
"Don't worry, I'm just showing you," Eric explained that.

Dai Xi just broke out in a cold sweat on her head, and she thought it sensed Louis.

"Eric, I've checked for nothing," the town guard came over and reported to Eric.

Eric exchanged a look with the town guard who was following Louis, and the town guard confirmed again that he saw a strange person enter the house, and he didn't know why he didn't see that person.

"Dai Xi, can we go upstairs and have a look?" Eric picked up the wolf finder and headed for the stairs.

Dai Xi immediately stepped forward to stop him, "Eric, the upstairs is all bedrooms, private space, you are not convenient to go up, right?"

"Madam, we have the authorization of the police department, and we have the right to look into the residents' rooms. Please cooperate!"

A town guard who followed Eric pulled out an official document authorized by the police department, which made it clear that he had to go upstairs.

Dai Xi had no choice, so she had to lead them upstairs, thinking that if Louis was sensed, she would hug Eric's thigh and buy Louis a little time to escape.

Dai Xi opened the door of the room nervously, Eric nodded slightly at her, and then stepped in, carefully watching the reaction of the wolf finder in his hand, his hand slowly approached the desk, under the bed... Finally to the location of the wardrobe.

Dai Xi's eyes were fixed on the sapphire, Eric's hand was getting closer and closer to the wardrobe, she felt like she was almost unable to breathe, and her heart was beating wildly.

"Eric! There's movement over there in the forest! "

Another black-robed teenager ran up from downstairs and shouted anxiously at Eric.

Eric immediately put away the wolf finder and said to Dai Xi: "Excuse me, I'll invite you to dinner another day to apologize."

Then, he hurriedly left Dai Xi's home with a group of people.

Dai Xi looked at the back of their departure, slumped on the bed with her hands, just now she felt that she was about to go to heaven, too nervous!

"Louis, are you all right?"Dai Xi hurriedly opened the wardrobe and said with concern.

"I"m fine, you are doing well." Louis slowly got out of the closet and gently patted Dai Xi's shoulder.

"Please take this and be sure to come!"

Dai Xi handed the party invitation to Louis, who took it and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Got it."

"But why didn't the wolf finder work for you?"

Dai Xi was curious, just so close, the wolf finder did not react at all, as if it was broken.

" I'm the Wolf King, and the Wolf finder is totally disabled, so it might work against ordinary werewolves".

Louis is much more powerful than Dai Xi imagined, a hundred years ago with the Matthew family of that great battle, Louis alone killed half of the Matthew family's town guardian, and finally only Isabelle and Timothy's grandfather remained.

"Well, you've done well these days, and I should go."

"Go? Where are you going? Has your body healed?"

Although Dai Xi is usually a little annoyed by Louis calling around, but after getting along for so long, there is also a little affection between them, and he suddenly said to leave, she was still a little uncomfortable.

"As you heard, Eric has gone into the forest, the other werewolves are in danger, and I must return to keep them safe."

Louis tidied up his clothes, exuding the majesty of a king all over his body, and his eyes looked into the forest in the distance.

Dai Xi had to admit that Louis became serious and still had the momentum of a wolf king.

"Are you sure you're okay with that?"

Dai Xi was still afraid that something would happen to him, there were a large number of people on the side of the town guard, and Louis was only one person.

"I'm leaving." Louis jumped on the window, leaned down, landed lightly on the grass like a bird, and then disappeared at the end of the road.

"Good luck!" Dai Xi shouted standing by the window.

Louis transformed into a huge silver-white fur wolf and jumped into the forest, and as soon as it entered the forest, it smelled a strong bloody breath.

Not good. Someone must have been caught.

The surrounding leaves were stained with blood, and Louis followed the bloodstains all the way.Whoever hurts its people will make them pay.

A whimpering reached Louis's keen ears, and he quickly approached the source of the sound.

"Don't be afraid, the king is coming."

Louis said to the little wolf whose hind legs were clamped by the wolf trap released by the town guard.

The little wolf howled in warning at Louis's approach, "Don't come over..."