Louis deals with Dai xi

Maria was frightened by Louis's momentum, did not dare to make any rebuttal, and obediently got out of the way.

Just then, Louis appearance in public also attracted the attention of the Matthew family, and the town guardian in his black robes set eyes on Louis.

Louis keenly noticed the stranger and said to Dai Xi, "Let's go."

The two hurriedly left the school and headed for Dai Xi's house, while a town guard followed them.

The town guard felt the unusual aura on Louis, and recently, the White Wolf King came out, making him have to pay attention to all strange people.

However, with his cultivation, there is no way to test Louis's identity, and he must go back and inform Eric. After he confirmed the specific location of Louis, he quickly returned to the family for help.

"Quick, my father hasn't come home from the research institute yet, hurry upstairs," Dai Xi tiptoed open the door, looked left and right, there was no one at home, and urged Louis.

However, Louis had already entered Dai Xi's room from the new path , and Dai Xi rushed upstairs, opened the door of the room and said, "How did you get up?" "

"I jumped straight to the tree trunk and jumped in through the window."

Louis pointed to the stout maple tree outside the window, from which he jumped to the trunk in the morning and then onto the road to make sure he didn't alarm Deming.

"You are quite smart, indeed the jumping ability of wolves is strong." Dai Xi looked at the maple tree that was at least 2 meters away from the window and praised it from the bottom of his heart.

Louis was very satisfied with Dai Xi's praise, but pretended not to care, and sat back on the bed proudly, "Go get some food for me, I've been looking for you outside for a day, I'm hungry."

"I've found you something to eat, can you do me a favor?" Dai Xi remembered Maria's troublesome couples party and wanted Louis to help her finish.

Louis was interested, but pretended to be cool :"What's the matter?"

"Pretend to be me .."

There was a noise downstairs, as if someone was knocking on the door.

Louis immediately got up from the bed, went to the window and glanced at the door downstairs, there were 5 people in black robes, the one knocking at the front was wearing a black jacket and a shotgun on his belt.

The visitor is not good.

"It seems to be coming at you," Dai Xi said, leaning over to Louis and staring downstairs.

"You first help me avoid this group of people, and I will help you." Louis has not fully recovered yet, and now if he clashes with them, it will be tricky to solve.

Louis avoids as much as he can.

Dai Xi had a joyful expression on her face, "I'll take that as a yes !"

Louis didn't know what he was going to face in the future, just wanted to get rid of the trouble downstairs immediately, and nodded .

Dai Xi was satisfied at this time, opened the wardrobe, pushed him inside, then covered Louis with clothes, and then closed the wardrobe door.

"Hello. What can I do for you?".

Dai Xi smiled and opened the door, and said politely to the group of uninvited guests outside the door.

"It's you," Eric beamed, "remember me?"

"It's you! How are you here," Dai Xi recognized the person in front of her as the ranger who saved her in the forest last time, "Eric! "

"That's the case, recently in the forest is the hunting period for wolves, we have a record of every wild wolf, but recently found a wolf appeared in the town, we recently received a call from the residents here, saying that it seems to see wolves appear in this vicinity, so we came to check to ensure the safety of the residents."

Of course, Dai Xi knew that Eric was telling a lie, they really came for Louis, and she had to keep Louis safe, otherwise her couple's party would come to an end.

"Oh, I see. Well, is there anything I can do to help?"

Eric said straight to the point, "Can we go inside and have a look? Animals are very fond of activities in the backyard. "

Dai Xi got out of the way and made a gesture of please, "Of course, please come in."

"How many people are in your family?" Eric asked a few others to go to the backyard to check it out, and he was left alone in the living room with Daixi.

"Just me and my father," Dai Xi poured Eric a cup of coffee, without showing any weird expression on her face.

"Haven't you met any new friends lately?" Eric asked with a smile as he took a sip of his coffee, taking out a metal box like a compass with a blue gemstone set on the top, fiddling with it left and right.

"What is it?"

"Oh, this is a wolf finder that can sense if a wolf is nearby, and if there is this gem it will glow," Eric introduced Dai Xi.

Dai Xi suddenly became nervous, what if it sensed Louis, this Eric should not be a simple ranger identity, he will definitely have some spells, can deal with Louis.

Suddenly, the Wolf finder jewels lit up!