Chapter 4: Stranger danger?

One year later

Nanon's POV

What has my life become? Why do I always make hasty decisions and regret it later? Here I am at family court to get divorce. Another result of my bad decision making skill. I shouldn't have agreed to that marriage. It only ruined 20 years of friendship. I felt someone standing near me and glaring at me. Without looking up I know who it is.

"Can you move aside sir" he said to the elder man next to me and sat beside me

"Where is Mon? Has he arrived?" He asked. I shaked my head in no.

"How is Fah?" I asked him without looking at his face.

"Hmm she is good" he said.

"How is your daughter? Have you decided what to name her?" I asked him still not seeing his face.

"You fucker" he yelled and looked around apologetically. "You are sitting here for divorce and worried about my daughter's name!" He whisper yelled.

"I think you guys are taking decisions hastily. I feel everything will be alright if you guys had a decent talk." He said sincerely.

"This is what will happen when you get married without thinking." I said looking at his face. His face was full of worry. I get how he feels, two of his friends getting divorced eventually ending their friendship. It should be equally stressful for him also.

I noticed where his eyes went and saw Chi coming to the court hall. If looks could kill I would be dead by now. Though he was glaring I could see his tired eyes. I feel bad but this is what good for both of us. Ohm got up and went towards him. I caught his hand and asked,

"Hey why are you going there?"

"He is also my friend" he said sternly and left me.

"Hey blue shirt, looks like your friend is trying to save your marriage and make you stay with your husband" someone from behind my seat said.

I turned back there was young man maybe 3 or 4 years elder than me. He was all smiley as if he was in some dreamland.

"Who are you? Stop poking your nose in stranger's business" I said unintrestingly and turned back.

"Nanon Korapat, whatever you may say, you are not getting divorced today" this really made me curious.

"Who are you? Are you crazy? My husband is here and I am getting divorced today, also how did you know my name?" I asked.

"You can think whatever you like but I know what will happen in next 15 minutes" and he started ranting.

"They will call your case number and ask whether you agree with divorce, you will say yes. Same question will be asked to him, he will open his mouth to say something but he will faint and fall. Your friend there will come for help and the stranger there will call for ambulance. It will arrive in 2 minutes, by that time he will wake up. The Judge will postpone your case to 4pm. Though your husband resists your friend will drag him to hospital. He will come back by 4 pm but still you will not get divorce." He said and I gave him one confused look.

"You are really nuts! ambulance will arrive in 2 minutes that too in this city traffic..pfft but nice story" I said and turned back.

"You will be confused whether you will get divorce today or not. If you are confused come and visit this place, my boss will help you in getting divorce." He said handing me a visiting card.

Before I could see the address we were called. The judge asked my agreement and I said yes. The same was asked to him. Why he is taking this long to answer? I thought and looked at his side. He was struggling to keep his eyes open and breathing heavily. Slowly he closed his eyes and was falling. I rushed to his side and held him before he could hit the floor.

Then everything happened as the stranger said. Is this some kind of dream? Or prank? Or my sanity finally left me? I was shocked would be an understament. This was some kind of fantasy film shit!

When I came back to sense I saw Chi in ambulance and Ohm convincing him. I immediately went near the ambulance and stood by the door.

"Are you okay Chi? You alright na?" I asked him and he nodded in response looking at my eyes with small smile.

"Then you will give me divorce when you are back by 4 pm right?"

I could sense his anger from his glare and he asked Ohm to close the door who was also glaring at me. Then the ambulance left. I was dumbstruck. As the stranger said I was really confused now. I took the card and saw the name in card.

Love court

It was written in golden letters with address below. I decided to go there and meet his boss. So I got a cab and gave the address to driver. I was in deep thoughts.

What has my life become now?