Fierce fights

"Louis, you have a lot of nerve, how dare you take hostages!" Eric was very worried about Dai Xi's safety and rushed up to Louis and yelled at him.

"Eric, it's not what you think!" Dai Xi shouted, "Louis he won't hurt me."

"Dai Xi, I know that you said this because of his threats, wolves are bloodthirsty and aggressive, don't be afraid, we will protect you." Eric raised the shotgun in his hand and aimed it at Louis, as long as Louis dared to move, he would hit his head!

"Are the wounds on your hands done?" Louis taunted, "And you want to catch me with that?"

Louis turned his head over to tell Daxi to go away, lest the fight accidentally hurt her, but Eric thought he was going to hurt Daxi, and pressed the trigger, and a bullet flew toward Louis' brow.

"Louis, look out!" Dai Xi shouted anxiously.

The werewolf's reflexes far exceeded those of normal people, and the bullet seemed to stop in the air. He gently deflected his head, and the bullet was easily dodged, hitting the wooden railing behind him, which split in half instantly.

Louis took the form of a wolf and pounced on Eric, they instantly panicked and rushed to dodge the sharp claws of the white wolf.

They are sure to lose an arm if they are caught by the claws.

A town guard took the opportunity to protect Dai Xi, and Eric could now fight with Louis with peace of mind, he shouted: "Shoot at the wolf, shoot Louis!"

"Don't shoot! Louis he's not a bad guy, don't shoot! "

However, the sound of the fight was so loud that everyone could not hear her clearly.

With more than a dozen shotguns firing at the same time, even if the wolves' reaction ability was strong, they would have to be beaten into a sieve!

"Ethan, it's time," Louis said to the bushes behind him as he swept one of the town guards away with his tail.

As he spoke, a tree trunk with a diameter of one meter fell from the sky, stopping all the bullets. A blue eyed black Wolf stood on it, showing its sharp fangs at them.

Two giant wolves, one white and one black, roared at them in demonstration, and Eric did not realize the seriousness of the matter, had no intention of retreating, and still ordered to continue shooting.

Ethan jumped off a tree trunk and lunged at the town keeper, who was still pulling the trigger, tearing off one of his arms.

The town guard rolled on the ground in pain, blood gushing out, the scene was very bloody.

The first time Dai Xi saw such a picture, she began to vomit.

"Retreat!" Eric finally began to retreat, taking Dai xi's hand, and under the cover of gunfire, they evacuated to safety.

Louis saw them start to run away, and did not continue to chase.

They have to hurry up and find Andrew. Louis had deliberately returned to Okosha Town for Daixi's party, which had delayed them a lot of time.

"My king, is that girl just now why you came to the town of Okosha? "

Then Ethan understood why his king had suddenly offered to turn back to the town of Okosha, on their way to Andrew.

Turning back to the town of Okosha was a very stupid decision, which allowed them to run more

than a hundred kilometers.

"She's the one who unsealed me. I owe her, and now I'm done ."

Ethan was surprised, it turned out to be a human girl unsealed the White Wolf King, how this was done, legend has it that only the descendants of Atlantis could be have a way to unseal the White Wolf King.

However, Atlantis has long been sunk in the ocean, and descendants are almost extinct.

"My king, the identity of this girl is not simple, do we need to send someone to investigate, if it can be used by us, then it will definitely help us fight Andrew and Eric."

Louis was surprised by Ethan and rejected the suggestion.

"Don't involve innocent people in our werewolf grudge, I've already investigated, she's useless to us." Louis concealed the usefulness of Daixi's blood.

A panda spring can make werewolves and Matthew's family enmity for generations, and if werewolves know that Dai Xi's blood can cure their diseases, then this girl will not survive.

He didn't want to see the horrific scene of a girl supplying blood to a wolf clan.

Ethan did not dare to refute Louis, the White Wolf King was an absolute authority for them werewolves.

"My king, your body is not yet fully stable. Is there anything wrong with you after this fight?"

Louis caught his breath and replied, "Never mind. Go and get Jack. It's time for us to find Andrew."

Dai Xi was scared today, she didn't know that werewolves were so fierce.She recalled her rude attitude towards Louis, and it was a blessing that Louis didn't hurt her!

"Are you all right, Dai Xi?" Eric handed over a bottle of water.

"I'm okay, thank you." Dai Xi looked at the town guard who was dragged away by the ambulance and asked, "He won't die, right?"