldn't stop a smile creeping onto her face. "People of Ariadna gave me a truly heartfelt welcome. I… this is the closest to feeling at home than what I felt in a long time." She omitted to say how much Cassian has done for her. 

"I am so glad that you are feeling that way." Cassian beamed. "I am so glad that you are thinking of the ways to support people of Ariadna. Just like your idea for the healing centre."

"Yes! I have started drafting some plans for it. I will be enquiring with the healers to see if any of them will be willing to support the clinic. I enquired for the names of all healers in the kingdom and I will write to them personally. I think it might even be set up before the ball."

"I am so excited to see it happen."

"Talking of the ball, I was wondering if you could confirm the list of the guests. I do not want to miss anyone important off."

"I should have a list in my study. I'll pass it to you shortly."

"Thank you, Cassian." Isabelle felt the excitement wash over her.

"I am very happy to support you, Isabelle."