God of Heaven is coming

"You're awake? My name is Erik. Matthew, the ranger here, how come you're here alone."

Dai Xi struggled to return to her previous thoughts, she was clearly in a mine, how could she come outside, and, she remembered that a very handsome man seemed to move, not at all this person in front of her.

Dai Xi had to tell Eric about the "Freshman tradition", but did not tell what happened in the crystal cave.

"This is bullying new students, ah, and such a dangerous place can not just enter, I will give this matter to the principal response."

Dai Xi smiled and refused, "Let's let this little thing be handled by ourselves, and thank you Eric for saving me today."

Eric smiled at the Chinese girl in front of him, it was the first time he met such a special and mysterious girl.

Dai Xi has no serious injuries, she said she could go back by herself, Eric is still worried about the earlier unknown vibration, anxious to find out the cause, so only to escort Dai Xi to a safe location, and then let her go back to town by herself.

Eric quickly weaved through the forest, his nose more sensitive than the average person, and he headed straight for the location of the Crystal Cave.

Matthew's family is the oldest family in the town of Oxnard, shouldering the mission of guarding the town for generations, each generation of the heir is known as the town master, and Eric is the town master of this generation.

Eric saw the collapsed cave in front of him, his fingers were trembling, and he felt a cold whoosh behind his back.

Although he is a town master, but for more than a hundred years, but also only the family from generation to generation said that the Okosha forest was sealed with the white wolf king, his family also because of this legend can not leave the town half a step, but also every day to check the situation of this crystal cave.

Now, the collapse of the Crystal Cave can only mean that the legend is true and the White Wolf King is out!

Eric did not dare to stop for a moment, turned towards the town of Okosha and ran wildly, he had to go to inform the clan.

Dai Xi was having the same dream for several nights in a row, the dream was all about the man in the crystal, she had never seen such a handsome face.

"Dai Xi, you answer this question!"

Bevan looked at the drowsy Dai Xi on the desk and suddenly named her.

Dai Xi did not listen, stammering half a day to answer, sitting in front of her Maria cast a look of contempt.

"Dai Xi, it's normal that the new Okosha still needs time to adapt, but you've been adapting for two weeks now, so I hope you can adjust sooner."

Dai Xi nodded, her eyes drifting to the distant OKosha Mountains. The bell rang and she still didn't hear it.

"You were scared silly in the mountains, weren't you? You're lucky to have walked back alive." Maria approached with her boyfriend Daniel on her arm and sneered.

Dai Xi didn't want to tangle with them and grabbed her school bag and bumped past Maria over her shoulder.

"Don't you dare hit me!" Maria yelled in anger, pointing at Dai Xi's back.

Daniel, however, unexpectedly stopped Maria and whispered a few words in her ear, and Maria then showed a smile and stared at Dai Xi's departing back.

Late at night, Dai Xi walked home, the street is full of garbage, stay alert so as not to step on the homeless.

Suddenly, an old Harley motorcycle stopped in front of her and started circling around her, attracting a large number of homeless people to gather in this direction.

"Pretty girl, want to join us for a glass of whiskey," said an older man in his thirties sitting on a motorcycle, with a black eye patch over his left eye, two terrible scars showing on the forehead of the right side of his face, and a cigarette in his mouth.

Dai xi obviously did not anticipate this scene because her dad had repeatedly warned her not to mess with the bums and jerks on this street.

"No, my boyfriend is still waiting for me to have dinner with him," Dai Xi started to walk forward, making up a boyfriend out of nonsense, trying to tell the group in front of her that she had someone to protect her .

However, the older man was not willing to let her off so easily and came over to block her way, his greasy and cigarette-stained palm grabbed her shoulder, "Tell your boyfriend that you are now my Nick's woman."

Nick, is this street cross street gangster, he likes which woman is a disaster, a few days ago he invited a girl to drink, the girl does not want, directly by Nick to cripple.

Dai Xi just came a few days, of course, is not aware of such news, she shrugged off Nick's dirty hand in disgust, took out the spray in her hand and sprayed it at Nick.

Nick choked and closed his eyes, saying viciously, "Get her! Don't let her get away!"

The surrounding homeless people swarmed, Dai Xi simply can not beat this group of people, before running away , was grabbed by two homeless people, they forcefully clamped her shoulder blades, escorted her to the front of Nick.

"Pop!" A crunching sound, Dai Xi felt his face was on fire and his ears were buzzing.

"You bitch, and dare to spray me, today I will kill you!" Nick threw away the cigarette in his hand, the scar on his face looked even more hideous, his big hand raised high against the right side of Dai Xi's face, with anger in his eyes, homeless around him got excited, or the first time they saw the boss beat up an Oriental woman.

Dai Xi knew that this slap down, her ears must be ruined, struggling hard, but there is no effect, two homeless people grabbed her dead, she resigned to close her eyes, waiting for the slap to fall.

"Stop it!"

Just then, time seemed to stand still as a tall man in a black suit floated down beside Nick like the wind and grabbed the palm that was about to land on Dai xi's face.

"... Who are you?!!!" Nick showed a brief expression of panic, and then immediately burst into a rage, what kind of person dares to stop him, really want to die!

But Nick was not the only one who was shocked, Dai Xi's eyes grew wide with surprise, this man is the man he saw in the crystal mine? He turned out to be really alive!