Hiding a werewolf in the bedroom

"Just give me a minute."

The man's delicate features came close to her, and his silvery blonde hair glowed in the night light, making Dai Xi feel that this was the gods of heaven descending to save her.

After saying that, a clean side kick painfully hit Nick, at once Nick flew half a meter away and fell on the garbage can, scattering garbage all over the place.

Nick spat out a mouthful of blood, covered his chest in pain, and said in horror, "Who are you?!!!"

"I am the king who will make this night unforgettable for you."

The man used only one kick to kick Nick spit blood, the homeless immediately scattered in fear.

Nick was so pissed off that he pulled a wad of dollars out of his pocket and threw it up in the air, shouting, "Get back here! Whoever can catch this man the money is his!"

There are always a few fools who want money for their lives, and they start running towards the man, just before they can swing their fists, they are instantly knocked to the ground by the man.

"The fight is over," the man shrugged off his hand easily and walked over towards Nick, stepping on the hand that Nick had struck Dai xi with and warning, "This girl is one of mine, from now on don't bother her again or your hand will be twisted off by me."

Nick screamed in pain, kept begging for mercy, and said he would never harass Daxi again. The man was very satisfied with Nick's promise, which slowly lifted his foot.

Dai Xi looked at the crisis has been lifted, hurriedly grabbed the school bag and ran in the direction of home, for her, this evening encountered things like a dream.

The man looked at Dai Xi's back as she left and sighed helplessly, "The little girl really doesn't know how to be polite, she left without even saying goodbye."

Then, bending down, he picked up a bright shiny object on the ground, and then the man disappeared into the darkness.

Dai Xi ran frantically, finally seeing the lights of home and her heart calming down as she pondered how to tell her biologist dad what had happened over the past few days.

Would her dad believe her if she told him that she witnessed a man come back to life from the crystal and that he saved her from Nick?

Oh! It's all true, but it sounds really stupid!

Her hands darted through her school bag, keys, where did the keys go?

"Is that what you're looking for?"

The man's voice came from behind her, Dai Xi turned around nervously, a set of keys appeared in front of her eyes, she tried to force herself to squeeze out a smile to this man, reached out and took the keys, "Tha..." .

the man fell to the ground with a thud.

"Hey! What happened to you?" Dai Xi hurriedly squatted down to check the man, it seems that this person is not pretending.

His forehead was bloodied by small stones on the ground.

Probed the nasal breath, not dead, just fainted.

Dai Xi couldn't leave him outside alone, so he had to take out the key and go into the house to check if his father was there.

Fortunately, her father is still out in the backyard doing his experiments. Every time he does his research, it's like his ears were blocked up and he couldn't hear anything.

Dai Xi quickly seized the opportunity to get this man into her bedroom to hide.While dragging him hard, she was glad that she often exercised, otherwise she really couldn't afford to drag this man.

With great effort, she finally dragged the man into her bedroom, which was usually very large, and suddenly seemed very crowded.

The man was still motionless as he had seen in the crystal for the first time, so Dai Xi had to let him lie on her bed first, and then tiptoed downstairs to the refrigerator to find food.

She thrust a few bites of bread into her mouth, and went upstairs with the rest of the food, thinking she must give the fellow something to eat when he woke up.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw that the man had woken up, and the first thing he said when he woke up was: "Your room is so small." "

"I should have left you outside, it's spacious outside," Dai Xi said angrily, and then picked up a fruit knife and began to peel the apple in her hand.

The man did not continue to bicker with her, closed his eyes, he was sealed for a hundred years, after re-awakening, the ability of the body has not been completely stable, so there will be a sudden faint.

At the moment, he is still very weak and needs to recuperate in her room for a few days, so it is best not to annoy her.

"By the way, what's your name? My name is Dai Xi. "


"You.." Dai Xi tried hard to make his expression as tactful as possible, "How did you survive in that crystal?"

But, it still sounds very straightforward.

Louis came to life at once, braced himself and moved closer to Dai Xi, "You were the one who broke my seal!"

"Oh!" Dai Xi was startled by his sudden approach, her hand shook, the knife cut his finger, and bright red blood flowed out of the wound.

At this time, Louis seemed to be stimulated by something, and instantly turned into a wolf body, a huge silver-white wolf stood on Dai Xi's bed, and the bed collapsed with a bang, followed by Dai Xi's screams.

This loud noise still caused trouble, Dai Xi's father felt the vibration in the backyard, he walked quickly to the stairs, shouted: "Sweetheart, are you okay?" What happened?"