Chapter 3: Answer

Nanon's POV

It was my 1st day at this new primary school. Since my dad got better job in this city our family moved here. I didn't like here. I missed my friends from old school. This new school makes me worried. What if no one likes me here? What if I don't have any friends? What if my parents moved again if I got friends here? There were so many what ifs. So I was sitting silently when all the kids were talking about me.

Suddenly two boys, one with small eyes and another with long eyebrows and big smile came and sat next to me.

"Hi I am Chimon. You can call me Mon" the white boy said with cute smiling face.

"Hi I am Ohm. You can call me Ohm" the big eyed boy said and immediately got a smack from Chimon.

"Your name is already short dummy" he said.

"Oh I thought everyone should say like that" ohm said, which made me smile.

"Now look who is smiling, you have dimples while smiling" Chimon said poking my dimples, "What is your name? Why are you silent,looking sad?"

"I am Nanon. I am new here. I don't have my friends here."

"Then we will be your friends" Chimon said and Ohm nodded enthusiastically.

"Wait how do they call you? Na? Nan? No?" Ohm was going on so I interrupted him.

"You can call me Non" I said.

As they said they became my friends and I was happy staying here. They were always with me. We had so much fun.


It was Chi's birthday. I like calling him Chi he also didn't say anything about it. I met his dad. His dad was tall, pale man. His voice was very loud. Chi cut his birthday cake and fed his father then fed me and Ohm.

"Hey Chi where is your mom?" I asked handing him the present with Ohm.He just showed his mother's photo hanging on wall.

After that Ohm and myself brought him to our house, making him speak with our moms. We thought he should also experience mother's love like us. He looked really happy when talking to our moms.


"Who is that girl?" I asked to my friends pointing towards the girl at opposite table.

"She is P'Puimek, senior of us by two years" Chi replied.

"She is very beautiful" I said and Ohm nodded in agreement.


We joined in same college, same course. We became inseperable. We had sleepovers at any one of our house when we were free, no basically when they were free. I couldn't care less about my studies. I know they will help me. We were in Ohm's house having a movie night.

"Nano shall we go on a bike trip?" Chi asked after watching the leads of the movie going on a bike trip. Ohm was already fast asleep on the couch.

"Then how will Ohm come with us? We can go by car" I said and he agreed.

We soon planned the trip. It was full fun and memorable.


Today was my convocation day no scratch that, it was my friends convocation day. Here I am standing and seeing them taking group photos with staffs, in their convocation dress. Suddenly Chi got off the stage and came to me.

"Hey why are you here? Go up and take photos"

"Leaving you sad and sulking? No thanks"

"Hey I am not sad!" I said trying to be normal.

"Your face doesn't agree with you Nano" he said laughing.

"Hey how am I looking? Do I look good? Oh Non I will let you wear it to take photos...don't worry na" Ohm said wriggling his eyebrows making us laugh.

I am really lucky to have these guys in my life. With Chi's help I cleared the arrear now.

Chi and Ohm were with me at all times. When I first acted on stage during college Chi was there encouraging and taking video, they were there when my father scolded me for not being graduate and jobless. They were there supporting the short film I acted on all platforms. They were with me always like my shadow.


"Hey Nano wake up...Nano wake up now or I am going to slap you" I woke up seeing Chi's face. I should have dreamt about the past.

"Why are you smiling idiot?" He asked. I was not aware I was smiling at him.

"I had a nice dream"

"Ok I am getting off now then you can continue your dreaming" he said and got out. Then only I saw we were at his house.

"Hey Chi" I called him. He came near the cab looking tired, his hand was massaging his shoulder. I should be careful when I am sleeping. He was waiting for why I called him,

"I thought about it"

"About what?" Is he serious?

"I have no reason to reject you" he was still looking confused. Hey I was the one who slept but I am more attentive than him at the moment.

"Idiot let's get married" his lips slowly curved into a smile as he finally got what I was saying. Suddenly his smile disappeared.

"Are you serious? This is not some drunken promise right?"

"Nope I am sober now and I am very serious"I said and he left smiling and I also had a smile. Maybe this is better than marrying some stranger.