Couples party

"If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, just come to me.Well, in a different mood, can I treat you to lunch?" Eric said with a smile.

"Sure." Dai Xi couldn't refuse an invitation from the man who had saved her twice.

Just as the two were about to leave, a teenager in a black robe appeared, called Eric aside and said something.

"Sorry, Miss Dai Xi, looks like we'll have to make another appointment ." Eric turned over and said to Dai xi.

"It's okay, thank you for today." Dai Xi decently thanked again.

Eric took out a business card and handed it to Dai Xi, signaling her to contact him at any time, and then quickly left with the black-robed boy.

"Daniel told me you befriended Eric, and I thought he was joking, but I never thought it was true."Maria suddenly appeared behind Dai Xi and said in a gloomy voice.

Dai Xi didn't want to care about her and was ready to pack up and leave.

Maria stopped in front of her and said, "Remember our party, don't try to hook up with a guy temporarily, you don't even deserve Eric, his family background is very powerful, he won't like a poor girl like you."

"Eric and I are just friends and never wanted to be with him. Don't worry, I'll be on time with my boyfriend!"

Dai Xi bumped away from Maria and walked straight to the classroom, leaving Maria behind her to go crazy with hatred.

Why do a few good men like to talk to Dai Xi!

Dai Xi looked sadly at the forest in the distance, what to do, today is already Friday.

Will Louis forget their agreement?

On Louis's side, the little wolf's wounds are almost healed, and they are rushing to Andele's former home.

"How far away?"

Luis asked, as he was getting further and further away from the town of Okosha.

"There are still 5 kilometers, not far ahead."

The little wolf replied in Ethan's arms.

"My king, is there something you haven't dealt with yet?" Ethan looked at Louis with a preoccupied look.

"It's okay, keep going,"

As night fell, they finally found Andelle's old home, but the house was turned into a mess, which did not bode well for them.

What they wanted might have been taken.

Ethan and Jack searched all over the house again. Nothing of value was found.

Louis found a secret compartment in the room. The trigger was turned on, but to his disappointment there was nothing in it either.

"Come and see, my king!"

Ethan shouted, pointing to a mud footprint on the wooden floor.

Louis leaned down and sniffed, and said in a deep voice, "It's the scent of the Kenai Mountain wolves."

Ethan carefully inspected the size and pattern of the footprints, and agreed with Louis.

"My king, is it time for us to meet Andrew."

"Nothing is more important than the Seal Stone, we must get it and leave for Andrew's territory immediately." Louis said very firmly.

Dai Xi lost count of how many times she looked at her watch, she glanced at the portrait reflected on the glass, painted with heavy eye shadow and big red lips, she seemed like a clown being teased.

It was 2 hours before the party started, and Louis was late in showing up.

Dai xi hated herself for putting her hopes in a werewolf who wasn't even human.

She felt that she was simply stupid, and she had googled werewolves as the most voracious and cunning species in the world.

Dai Xi stood in the cold wind and sniffed a bit, she had been waiting for an hour and a half at the intersection she had agreed with Louis.

She squeezed her dinner bag. Even if she was on her own today, she was going to be on time for the party.

Dai Xi rang Maria's doorbell and the person who opened the door was Maria, who couldn't wait to see Dai Xi make a fool of herself.

As a result, the door did not let her down, Dai Xi came alone, holding a bouquet of cheap flowers.

Maria took it anyway, "Why are you so late? Didn't we agree to bring our boyfriends along?The theme of the party is the couple, you now come alone to participate, a little inappropriate, right?"

Dai Xi is a little embarrassed, her own words were too full before.

"Well, Dai Xi come are here, come in and play together," female classmate Amy pulled Dai Xi in the house.

"My boyfriend seems to have been delayed by something urgent today, so he couldn't come to attend, sorry about that." Dai Xi explained.

Maria rolled her eyes and mocked, "Too far-fetched, right? How could you possibly have a boyfriend, I knew you were lying."

"Liars are not popular with everyone," Daniel said as he approached in a black tuxedo.

"Well, don't be so childish Daniel, she's just a stupid girl that no one likes, leave her alone and let's go get a drink."

Maria took Daniel's hand and walked away.

Amy came over and gave Dai Xi a glass of juice and said comfortingly, "Never mind, it's good that you're taking this opportunity to get to know the other students."

"Thank you." Daxi looked at Amy gratefully.

"Amy, why don't you come over and drink with your boyfriend, what are you doing there!" Maria shouted from the drinks table.

"I'll go over there," Amy smiled very apologetically and walked over.

Dai Xi looked at a room of couples, the head slowly lowered, the ears continue to unfriendly sound.

"What the hell, I really don't like people who lie, just say no if you don't have a boyfriend."

"I really don't know what the new students are thinking."

Dai Xi felt like there were needles sticking her in the chair, there was no way to stay here, she said softly, "Sorry...I"

The gate was opened with a bang! A man in a navy blue suit appeared, with deep eyes under a head of silvery-gold hair, lips as red as a morning rose, and fair skin glowing under the moon.

"Sorry to bother you all, I'm Dai xi's boyfriend, Louis Cavendish. "