Dai Xi became Louis's hostage

"Louis, you seem to be hurt?"

Amy pointed to Louis' left hand and said.

Dai Xi looked at Louis' hand, which was covered in blood, and immediately said with concern, "Are you okay?"

Louis took out a handkerchief from his pocket, elegantly wiped off the blood on his hand and smiled apologetically, "I'm very sorry for scaring everyone, I just met a banged up kitten on the way here and helped it deal with the wound and accidentally got blood on it."

He looked tenderly at Dai Xi, "I was delayed by an emergency today, did you have a good time? Dai Xi?"

Maria walked up incredulously and asked, "Are you really Dai Xi's boyfriend?"

"Yes, I'm Dai Xi's boyfriend, do you have any questions about this?"

Louis asked Maria ,as he put his arm around Daxi.

Maria couldn't accept the fact before her eyes, how could Daxi have such a handsome and excellent boyfriend!

No, I have to make Dai Xi embarrassed in front of everyone!

Maria walked briskly to the table, grabbed a cocktail, and then deliberately spilled the wine on Daixi as she walked towards Louis.

She pretended to scream accidentally, but she didn't expect Louis to react extremely quickly, turned around and blocked the drink with her back, and asked softly, "Are you alright? Dai Xi. "

Dai Xi shook his head, and Louis was relieved.

"I'm really sorry, the floor is so slippery."

Maria pretended to apologize, and then said something that everyone did not expect.

"Louis, maybe you don't know much about Dai xi, her family is not a famous family, her father is just a nerd who only knows how to study animals, Dai xi even picked up plastic bottles from the school trash can last week."

Dai xi was keen to explain that she went to pick up the garbage cans for the sake of the environment because her father had told her that the plastic garbage would affect the ecology of the animals in the Okosha forest.

Every year, a large number of animals die from eating plastic waste.

Moreover, after recycling the garbage, she also receives a recycling fee, which she can use to buy food for stray animals.

"Dai Xi's father, Professor Dai Min, is an amazing biologist whose research has allowed many endangered animals to be effectively protected every year, and I admire Professor Dai min very much. Dai xi was influenced by Professor Dai min since she was a child, she loves animals very much, and she picks up plastic bottles to protect the ecological environment of animals and make the town of Okosha more beautiful. It is something to be proud of."

Louis' perfect answer, instead, made Maria very embarrassed in front of everyone.

Louis took Dai xi's hand and said, "Let's go Dai xi, it doesn't seem that interesting here."

Late at night, in Okosha Park, the moonlight pours on the lake.

"Sorry I'm late," said Louis, looking at the lake.

Daxi was touched by Louis' words at the party, and her gaze towards Louis unconsciously changed. She always felt that she was alone in Okosha Town, but she never thought that Louis understood her.

"It's okay, thank you for being ..."

"Quick! Over there, grab Louis! " Eric's voice came.

A group of town guards with shotguns chased after them, and Louis pulled up Daixi and ran.

"Eric is here to get you?" Daxi turned his head to look behind him.

" When I came, I was discovered by the town guard guarding the edge of the forest."

Dai Xi then understood that the blood on Louis's hands was stained after fighting with the town guard.

"Are you here for me?" Dai Xi's heart was warm, and the unpleasantness at the party was swept away.

How could Louis admit that he was attracted to the little girl in front of him, and dodged the question, "Watch the road carefully."

"Oops! The White Wolf King also took a hostage, what should I do? Eric! "A chasing town guard reported anxiously.

Eric stopped, picked up the telescope and looked, the girl was Dai Xi!

He panicked in an instant and shouted; "The hostages must be kept safe and Louis must not be allowed to hurt her!"

"Where are we going?" Dai Xi looked at the increasingly unfamiliar place, she could hardly run, the group behind her like rubber candy, simply can not shake off.

"Go to Cavent Garden, which is closest to the forest, and I have my subordinates there to meet me."

Dai Xi watched more and more town guards coming towards them. She said to Louis, "Take me hostage and let them let you go."

Today, Louis was in Okosha for her, and it was her duty to get him out of here safely.

"I don't need a woman's protection," Louis pushed Daixi aside and faced the town guard independently, and they pointed shotguns at Louis's head.

"Louis!" Dai Xi shouted with concern.

"I'll be fine, don't worry, you go home soon." Louis was not at all afraid of the shotgun threat and even took a step forward.